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Multi Retro Man

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Files posted by Multi Retro Man

  1. Gold Strike - Broken

    Okay, I will make this my last one for a while as I don't want to detract from the superb releases that are appearing.
    This one is again, with thanks to @Ze Frog and @Wizard for allowing me to release updated versions and for MFME itself.
    Not only does this one have graffiti on it but there is also something else that I adjusted that doesn't actually work as it should. This will be a surprise to you when you play it!!!
    Anyhow, as always, please give any feedback at all that you like, it's all appreciated, and I learn from them in a positive way
    Enjoy everyone


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  2. Bottle Bank - Broken

    Thank you for @Ze Frog for allowing me to use his machines to er, destroy, for want of a better word .
    I think this one has to be my most destructive to date. I have given this a quick play and I have to say, it is quite difficult but intriguing at the same time.
    I thought I'd make parts of the machine graphics removed and have a button put on the wrong way round and another have a simple written piece of paper in place of the previous graphics.
    Reel 3 is probably the worst thing on the machine as it is very difficult to see what is on it. I quite like that in an odd sort of way.
    Anyhow, please let me know if you think I've gone way too far with the changes to the machine or whether it actually works and you enjoy it.
    Thanks in advance for all your feedback and please be honest as I value your opinions and like to know what works and what doesn't..... and I don't mean the bulbs lol.
    Apologies for not giving thanks to the late, great @Wizard but he is always in my thoughts when I do these updates and play MFME. A truly great bloke. I hope you're looking down at these, smiling


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  3. Volcano - Broken

    After the positive feedback regarding my previous broken release, I decided to release my first ever machine that I did (well the updated version anyway) with quite a few different things broken.
    There's a crack on it, the middle reel had got wet (well I tried to make it look like it did) and the colours ran in places.
    Various bulbs are out and some are requiring replacement as they're not bright enough.
    Other parts have dodgy paint areas on and even the LED amount is failing.
    I'm quite proud of this one as it is the machine that got me started doing layouts all those years ago...


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  4. Crazy Fruits - Broken Lights and Paintwork Dodgy Version - MRM

    Many thanks to @No1Stoney for allowing me to release this "faulty" version of his awesome Crazy Fruits.
    I previously released this one in the wrong area so it didn't show up, so realised there was another Miscellaneous section that I didn't see when I was scrolling down the manufacturers list.
    The reason for this was that I have been to a few arcades by the sea and some had bulbs missing and I thought I would do my own version based on a machine that is not looked after at all by the owner of the arcade and here's the result of neglect of the machine.
    It is quite tricky to play, especially with the dot matrix display being faulty, along with a lot of other bulbs that have failed.
    Hope you enjoy this as I thought it was something different.


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  5. Volcano DX 2 - MRM

    As always, many thanks for the awesome emulator to the great, late Wizard.
    Secondly, thanks to @infection for the images.
    Thirdly, thanks to @hitthesix for the help with removing the refill pnd coin message when the machine starts up
    Okay, on with the main changes from release version 1.....
    Updated graphics.
    1) I have edited the top of the machine so that it doesn't show the flash glare like it did before (there is still a little red light reflection on the main VOLCANO lights at the top but I thought it added to the effect and if I removed it, it may make it look wrong).
    2) I changed the lighting for the inner volcano gameplay so the red and yellow lights show okay and don't have any gap in the middle like they did before, as I have learned so much since the original release (the only slight issue is that it only shows the left side light when playing the inner feature but as it's mostly shaded anyway, you can't really tell. I realised this afterwards but think it looks better than the previous version with the gap).
    3) Since I started doing it, I downloaded a manual for the machine and saw that the values and the fruit etc. on the bottom left were separate so I created the separate bulbs for each of them.
    4) I noticed that the light for the BWB logo on the top section wasn't enabled at all so I added that one.
    I did think about using a bulb light but didn't think that the overall effect would look right. I hope you think it looks good and better than before
    The other thing I did was remove the side art as I felt while it looked nice, it detracted from the machine.

    Enjoy, take care and stay safe!!!


       (2 reviews)



  6. The Immortal 300 DX

    I'm hoping this works okay. I copied the files into a different directory without the bak files but it wouldn't work, so I have simply zipped the files from the main directory that I created it.
    Many thanks for @Matty.n for his superb original classic layout.
    Thanks to @infection for his excellent images and @vectra666 for his help and also @Liverpool2008 for his suggestion and help in working out where the DEATH wording goes.
    I've left it at the bottom section and hope it looks okay.
    As always, biggest thanks got to the late, great @Wizard for his amazing emulator, without which, none of these machine layouts would be possible.
    Enjoy the game and I don't know how, but one of the icons for the Victory game got deleted so I recreated it.


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  7. Clover All Over DX - £100 Version

    This is the £100 version of Clover All Over.
    Thanks go to the late, great Wizard for his awesome emulator.
    @andy-1 for the unlocked version.
    @Ginge for supplying and suggesting his updated version of the graphics but I found some other images from a different machine by Reflex and decided to use those because they had the same colour as the previous one.
    If there are any issues, please let me know but I won't be able to update it until tomorrow morning as I'm off to bed now
    Night everyone and hope you all enjoy it. I've not had a lot of chance to play it yet but I'll give it a blast in the morning.


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  8. Clover All Over DX

    After playing the excellent classic release by @andy-1, I loved the gameplay and felt excited doing a DX of it.
    I asked when he would like me to release the DX version and he gave permisson for any time, so I thought I'd share it with you all and he is looking forward to it.
    So as always, first thanks have to go to the late, great Wizard for his awesome emulator.
    Thanks to @andy-1 for providing me with the unlocked version and some images. I decided to keep his arrows as a reminder and so his previous version can be part of my release.
    Finally thanks to Infection for his collection of images for all the machines and I combined 4 different images to create this one machine.
    Hope you all enjoy it as I have


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  9. Reel A Win - DX - Multi Retro Man

    Welcome to my DX version of Reel A Win.
    Firstly, I would like to wish you a very Happy New Year and hope that 2023 will be a good year for you

    Without a do, thanks go to the following:
    The late, great Wizard for the superb emulator.
    Wearacity for the classic and allowing me to do the DX and release it.
    Dad for the image that I used for the machine (I adjusted the bottom section to make it look like a real machine).

    This is the first machine that I have used almost all the lamps for the off-image as I realised that one of the features uses a darker version of the amounts when the lightened image repeatedly scrolls from the bottom to the top and without the off-image, it didn't show any of the lit images at all.
    I used a slightly different number reel along with a slight edit for the colours for the background of them. It's not totally authentic but the colours were nearer to the actual machine rather than the blue that was originally used for the classic layout.

    Finally, enjoy the machine


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  10. Golden Shot DX

    Now before anyone asks, @andy-1 very kindly gave me permission to release this version and sent me the unlocked version so I could include my thanks etc.
    Anyhow, as always, the first thanks must go to the late, great Wizard for his amazing emulator.
    Massive thanks to @andy-1 for the unlocked version and help finding the better images that I used for the symbols and cash amounts under the reels as the original ones were partly lit and some were unlit and I ended up trying to fix them but they didn't look very good so in the end I used the better images and although they're small, they look much better.
    I was going to release it tomorrow but given the rubbish weather and the awful experience I had with Tesco mobile (I won't go into it on here) I thought I'd release it so it hopefully cheers everyone up
    Hope you all enjoy this machine as I enjoyed working on it


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  11. Al Murrays DX by Multi Retro Man

    Okay, where do I begin? Well I started this months and months ago and after straightening the machine up, I quickly realised how much effort had gone into the classic by @Reg especially on the dartboard lighting and thought I might not be able to actually do the DX after all.
    Anyhow, after doing other ones and not thinking I couldn't do it, I thought I will do it and I have done so
    As always with my thanks, it has to be to the late, great Wizard for his fanastic emulator. Still saddens me to think he's not with us any more.
    Thanks to @Reg for the classic layout in the first place.
    Thanks go to @infection as I'm sure I got the image from his collection and if not, I would still like to thank him for his efforts getting all he currently has.
    I have created 3 images on the top right that show £5, £10 and £20 inserts. The lighting next to the coin insert is for inserting £1. I think I took the lockout off but if not, simply edit it and disable the lockout option, then you can tap it to insert £1.
    Keys are the usual ones with the additional numeric keypad 123456 for the hi left, middle and right etc.
    Now the good bits and bad bits.
    Good - It works fine and I haven't found any issues
    Bad - I cannot work out what light it needs for 50p play, so I used the same one as the 30p play. If anyone knows what it is, please let me know and I'll update the additional messages so you can edit it or I can update it as required.
    Finally, as always, I hope you enjoy playing the machine and I hope you all stay safe and keep well.


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  12. JPM Golden Bars DX by Multi Retro Man

    After only finding one image for this, courtesy of @infection, it was a sideways image, so I tried to adjust it and make it look as straight on as I could get it and after lots of fiddling about, I managed to get it to look how I wanted.
    Thanks, as always, go to the late, great Wizard for his awesome emulator.
    Other thanks must go to @vectra666 for his help with the graphics for the matrix for the cash amounts and little other updates that I used
    It's a machine that I thought the lighting was wrong on the cash amounts, but the 3 red 7's are right. The cancel and take buttons seem to be the wrong lighting but I did it that way so they go from right to left in attract mode.
    I edited the reels images to match the actual machine because the bars were the wrong colours, the blue star was a red bar and the red and blue 7's didn't look right so I had a go at editing them and whilst not perfect by any means, I think they don't look too bad.
    If I make any further edits to the reels, I'll upload the images here so you don't have to redownload the files again.
    Anyhow, if you find anything not right, please let me know and I'll try my best to sort it


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  13. Beaver Uncovered DX

    Firstly, I wish to dedicate this to our late, fantastic Queen andgive my love to the Royal Family at this sad time.
    This machine was one I wasn't sure about and it took my all my skills I've learned over the last couple of years since I started using the image editing program GIMP (no it's not rude before you ask).
    One thing I didn't know at the start was that the Club Pass had 2 different colours and I tried to make sure that each one had the correct colours compared to the arcade machine. I managed to get a screenshot from a YouTube video and rotating, cropping and various colour temperature etc. editing each image from it and putting it into this design.
    I did honestly think it would take me about 3 weeks or more to do but once I got started, I found it quite easy to do and getting the colours for some things right was also fairly easy to do, once I got my head round what needed to be done.
    Thanks as always go to the late, great Chris aka Wizard for his awesome emulator, without which, none of the machines would be available.
    I would also like to give thanks to @vectra666 who very kindly supplied updated, proper reels images for this machine, which I think look awesome and really finish the machine off nicely and @infection for the various images he has provided for all the many machines.
    Finally, I don't think there are any issues and one thing I am really pleased with is the bottom right image that I edited and think it looks like the real thing.


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  14. Pie Factory 2 - MRM

    Hi, I decided to release this as it was originally released by duplu on another website back in 2007 then I didn't realise that @Ross (I presume you're the same Ross?) released a DX of this in 2013, until after I had completed my version.
    Anyhow, I used some of the original images for certain things like the cash amounts on the top part and the features because I didn't think using the machine's image would be good enough.
    Many thanks as always to the late, great Wizard for his amazing emulator and help that he's given me over the short period that I started doing the DX layouts but I'm so greatful to him for his help.
    Okay, the one thing I'm not too happy about is the dot matrix but no matter how I tried, I just couldn't get it to look perfect. I tried putting a larger version at the bottom of the machine but I felt it looked a bit silly and it still wasn't right, so I just left the old one in.
    Oh I nearly forgot, this was the first layout I've done using merged/blended lamps for the +1, +2 and +3 and it looks okay but when you get to the game, I think it's a bit too bright on a couple of parts but I hope you don't mind too much.
    As always, take care everyone, stay safe and I hope you enjoy my release and you are doing okay


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  15. Grab The Bank DX by Multi Retro Man

    Part touchpad and part mouse created (much faster with the mouse) I'm pleased to release Grab The Bank. The original image I used was not very good so I managed to edit out all the lighting issues and tried to get it to look as realistic and as good as it can be. The hammers I managed to find from a YooToob video and did a screenshot of it and managed to edit it and used it in this machine.
    Okay, so as always, the first and always will be first thanks, go to the late and great Wizard for this superb emulator.
    I started this a while ago and thank everyone for their input and help that they've given me (please accept my apologies for not tagging you but I forgot who did what; I blame my age!).
    I find it a slightly confusing machine to play at times but with the odd bit of luck, I got the jackpot a couple of times.
    Anyhow, as always, hope you enjoy this one and I really enjoyed making this one.


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  16. The Big Match by BWB - DX'd by Multi Retro Man

    Here's my DX of the BWB game, The Big Match.
    First thanks go to, as always, the late, great @Wizard for the fantastic emulator.
    Next to @Leeham for the original release.
    Finally, thanks to @infection for his image database. I hope I have done a good job in everyone's eyes, because the original was taken sideways on and it took me quite a bit of editing to get the left corners put together to look like a proper machine.
    I used the shirt image for the GOAL options at either side of the net and edited the image so it looks like it's lit (not 100% happy with it but I figured it looks okay).
    With the lack of images foor the nudges, I used the text colour blue and it has white edges but I think that's something to do with the emulator as I have found this on a few machines and thought I'd leave it as it is, unless someone has images of the nudges etc.
    I also put the repeat text under the jackpot amount as I wasn't sure where it could go otherwise, so if anyone has any suggestions or images to suit, please let me know and I'll update the machine
    Hope you all enjoy the machine and as always, stay safe and take care!
    P.S. This was done using a mouse instead of the laptop's touchpad and I found it easier and quicker to use it.


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  17. Crazy Fruits Community Party - Bell Fruit £100 - Edits by Vecs

    I was going to add this to my own layout but felt it deserved a release on it's own, due to the work @vectra666 has put into it.
    One of the subtle but important changes is the colouring to the cash amounts. I was going to change it on my version but after the issues I had with it, I totally forgot about it and just wanted it to be released.
    Anyhow, here's the £100 version and it has issues with inserting notes (albeit I've not played about with it too much so I'm more a designer than a fault fixer lol) so I suggest just inserting pound coins for the time being.
    Anyhow, many MANY thanks to @vectra666 for his work and as always @Wizard for his superb emulator. I apologise for not tagging you in or @infection for his superb images as it was the first place I went to, to see if there were any images and I was very pleased with the results
    So as always, enjoy everyone


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  18. Crazy Fruits Community Party - Bell Fruit

    I was loading some old games and found this one (I love Crazy Fruits) and when I played this, I thought it might need a DX doing so started it yesterday and finished it today.
    I published it before I changed the title so after lots of editing and messing around with backup files, I managed to get it fixed properly, so as always, Back-ups are so important, remember to do them regularly.
    I edited the top reels because when I saw a video on it, the back was white not black so I thought I'd edit it to look more authentic.
    As always, many thanks to the late, great Wizard for this fantastic emulator and his help throughout my learning of the machines.
    Thanks to Infection for the images from his collection (I thought about trying to get them from YooToob videos but they weren't very good).
    I know the lamps for the titles and outer fruits are wrong/missing, but I thought I'd release it now until someone can advise what lamps they are (if you know) because it doesn't detract from the actual machine gameplay.
    It has keys setup for pound inserts but there's no machine to accept it so it shows "coins only" when you try and use notes in it.


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  19. Bucks Bunny DX

    Good afternoon or morning wherever you are.
    After being quiet for a while, I've been playing the games and emulator stuff, I played this game and thought I'd have a go at doing a DX for it.
    Thanks as always first, to the late, great @Wizard for his superb emulator, without which, we wouldn't have any of these games.
    Next and very importantly, mega thanks to @Matty.n for very kindly giving me the unlocked layout and helping me with the lamp numbers for the logos and the Cool image.
    Finally, thanks to @infection for the images (I have worked out how to get the machine to look straight better than before).
    A kind mention to @woodsy for offering to do a blended lamps for the logos but I thought I'd try and do it slightly different to how I usually do and it was much quicker and has the same effect as I wanted to.
    Any issues or anything, as always, please let me know
    Enjoy and stay safe everyone!!!
    (Don't forget to check out my YooToob channel with the same Multi Retro Man name and Facebook Group, Multi Retro Mania


       (1 review)



  20. Club Roulette DX

    After being quiet on the creation front, I decided to have a go at one I'd not played in the arcades for @MikeyPosh and previously the classic layout was done by @Clo06 who very kindly sent me the unlocked version, so I used a previous graphic image as the intro where it has my logo and Clo's as well.
    So as always, many thanks to the late, great Wizard for this incredible emulator, which none of the fantastic released would have been possible.
    The blue numbers on the game are not very good but given the original image, I don't think I've done too bad a job.
    Finally, and more sadly, I would like to dedicate this machine to a very dear friend of mine who sadly passed away several days ago, Jason Boddy. We met at college many years ago and kept in touch on and off ever since and I'm so pleased to say that we saw each other more in the past couple of years and the last time was just before Christmas. He was the first close friend that I've lost and I am still in shock, so please be kind with your criticisms with this machine, although I hope there won't be many negative ones, if any.
    Enjoy the machine everyone 


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  21. Carry On Screaming DX

    As requested by @infection, here's the DX for Carry On Screaming.
    Quite a bit of editing was required using 4 different images and then I created the correct amounts for the game in the middle section (yellow).
    There are currently 2 things that are baffling me though (these don't cause any problems playing the game or anything.
    1) Not sure of the correct lamp numbers for the monsters at either side, so I used a particular one for each that makes them flash on the intro.
    2) There's a second lamp number for the £25 jackpot on the top of the yellow game and I wasn't sure what it was for so I've left it as the same as the normal one until someone can advise what it may be.
    As always, thanks to Wizard for the awesome MFME emulator and the regular updates done to it
    Thanks to westy20040 for the classic game initially.
    Hope you all enjoy this and please let me know anything that may require changing or updating.
    Please don't forget to rate it as I love seeing your thoughts and how many stars you think it's worth


       (3 reviews)



  22. Donkey Kong - Updated DX based on DADs release

    First of all, thanks must go to the late, great Wizard for the awesome MFME emulator.

    Secondly, I wanted a really good Donkey Kong and the one that DAD released was one of the best ones I'd seen but I felt it needed a bit of an update and I did a little update for the letter K in Donkey by adding a fading Bonus word on it.

    Then I thought the lights of the reels looked different to the real machine so I changed it so it looks like the fruits etc. are lit and not all of the reel. Some look slightly different but I feel it looks really nice. I also changed the colour of the reels from the dark yellow to grey as per a machine I saw on a YouTube video and think it looks fantastic now. 

    I also fixed the double £1 insert as it had another £1 insert as a different section so I removed it, resized the machine and now it works perfectly.

    Many thanks to DAD for his permission to release this and whilst it has my logo on it, I wanted to release this as a massive praise to DAD for the beautiful quality of the machine in the first instance.

    The other reason for this release is that I don't like machines if they aren't in the middle when you go full screen, hence this version I've done. 


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  23. Arcade Retro - PDX based on Electrocoin Big 7

    I love the game Big 7 so wanted to do something based on retro emulation in order to be an addition to my Guide To Retro Gaming book and I haven't advertised it in the release and as I changed the name of the folder halfway through the editing, I had to change it back so I hope it works. If it doesn't, please let me know.
    I published the layout but it uses the same name as the original one for some bizarre reason.
    As always thanks to @Wizard for his awesome emulator and Google for some of the images and MAME for the games with the screenshots that I produced.
    PS - If you'd like a PDF version of my book before it's released on Amazon (at a higher cost), please send £5 to deffstar@hotmail.com and contact me on here and I will send you the link to it


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  24. Cash Lab DX - Single and Full Screen Version

    What can I say? I have learned how to do a full screen version and apologies but this has taken me quite a long time to complete because I had other projects on the go, including my book, Guide To Retro Emulation and forthcoming book of poems.
    As always, thanks and always in my memory when I work or play on fruit machines to @Wizard R.I.P. for his amazingly fantastic emulator.
    @vectra666 for the original release and images.
    @infection (it's been that long since I started this I can't remember whether I got the images from Vectra666 or Infection so thanks to both for all the help over the years).
    In this version, I've added extra keys for additional coins (7 - 10p, 8 - 20p, 9 - 50p) - usual 0 for £1 coin.
    I initially tried to add something so it wouldn't run out of pound coins but that ended up making the machine do crazy things with the hold buttons flashing away so I managed to revert to the original (for some reason I thought that the original had the same issue) and updated it properly
    One thing I notice is that next to the number, there's lights for Hi and Lo but even looking at a video of someone playing the machine, I've no idea when they actually light up because playing the feature and winning the jackpot doesn't light it up at all. Oh well.
    Hope you enjoy playing it as much as I have working on it.
    Here's a plug for my 104 page guide to retro emulation. If you would like a PDF copy, please send £5 to deffstar@hotmail.com and I will send you the link to download it
    (it will soon be increased in price to £8 and will also be available on Amazon in eBook and Hard Copy at a price yet to be decided but possibly £8 and £15)


       (1 review)



  25. Gunpowder Slot £70 DX

    A very simple update to the £35 as requested by @infection
    Here is the £70 version with a very simple update to the total at the right side.
    Unfortunately, I cannot edit the description etc. because the layout was locked by the original classic layout creator and I didn't know when I first started the editing what locking meant or how to lock them.
    Anyhow, as always, many thanks to the late, fantastic Wizard who is always remembered for his great programming with MFME.
    Hope you enjoy it (I haven't played it but I'm assured that the jackpot is £70).


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