91 files
Robin The Rich
By andy-1
Here is Robin The Rich by Reflex, this is set on £10 Jackpot and multi stake.
I so seem to enjoy these Reflex lo techs for some reason.
Thanks go to:
Dad for his started layout and helping me with the test mode
spa for the roms
Wizard (R.I.P) for his amazing MFME emulator
shortcuts are in the notes
Please use MFME 20.1
Hope you enjoy.
Club Alice Queen of Hearts £400-multi stake Dx
By vectra666
Following on from the Awp is the big brother clubber at £400/max £2 a pop the usual force £500 in for £400 out affair and i expect it'll take a ages to max the cashpots out, although you can reset them via the test mode 10.4-10.6?
Thanks goto
@Clo06 for adding the eBay link from which i gained the various images used
@fruitsnappa for the roms
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!
Alice Queen of Hearts £100 Dx
By vectra666
Time to return to Wonderland with Alice Queen of Hearts by Reflex
Thanks goto
@fruitsnappa for the initial game roms then the recent purchase of the sound roms to complete the set, (still on the look out for lady luck double take sounds!)
@slotsmagic for dumping and uploading the sound roms
@infection for the images used
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Club Drac in the box (Reflex) 25p/50p/£1/£2 - £250/£400
By Matty.n
A lot more work to convert from AWP to clubber than initially expected but been a great time killer, took a few creative liberties with the constraints of a classic but has turned out well i feel .
Once again thanks go to:
@fruitsnappa for the roms
@dad for the reels from his unfinished DX
@infection for reference images used
Drac in the Box (Reflex) £100 JP
By Matty.n
Bitten by the FME bug... Or perhaps by Drac himself!
Thanks go to:
@fruitsnappa for the roms
@dad for the reels from his unfinished DX
@infection for reference images
Shortcuts in the layout notes, be wary of multi key bindings, shouldn't be a problem during normal play mind and as always please let me know if you find any issues, enjoy!
Bank Roller £100 Dx
By vectra666
Will you make a roll of dosh and bank you winnings or just go bankrupt, with this quirky game from reflex
is their a hidden feature, to win the jackpot i seen a breif youtube video of a "skillcash" feature via three money bags on the winline - tell us more if you know anything!!!
Thanks goto
@fruitsnappa - roms
@infection - images used
Shortcuts written within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!
Chilli Con Carnage £100 Dx
By vectra666
Can you handle the heat or have you biten off more than you can chew, will it be HOT enough or will you get your throat burnt
Thanks goto
@Ross / @fruitsnappa can't remember which but thanks to both for the roms
@infection - images
Shortcuts written within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
The Heist £100 Dx
By vectra666
Time to blow up the Bank and Raid this slot by Reflex The Heist!!
Thanks goto
@fruitsnappa - Game roms
@Mavroz - Sound roms
@infection - Machine images and fruit symbol imges
The only minor error on the machine is the Led's, these don't actually affect the game but are not completely accurate, this maybe due to mfme not able to emulate these led's correctly, i have added a zip.file. containing the led's bmp's used if any one wants to get em running correctly but be warning the emulator may freeze and crash in edit mode!!
the layout is unlocked for this reason.
Shortcuts written within the notes on start-up.
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Reflex - Monster Money 1440p WDX £100jp
By Ross
With thanks to:
@dad base layout.
@Reg advice.
@vectra666 advice.
@fruitsnappa roms.
@Wizard for 20 years of mfme.
zone shortcuts:
Pure Magic DX
By andy-1
Here is Pure Magic by Reflex, this is set on £100 jackpot and is multi stake.
I have decided to release this, although it's not the best quality at least it's playable.
Hopefully with the way the scene is and the resources becoming available this will be able to have a better update.
Thanks go to,
fruitsnappa for the roms
Dad for straightening an image that I used for the DX of this, and also for playtesting.
Wizard R.I.P for his amazing emulator
Shortcuts are in the notes.
Hope you enjoy.
Millionaires Row £500 Dx
By vectra666
Time to make a million or spend a million in this millionaires row slot by Reflex
costing anything from 5p a line (25p) to a whopping £10 a spin!!! max 98%
Thanks goto
@spa for the flyer uploaded
@Matty.n for the previous classic and help with the dip switch settings to get the mighty £10 spins (dips 7 & 8 for £10, only 8 for £6 and i think all off the top row for £4 spins)
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Now off to mop the bathroom up as left window open and its pissed down like never before with continuous thunder
Reflex games lucky gems mega roll casino classic
By hitthesix
Multi stake 25p/50p with the jackpots at £25 and £50
thanks to @loo for the roms
dad and serene for having a pre release bash.
and to the late great sadly missed wizard (r i p)
this is one that i never thought i would finish
it was working fine until i got the streak, then the emu crashed,
, so back to the drawing board and then i had an idea
and thought i would try the 3 player version(just for the hell of it)
anyhow to my disbelief it ran and with no errors!!!!
so i have no idea why the single player rom crashes
and the 3 player works, as you can see when loaded it states it is the 3 player game
but when you get the streak it uses the single player reel images.
as opposed to the 3 player ones. 😮
Reflex - EachWay Nudger
By Mavroz
Reflex Gaming Eachway Nudger.
Thanks to the original Reel Symbol Supplier.
Easter Special --- All seems good with it --- Enjoy.
Clover All Over DX - £100 Version
This is the £100 version of Clover All Over.
Thanks go to the late, great Wizard for his awesome emulator.
@andy-1 for the unlocked version.
@Ginge for supplying and suggesting his updated version of the graphics but I found some other images from a different machine by Reflex and decided to use those because they had the same colour as the previous one.
If there are any issues, please let me know but I won't be able to update it until tomorrow morning as I'm off to bed now
Night everyone and hope you all enjoy it. I've not had a lot of chance to play it yet but I'll give it a blast in the morning.
Clover All Over DX
After playing the excellent classic release by @andy-1, I loved the gameplay and felt excited doing a DX of it.
I asked when he would like me to release the DX version and he gave permisson for any time, so I thought I'd share it with you all and he is looking forward to it.
So as always, first thanks have to go to the late, great Wizard for his awesome emulator.
Thanks to @andy-1 for providing me with the unlocked version and some images. I decided to keep his arrows as a reminder and so his previous version can be part of my release.
Finally thanks to Infection for his collection of images for all the machines and I combined 4 different images to create this one machine.
Hope you all enjoy it as I have
Reflex Lady Luck - 10p / £5
By Mavroz
Reflex Lady Luck Cat D 10p/£5
Thanks to @slotsmagic for testing.
Coin in / Coin out / % meters don't seem to work correctly in the Emulator with this release.
Accounting is correct with SEC machine meter but as said, doesn't always show.
Clover All Over
By andy-1
Here is Lady Luck Clover All Over by Reflex. These are set on £10 and £100 both multistake and set on 86%. These are the casino versions but I've created them in the Lo Tech version similar to Bands of Gold.
Thanks go to
Dad for the hands from his DX
Vectra 666 for the reel images
fruitsnappa for the roms
Wizard R.I.P for his amazing emulator
Shortcuts are in the notes.
Please use MFME 20.1
Hope you enjoy.
Club The Heist £400 Dx
By vectra666
Come and join the gang and raid the bank out of this machine by Reflex The Heist Club at £400 max jackpot- multistake (if you want it on 10p untick dip1 otherwise its a max £2 a pop..
thanks goto
@fruitsnappa - roms
@infection - images for the machine and reel symbols
Like most modern machines in the £100 era this uses Led's for the outer edges of the feature board (not included within layout) and the machine logo, now i've tried getting them to work but no such luck, they're all in there all six/seven colours and the leds 400,401,402,403,404? and they still don't wanna know.
sometimes in edit mode it freezes mfme so have to close and restart but appears ok in general gameplay mode, but the led's not working correctly doesn#t effect the main gameplay
shortcuts listed within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Pure Magic
By andy-1
Here is Pure Magic by Reflex, this is set on £100 jackpot and is multi stake.
I have decided to release this in classic form at this time, but I do have a DX that I will release soon.
Thanks go to,
fruitsnappa for the roms
Dad for straightening an image that I used for the DX version of this and I have used for the reel images plus win images.
Wizard R.I.P for his amazing emulator
Shortcuts are in the notes.
Please use MFME 20.1
Hope you enjoy
Club Galloping Jackpots £400 Dx
By vectra666
Trotting up from the rear is the Shire horse of the pony awp machine i did ages back, Club Galloping Jackpots!!
Thanks goto
@fruitsnappa - game roms
@loo - (i think) - sound roms, unless they were included in fruitsnappa's rom set
@SocialDragon368 - for the classic layout used for lamping references
@infection - Images used
less we not forget @Wizard for Mfme's past and present.
Shortcuts listed within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
This maybe the last layout from me this side of 2023 due to moving to a bigger house very soon which will need a full decorate, so won't have much time for Fme let alone the creation side of things, but don't worry.. i'll be back!!!!
Chops and Change £100 Dx
By vectra666
Next up is another reflex machine called Chops and Change (originally chops n robbers)
Thanks goto
to whoever supplied the roms maybe @fruitsnappa (slowly running out now lol)
@SocialDragon368 for the classic made beforehand
@infection for images used
and to anyone else whom assisted with the making of this
and during this time of National Mourning Like Her Majesty EiiR
@Wizard whom you shall both be remembered for different reasons and never forgotten!!!
To All Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Bombay Badboy £100 Dx
By vectra666
Time to Spice things up with this Curry, Poppadom, Chilli themed slot from reflex
Thank goto
@fruitsnappa - roms
@Matty.n - classic layout used for lamping references
@infection - images used including some reel symbols
shortcuts same as the classic and are written within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Double Agent £100 Dx
By vectra666
Here's a Layout to accompany the Clubber i did of the same name, "Double Agent" a clone of a clone
Thanks goto
@infection - Images used
@Reg - for the sounds he sourced a while back
@fruitsnappa - for the game roms. (Any more most welcome, i still have a fair few to do which are niw within the three year limit!!)
@Wizard for Mfme's Past and Present
Shortcuts written within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming...
Club Bank Roller by Reflex(Classic)
By fruitsnappa
Club Bank Roller by Reflex.
Multi stake machine with jackpots from £100 - £400.
Many thanks to Wizard for the fantastic MFME and to Vectra for assistance with the reel symbols.
Thanks also to Reg for hosting.
Club Hangover £400 Dx
By vectra666
Grab a Pint, A wee dram of whisky, a glass of Sherry or a Bottle of wine and get a hangover playing this clubber from reflex
thanks goto
@fruitsnappa - roms
@infection - images given
shortcuts listed within the notes
plays in Mfme 20.1
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!