14 files
Gold Strike - Broken
Okay, I will make this my last one for a while as I don't want to detract from the superb releases that are appearing.
This one is again, with thanks to @Ze Frog and @Wizard for allowing me to release updated versions and for MFME itself.
Not only does this one have graffiti on it but there is also something else that I adjusted that doesn't actually work as it should. This will be a surprise to you when you play it!!!
Anyhow, as always, please give any feedback at all that you like, it's all appreciated, and I learn from them in a positive way
Enjoy everyone
Bottle Bank - Broken
Thank you for @Ze Frog for allowing me to use his machines to er, destroy, for want of a better word .
I think this one has to be my most destructive to date. I have given this a quick play and I have to say, it is quite difficult but intriguing at the same time.
I thought I'd make parts of the machine graphics removed and have a button put on the wrong way round and another have a simple written piece of paper in place of the previous graphics.
Reel 3 is probably the worst thing on the machine as it is very difficult to see what is on it. I quite like that in an odd sort of way.
Anyhow, please let me know if you think I've gone way too far with the changes to the machine or whether it actually works and you enjoy it.
Thanks in advance for all your feedback and please be honest as I value your opinions and like to know what works and what doesn't..... and I don't mean the bulbs lol.
Apologies for not giving thanks to the late, great @Wizard but he is always in my thoughts when I do these updates and play MFME. A truly great bloke. I hope you're looking down at these, smiling
Volcano - Broken
After the positive feedback regarding my previous broken release, I decided to release my first ever machine that I did (well the updated version anyway) with quite a few different things broken.
There's a crack on it, the middle reel had got wet (well I tried to make it look like it did) and the colours ran in places.
Various bulbs are out and some are requiring replacement as they're not bright enough.
Other parts have dodgy paint areas on and even the LED amount is failing.
I'm quite proud of this one as it is the machine that got me started doing layouts all those years ago...
Crazy Fruits - Broken Lights and Paintwork Dodgy Version - MRM
Many thanks to @No1Stoney for allowing me to release this "faulty" version of his awesome Crazy Fruits.
I previously released this one in the wrong area so it didn't show up, so realised there was another Miscellaneous section that I didn't see when I was scrolling down the manufacturers list.
The reason for this was that I have been to a few arcades by the sea and some had bulbs missing and I thought I would do my own version based on a machine that is not looked after at all by the owner of the arcade and here's the result of neglect of the machine.
It is quite tricky to play, especially with the dot matrix display being faulty, along with a lot of other bulbs that have failed.
Hope you enjoy this as I thought it was something different.
VFS - Fruitopoly
By Clo06
VFS - Fruitopoly
This has to be the earliest Monopoly based fruity ever made.
It's originally a conversion from Barcrest's Hi Lights.
It's a very enjoyable game to play at 10p per play with a £3 token jackpot.
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes.
With thanks to
Wizard (RIP) for MFME
Eddie C for all the resources
MFME V20.1
The Lone Ranger (Blueprint)
By Matty.n
Bitten by the FME bug so been working on clearing my backlog of classics starting with this, not a lot to say about it, a generally poor machine that poorly mimics Electrocoins of the era.
Thanks for @Gary/@spa for the roms
@Wizard as always for the wondrous MFME
Shortcuts in the layout notes and anyone wanting to DX please PM me for the unlocked layout and as always if you come across any issues please let me know, i am a bit rusty at this so hope nothing bad has slipped through.
Arcade Retro - PDX based on Electrocoin Big 7
I love the game Big 7 so wanted to do something based on retro emulation in order to be an addition to my Guide To Retro Gaming book and I haven't advertised it in the release and as I changed the name of the folder halfway through the editing, I had to change it back so I hope it works. If it doesn't, please let me know.
I published the layout but it uses the same name as the original one for some bizarre reason.
As always thanks to @Wizard for his awesome emulator and Google for some of the images and MAME for the games with the screenshots that I produced.
PS - If you'd like a PDF version of my book before it's released on Amazon (at a higher cost), please send £5 to deffstar@hotmail.com and contact me on here and I will send you the link to it
Dolbeck systems triple winner classic
By hitthesix
Set on 20p with the jackpot at £4.80p tokens
usual shortcuts apply
Thanks to the rom provider and to the late great man
Fruit Bingo (Delta MPS2) Dutch
By Damici
After 15 years of being inactive, I finally made a machine again.
Nice to see so many old members from back in the days. I decided to redraw everything. Hope you enjoy it.
A big thanks to all that are still active and keep running this scene and of course to the ones that provided the material such as roms and manual.
Reel Magic Turbo Play (Fairplay) (Greece)
By Laylow
This cash monster comes from Greece:
Reel Magic Turbo Play (Fairplay)
Thanks to the unknown rom and image provider.
Gokkastenarchief.nl for the reel symbols.
Wizard (RIP) for MFME.
Have fun!
Bonanza (Eurocoin) (Dutch)
By Laylow
One more to share:
Bonanza made by Eurocoin and Takura in 1987.
Thanks to M. Boerhof for the picture and @patjepsv for his former layout and roms.
Silver Lining
By andy-1
Here is Silver Lining by DJE, this is set on 10p and £4.80 jackpot. This is a clone of Bolt from the blue amongst others.
They say every cloud has a silver lining except for this as Barcrest took action as they said it is a copy of their Cloud 999. For more information please use the following link.
Thanks go to:
Loo for the roms
Riche 100 for the image
Wizard (R.I.P) for his amazing emulator.
Shortcuts are in the notes
Please use MFME 20.1
Hope you enjoy.40 downloads
Quick Silver
By wearecity
Quick Silver by R.A.L on Impact Tech.
£8 Token, 20p Play, 82% Payout.
Based on the original Jpemu version by Bugs and Trouty, but not a conversion.
Designed with MFME v6.1, so will work with V6.1 and later versions of the emulator. Left unlocked, to aid with a possible future DX.
Thanks to Wizard, Bugs and Trouty, also the rom provider.
It's a fantastic fun machine to play, with a great sound package, that will keep you entertained for hours and hours, or I could be lying.
FME Megapack 01
By Reg
Megapack with layouts from the original fruit.exe updated for MFME5.
Thanks to @SteveP for allowing me to release these.
Release Article