21 files
Round The Clock Classic Layout
By wearecity
Here's Rock Around The Clock
A Vivid Gaming machine on MPU5 tech 30p/£25/82%
On the surface, it looks like, it's a clone of Back to the Features, but quite a few differences.
Usual extra lamps, buttons, switches etc to the right side of the layout. The test modes, aren't the best, so there may be one or two decal unidentified lamps, but nothing that's required for gameplay. No note entry, so transfer button, is only required to go select test modes.
KEYS: `=Collect/Cancel, V= Vivid, 1= Hold 1, 2=Hold 2/Hi, 3=Hold 3/Lo
E= Exchange, T=Transfer (only used in open door mode), Space= Start
N= Take Nudges, W=Take Winnings, F=Take Feature Shots, P=Play It Again, 0=Insert £1.
Infection for lots of images to go by and highlighting the need for a layout.
Tommy C/Pandy for the reels.
The program and or sound rom provider/s
Vivid and whoever owns them now for leaving FME alone
Vivid's Bottle Bank.
By Ze Frog
From 2003, seems like so long ago now, what days those were.
Massive thanks to @Johnnyafc for the classic and reels.
My first attempt at blending lamps in this one thanks to @vectra666 teaching me how with Ace Of Clubs release.
Standard controls, only £1 input on this one as seems to be only option for MPU5, aside from £2, but that kept causing a STRIM error.
Vivid Connect 4 £25.
By Ze Frog
Here's the £25 variant. £8 and £5 to follow.
Massive thanks to;
@Tommy c for the original layout.
@infection for the images.
@WonkySausage for asking for this.
@logopolis for the decent ROM's.
I went with a lighter image, just because I think it suited the machine better. Can't believe this is from 2001, what times those were!
Also a big thankyou to @woodsy, @vectra666, @Tommy c, @dad and others who have put the time into helping me get to creating, still learning but these guy's and others have made it possible, so thankyou.
Vivid - Going Ape 1440p WDX 30p £15
By Ross
Very boring game.
with thanks to @stevedude2 for the image used.
Reel A Win - DX - Multi Retro Man
Welcome to my DX version of Reel A Win.
Firstly, I would like to wish you a very Happy New Year and hope that 2023 will be a good year for you
Without a do, thanks go to the following:
The late, great Wizard for the superb emulator.
Wearacity for the classic and allowing me to do the DX and release it.
Dad for the image that I used for the machine (I adjusted the bottom section to make it look like a real machine).
This is the first machine that I have used almost all the lamps for the off-image as I realised that one of the features uses a darker version of the amounts when the lightened image repeatedly scrolls from the bottom to the top and without the off-image, it didn't show any of the lit images at all.
I used a slightly different number reel along with a slight edit for the colours for the background of them. It's not totally authentic but the colours were nearer to the actual machine rather than the blue that was originally used for the classic layout.
Finally, enjoy the machine
Reel A Win - Classic Layout.
By wearecity
For those of you, who didn't get it at Dads, here's....
Reel A Win
A Vivid Gaming machine, on MPU5 tech.
£15 Jackpot, 25p Play, 88% Payout.
KEYS: 0 = Insert £1
' = Cancel/Collect 1 = Hold 1, 2= Hold 2/Hi, 3=Hold 3/Low
E=Exchange, Space = Start. K = Knockout.
Wizard (RIP) for the stunning MFME emulator.
Dad for the sound roms and being an absolutely stalwart of FME.
Pandy (and his various aliases, for the reels from Cliffhanger)
The Program Rom provider
Vivid Gaming and whoever owns them now, for leaving FME alone, all these years.
Any spare lamps are to the side. I don't believe it has a red mode. I also don't believe there are any hi lo lamps either. Nothing seems to light up for them or any lamps for the decals around the fishes and the vivid features. These lamps either don't exist or are permanently lit.
If you click on design, then edit mode, it's possible to drag the window from the left to close off the real machine, if people want to.
Been on a bit of an FME lull, but when I saw Dad post up about this machine. I knew it was something I wanted to do.
This was a machine I wanted to see, as I had great memories of my mate playing it in a hotel bar in Coventry. He must have spent at least an hour on it and I swear he broken even or was maybe up. Despite him being a munter player, like myself.
So big thanks again to Dad.
EDIT.The feature name error in the picture, has been corrected, thanks to PekoJP for pointing that out.
Pie Factory 2 - MRM
Hi, I decided to release this as it was originally released by duplu on another website back in 2007 then I didn't realise that @Ross (I presume you're the same Ross?) released a DX of this in 2013, until after I had completed my version.
Anyhow, I used some of the original images for certain things like the cash amounts on the top part and the features because I didn't think using the machine's image would be good enough.
Many thanks as always to the late, great Wizard for his amazing emulator and help that he's given me over the short period that I started doing the DX layouts but I'm so greatful to him for his help.
Okay, the one thing I'm not too happy about is the dot matrix but no matter how I tried, I just couldn't get it to look perfect. I tried putting a larger version at the bottom of the machine but I felt it looked a bit silly and it still wasn't right, so I just left the old one in.
Oh I nearly forgot, this was the first layout I've done using merged/blended lamps for the +1, +2 and +3 and it looks okay but when you get to the game, I think it's a bit too bright on a couple of parts but I hope you don't mind too much.
As always, take care everyone, stay safe and I hope you enjoy my release and you are doing okay
By woodsy
thanks and rip wizard...
thanks to @wearecity for the classic, the permission to dx, the patience to make the thing work after i lost the will to live trying and for all the help you've provided in one way or another this year.. thank you.
thanks to @infection for the emails, posts, shares and drive that i got the images from, the images were almost all £35 jp so i had to redraw the top three wins as £35 roms just don't seem to be available.
this is my first weird cabinet attempt, and my first Vivid game, i have redrawn most of the win symbols on the cash trail, they are supposed to be that size, i think they look ok(from a distance) haha
the top feature when you get it is possibly the best one i've had in a long time, i'll let you discover why, but for me as a player that just plays for jackpots it reminds me of the fun that can be had besides the big win... that's a cryptic clue.. also true..
anyways.. i believe i've found a new red game to dx thanks to channel4...
happy new FME year one and all!!
Dr Jekyll & Mr. Hyde classic layout
By wearecity
Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
A Vivid Gaming machine on MPU5 tech.
This layout will work on v6.1 or later versions of the emulator, I saw no advantage in restricting it to v20.1 users, particular, as we will be getting a DX.
Firstly, this has been a good FME team effort again. Naturally Wizard for the emulator. I believe the program/sound roms were from different people. The reels from Pandy's Hi-Lo Karate a god send. Plus we had several pictures gathered and lots of talk and suggestions about settings to get it up and running, as it was a real fussy git, that would alarm if you even looked at it the wrong way lol.
Anyway, it's 30p Play, £25 Jackpot, 82% Payout
One note, that's not obvious, Mr. Hyde knife, which activates super feature, is also used for the Vivid feature, Rise & Fall, which was a real pain in getting the lamps correctly functioning, but they do now work.
No transfer button on layout, as no note acceptor on my layout or the image I used for reference. But the button is available and lamped, along with all additional lamps, that aren't required in a classic layout to the right of the layout off screen.
0 = Insert £1, ' = Cancel/Collect, N = Auto Nudge & Take Nudges 1-3 = Hold 1-3, E = Exchange, Space = Start Q= Left Hi, A = Left lo, W= Right Hi, S = Right Lo
Red, White & Blue by Vivid (£15/30p/90%)
By No1Stoney
Here we have Red, White & Blue 3 Player - By Vivid, set on £15/30p/90%
I must start by saying a huge thanks to @logopolis for pointing me in the direction of some working ROMs for this that @loo (hopefully the same member from over at the Mecca) originally uploaded! I have been looking for a set of these ROMs for a while, so thank you to all involved in getting these dumped and uploaded.
This layout has (for me) been a pig to work on. From some difficult lamping to some strange quirks that I can't seem to iron out (notice the 2nd topbox digit when on attract mode 🙉). But I think I've done OK without butchering it. Also the topbox amount resets to zero every time the machine takes another credit.
These is a bizarre issue I can't for the life of me fix. And that is that I can't get the topbox to save in the correct size, so every time it loads, its full size even though I've tried everything to get it to save slightly smaller. This simply means you need to resize the topbox each time (slave units should be OK) If anyone can fix this for me, I'd appreciate it and to let me know how?!
I hope you enjoy this layout
Thanks for downloading and playing.
Fairground Attraction
By andy-1
Here is Fairground Attraction by Vivid set on 50p play, £500 Jackpot and 86%.
Here is another of the Vivid casino games, this is similar to Spectrum and Winning Ways.
Thanks go to:
Hitthesix for the started layout
Wizard (R.I.P) for his amazing emulator
Shortcuts are in the notes
Please use MFME 20.1
Hope you enjoy.55 downloads
Vivid's Infinity Wdx
By Tommy c
Here's a dx of infinity by vivid, never played the game so feck knows what it plays like or what it does. Had to do a work around with the feature reel band at the top as on the real machine it uses red and blue graphics for the features which cannot be achieved in mfme. So iv'e used two bands put em on top of each other then widened the windows to fit them in. Works quite well tbh, thanks to @Ross for the flyer @chriss82 for play testing the layout, reg for the roms and to the late wizard for the new mfme.
Vivid Magnificent 7's Classic
By slotsmagic
Here's a nice simple game from Vivid - nothing particularly amazing but couldn't see an existing layout despite the ROMs being out in the public domain
Additional thanks to Wizard for helping me several times when I was about ready to give up on this, as well as obviously his continual work on MFME, and also thanks to @infection for his image of the machine so I could at least see what it should look like. I've deviated from it a bit but it was a big help
Layout notes below, and as always, any issues /mistakes please let me know and I will endeavour to update the layout to fix anything!
Car Wash
By wearecity
Car Wash £25, 30p Play, 84% payout.
A Vivid machine on MPU5 tech.
Thanks to Wizard for the emulator. Reg for providing me with the Rom. The FME Database for the Car Wash flyer image. JohnnyAFC and Andy1 for another picture of the machine.
Ploggy for the reel symbols used from Atlantic. Pandy for the Red 7 symbol with vivid feature background used from Hi-Karate.
Dad for the lemon symbol with vivid background. Tommy C for offering help with reel symbols.
KEYS: 0=Insert £1, '=Cancel, 1-3=Holds, C=Collect, N=Auto Nudge, E=Xchange, Space = Start, F=Take Afro, Q/A = Hi Lo left number, W/S = Hi Lo Right Number.
Giant Gems Wdx
By Tommy c
Here's another vivid machine that was in need of a v 19 update,giant gems by vivid much better game than 6 shooter imo,thanks to wizard for the new mfme. Shot cuts are usuals.
6 Shooter Wdx
By Tommy c
Here's another vivid dx,this time it's 6 shooter,seems alot tighter than pie factory for some reason,thanks to pook for a copy of the flyer and to wizard for the new mfme.
Raise The Roof Wdx
By Tommy c
Continuing with the vivid theme,heres another large scale update,this time it's raise the roof,this one too could be made happy enough it would give you a £100 streak from red boards if you played it right,thanks to bruce george for the 1024 i used as a base and to wizard for the new mfme.
The Pie Factory Wdx
By Tommy c
Here's an old vivid machine with a nice large update,did like these if you knew how to play em,could make a decent profit especially on £25 jp,thanks to johnny afc for the classic,wizard for the new mfme.
Who Dares Spins
By Reg
This layout was never up to the best work I did, the disc reel was not the best - whoever this again is something nice for others to have to make into a DX.
With regards to 47-0.
This year I have given you something new every week, sometimes more then one layout.
Only five more to do to complete the year !
Oh and if you are an FML artist - remember you too can upload files to the Download area for layouts now. This is now not all about me.
You'll still maybe want to do a thread in the FML Artist area that gets published on various feeds around this site, but please do use the downloads even if it's putting up older work used for MFME 6.1.
Connect 4
By Reg
This was meant for next week - but due to the huge backlog of stuff to come out - sod it.
Make sure you have the latest MFME font from this site, it really needs it on this layout.
Thank you.
...please also remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel if you like this - it's not much to ask if you've taken this layout but have not done so already.