256 files
Grand Slam £1000 [UK] SC4 - DAMI
By Damici
What an amazing community we have! I’d love to give something back for all that we’ve received from Chris, and I hope this brings you some joy. When I saw my name mentioned in a post about reel symbols, I was immediately inspired to give this machine the attention it deserves upon seeing the photos. Even here in the Netherlands, we have multiple versions of this fruit machine, and this one looks very similar to ours, both graphically and in terms of gameplay. Thank you, @Mort, for all the countless tips and details you’ve shared. Together, we’ve made it something truly special I think.
Win When You're Spinning
By andy-1
Here we have a machine by name of Win When You're Spinning by Bell-fruit, this is possibly a failed test machine as there are no images or videos that I could find.
This runs on the Scorp 4 tech and is £25 Jackpot, 23p play and 86%.
There is a possible issue with the special lamps as if you put them as secondary lamps on the features they don't light correctly may be to do with the coding or maybe they are placed the way I have done them. Also if you collect the special features it can allow you to manipulate the machine on certain features.
Complete the grid for various streaks depending on if it's mixed, all blue or all red.
To be fair I think the lamps are about 95% correct, maybe one day an image may show up so we can see what it looks like.
I have tried something different with this layout and depending on the responses may well depend on if I do it this way again as I don't have the time or patience to do them in the same style as Warecity or Chloe.
Thanks go to
Wizard R.I.P for his amazing emulator and without none of this would have been possible.
The rom provider
Fruit machine manufacturers for leaving the FME community alone, (who knows they may well use MFME themselves)
Please use MFME 20.1
Hope you enjoy.
Public Enemy No. 1 Club (SC2) £75/£100/£200
By Mort
Here is a series of layout mods for Pook's brilliant PEN1 DX. The purpose of this was to simply test different ROM sets (I found out later we only have a few) and sort the versions we had. I made some small changes to the existing DX to facilitate this work, and with Pook's permission it made sense to now release these to the scene for anyone who has an interest in playing the PEN1 game at different stakes and prizes on an earlier ROM set than the previous £250 DX (which used 750-846 dated 20th August 1996) Notes:
3 DX's with different stake/JP all using the same ROM revision 750-257 v1.2 dated 26th July 1994: 5p-£75 | 10p-£100 | 20p-£200. DM Busy flag changed over to switch 36 to fix sync issues between normal game code and dot matrix code (e.g. Capone's Caper out of sync etc.) Pay-out custom sounds Changed colours on Dot Matrix and 7 segment displays to match original machine a bit closer (personal preference) Learnt from Pook's amazing Happy Hour DX on how to do masked DX's which can incorporate full screen (F3) artwork whilst not requiring the original side art to be hidden. I wish I had looked into this with CCnR. Each DX has a different background just to try and add to the realism and provide some variety, all just examples of what you can do. AutoPlay profile added and used to get all DX's JP happy and CP's full. Added flyer/cabinet/game photos and .db files for MFME Game Manager. Added game manual PDF It would seem that these ROM versions opposed to the 25p/£250 version give a better game overall. Interestingly the 25p/£250 game has a completely different BFM internal project ID PR6574 whereas these versions have ID PR6331. This wasn't the case with CCnR which shared the same project ID across all versions including the later 25p/£250 ones.
This mod was released with Pook's approval, and the credit must go to him for the DX layouts.
I am only adding a few things here and there to these DX's and it's a simple job for me tinkering around like this. The work that layout designers do, both classic and DX layout's is the tough stuff.
Hope you enjoy and it's great to see people playing these DX's and talking about them.
- pen1
- public enemy no 1
- (and 2 more)
Club Cops 'N' Robbers (SC2) £75 - £250
By Mort
Here is a series of layout mods for Reg's brilliant CCnR DX.
The purpose of this originally was to simply test different ROM sets and sort the versions we had. I made some small changes to the existing DX to facilitate this work, and with Reg's permission it made sense to now release these to the scene for anyone who has an interest in playing the CCnR game at different stakes/prizes/rom revisions.
5 DX's using different ROM revisions: 5p-£75 (750-190 v9.1) (ROM date = 20/01/1994) 10p-£100 (750-628 vK.1) (ROM date = 02/02/1996) 20p-£150 (750-154 v5.3) (ROM date = 16/11/1993) 20p-£200 (750-118 v1.2) (ROM date = 20/07/1993) 25p-£250 (750-859 vL.1) (ROM date = 02/09/1996) Lamp masks Blended lamps on win matrix bottom glass Pay-out custom sounds Meter effects Changed colours on Dot matrix and 7 segs to match original machine a bit closer (personal preference) Reel gradients Added one of Reg's casino backgrounds for ambience in F3 (full screen) mode BUT original art remains if you want to drag it all back into view (the reel bands on the side art have been added as an image to this download post) All ROMs are included as a separate download with a visual guide AutoPlay profile added and used to get CP's full around £3000/£4000 IN Added flyer/cabinet/game photos and .db files for MFME Game Manager This mod was released with Reg's approval, and the credit must go to him for the original classic and DX layouts.
- ccnr
- scorpion 2
- (and 2 more)
Deal or no Deal - Road to Riches £70 Dx
By vectra666
Another Dond this time a rarer one - Road to Riches. Will you stay on the right side of the road and reach the pot of cash at the end. Or will you fall off the edge and go crashing out.
Thanks goto
@Clo06 for the Classic layout she made a while back
@infection for the images used
Shortcuts written within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming
Deal or No Deal - Live the Dream £5/£70/£100 Dx's
By vectra666
Will you live your dream or turn it into a perpetual Nightmare, with this dond a clone of desert island deal
there's three to choose from, the £70 original rom set, £100 uses different later roms and the seaside £5 variant all set on 84%
Thanks goto
@Clo06 - for the £70 classic used as a abase for lamps/reels etc
@infection - images of the £5/£100 used
the £70 version the jackpot decal isn't the best this is due to nabbing it from a lower res flyer @fruit-emu.
Shortcuts written within the notes (£5 layout, notey only gives change!!)
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Casino Deal or no Deal £25 Dx
By vectra666
Before members thank me personally, this layout was originally released by @SocialDragon368 i've just tarted the artwork/lighting up and added a jackpot symbol and the like
so the thanks should be for him and him alone!!!
i was going to release in his wip topic but i feel this should go into the main downloads
So A big thankyou must goto @SocialDragon368 for this original layout and personally i think he should get the fml/badge back again although he still needs to improve in certain area's the 'will' to do layouts and release them is there, just ask for help and take it social d!!
Also thankyou to
@infection - images used
@logopolis for sound rom help
@fruitsnappa - for volume advice it apeared by pressing the "FN" and the "+" key changes the internal volume, never knew that
and to anyone else that help @SocialDragon368 make this
shortcuts written within the notes
A Mod i.e @spa Etc when released is it possible to change the Authors name from myself to social dragon please
Club Crazy Fruits Gold £250 Dx
By vectra666
Time for some Crazy Fruits to Join the Club, VIP Gold ones!!!
Thanks goto
@SocialDragon368 for the classic used for lamping references etc
@johnparker007 / @infection for both gaining the images from eBay
notey does work on this edition, can't seam to find the £500 roms, do they exist?
Shortcuts written within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Money Bags £1.50 (Bell Fruit)
By Ginge
There`s a bit of a story behind this old school 2p machine why I wanted to do this one, most of you have already seen the story over on the wip thread here`s the link for anyone wishing to read it.
The pictures I had weren`t that good so I am surprised it turned out as well as it has hope you all enjoy !
Thanks to @hitthesix for the classic and sending me his unpublished layout which was a great help. @vectra666 for the reel gradient I used and to Steve Fruity`s for the images and pictures from you tube and Facebook that got me started on this and must not forget a massive thanks to @Wizard for MFME in the first place.
Bfm's Jumping Jack Flash £8token/£10/£15 Dx's
By vectra666
Probably the Last release from me this side of 2024, and its a special one for me.. this is around the 600th release from me via Fme land...
Jumping Jack Flash, a fireworks themed fruit from Bfm i think its big brother is club firecracker as very similar themed although look entirely different
I originally made this as a Pdx way back in around 2014 due to no decent images at the time.
Fast Forward to 2023 and @stevedude2 uploaded a higher res flyer of the machine which still had the big fat star bottom right but got my lazy arse into removing that..
the layouts themselves are in a three in one release as each layout uses different roms, there was a whitbread £15 but stuck at 20p via planetemu (i'll up a link in a post)
the reel symbols are the same ones used in the pdx if better quality ones arise then i can update them quite easily
the £8 token layout seams a tad tight as in rarely gives IM boards but can get jackpots via the blast off feature.
As said its a fun action packed machine that should keep you fairly entertained
Shortcuts are as standard Plus Respin = R, Blast Off = X, Bell Man = B
Enjoy and Happy Gaming this Christmas and in 2024
thanks to All that have released layouts, contributed towards layouts via resources and layout help, The site owners and adminds and of course less not forget the great man in the sky @Wizard
lets raise a glass to him this Christmas as without his genius we'd have no layouts and no Mfme
so To All in FME land, and All various Fme sites.
Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year and beyond
Regards Vectra666
Dond - Break the Bank £5 Dx
By vectra666
Here's the Seaside variant of Deal or no Deal Break the Bank £5/10p
Thanks goto
@Reg for his £35/£70 Dx's of which i gained the lamping and reel positions etc
Shortcuts written within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Tubular Bells £15 & £25 Dx's
By vectra666
Next up is the prequel to Hitshot its tubular bells on the original £15 jackpot maybe the first rom set and the later £25 on maybe the final rom set of this
Thanks goto
the Original dx creator of this whoever it was, for the reel and majority of lamping positions
@infection Images used all two of them, so just shows you only need a few images to make a semi-decent layout
the multi coloured tube i think its lamped correctly although it don't look to good the way its lamped, if i'd of blended the tube it would've used upwards of 15-20 lamps and would've been too big covering most of the top half of the machine which would've probably slowed the layout down, it is what it is...
Shortcuts listed within the notes and there's loads of em lol
Notey does work but only gives change!!!!
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Dond - Hall of Fame £35 & £70 Dx's
By vectra666
been mentioned a few times this jackpot levels not dxed until now
Thanks to @infection for the decal images used, i simple added them to my existing £5 Art so not entirely a new layout, maybe 25% new
anyways all plays as they should, notey is where the bell fruit bells are suppose i should've added the correct notey but got lazy lol
Enjoy and Happy Gaming
Monopoly £8/£5 Dx
By vectra666
The dog's gone barkin mad!!! with monopoly crazziness
Thanks to @logopolis for pointing out the roms used in the £25 version went to a rare £8 jackpot setting i thought i'd make this again on that jp level
so its a eight pound jackpot set on 20p play, of course you can change the Price of Play to whatever you require (5p,10p,20p,25,30p)
the cash ladder decals may not look uniform as in all the same this is because i've used some from my unreleased £5 version and the £25 version, the £7 is homemade from the Four
anyways Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Dond - Spank the Banker £5 Dx
By vectra666
Basically just a decal change from the orignal £70 dx i released back in 2019
Thanks goto @fruitsnappa for the images from the £100 dx made
to eBay for the £5 decal image i nabbed to make this version
Shortcuts written within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Monopoly £25 Dx
By vectra666
Here is my take on this popular classic this is set to £25 / 25p play and it uses rom set1 (V1.1) where as the other dx's use a later set
I have made the smaller jackpot level but Will Not release that one generally, as @SocialDragon368 has made and will be releasing his own £5 variant its only right as he started that wip and i want him to succeed on the dx aspect of creating, so check out his WIP thread on this as i expect they're be his version in there soon, if good enough hopefully the powers that be will let him upload them to the main sections again.
Thanks goto
@Liverpool2008 - images
@BruceGeorge - previous dx and for the reel bands
Anyways you know the game, shortcuts are as standard and the Notey does work but Only Gives Change!!!!
Bfm's Shogun £4.80 Dx (revisited)
By vectra666
Remade this classic from Bfm for v20.1 originally made it back in 2015 (1024wdx)
Previous thanks goto
@spa for the classic / Hi-res Flyer used
@Pook for original hi lo number reel help etc
to another member for the coin inputs
The layout itself still has no original "shogun" sound roms so instead of a 75% mute layout i decided to use the sound roms from Spectre a near clone of this machine so at least we have sounds if not entirely correct
the layout is fully blended and the checkbox upto left tick for £2,40 All cash if you want
Shortcuts are as standard
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Bfm's Club Temptation (£250,£500 & £1000) Dx's
By vectra666
Will you be tempted to take a bite for the Apple, but be careful not to get bit by the serpent snake!!!
Its Club Temptation by Bfm
Thanks goto
@Reg - for his previous dx used for lamping/reel band references etc
@infection - images of which i think he got from Martin B from the mecca
@fruitsnappa - configuration help with the stake/prize refill checkboxs etc.
Orange symbol cut from youtube screenshot so not perfect but looks like the original
The layouts, there's three in one file all set to 84%, you can change the percentage via dips 678 on bank 2 (all labelled) from 72-90%
£250/30p - using the roms supplied via reg's dx
£500/30p - roms no- 95403257/8
And the mighty £1000jp on 30p/50p - roms no- 95402257/8, so probably earlier set than the £500??
the 500/1000 started from factory ram reset so will probably take a age to jackpot, so happy rams most welcome.
Shortcuts written within the notes on all three
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Jackpot Jokers £25 Dx
By vectra666
Next up, its Jackpot Jokers Sc4 Bell Fruit affair
this was requested by someone a while back but at the time the roms i had wouldn't run for some reason
thanks to @fruitsnappa for uploading a fresh set (sc5 roms within the rom file within the file)
can't remember where i got the flyer from, it may of been @stevedude2
Shortcuts written within the notes
the layout is unlocked due to the flyer not the best as you'll see with the layout quality but at least its now emulated and another machine preserved in fme history
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!1
BFM - Mystique
By Clo06
BFM - Mystique
Tech: System 83
A fun and simple game by Bell Fruit released way back in 1984 set at 10p play and a massive £3 Jackpot.
£1 coin slot is just to add a bit of that 80's authenticity and is used for change only.
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes.
With thanks to:
Wizard (RIP) for MFME
hitthesix for the started layout
Amot for the roms
MFME V20.1 only
Viper Active Wdx
By Tommy c
Clearing my backlog of old wips so spent the day making this one, clone of hissing quid by Qps, not a bad game tbh. Thanks to player for the images used and to the late wizard for the new mfme.
dels millions Del's Millions £10 DX
By bungle
Here is Del's Millions DX, from Bellfruit, £10 Jackpot/25p play.
My first delve into creating with a 4k screen,Takes a bit of getting used to.
Done the best I could with the Images I had.Extra work went into tidying things up.
Plz use F3 Mode, For best effect! Because that's what it was created for.
Please Enjoy...
Bell Fruit - Majestic Bells £4 & £8
By Clo06
BFM - Majestic Bells £4 & £8
Tech: Scorpion 2
Ring those bells, get that cash because these bells are Majestic.
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes
Thanks to:
Wizard (RIP) for MFME
The rom and image provider.
MFME V20.1 only
Battleships & Cruisers £25.
By Ze Frog
First proper attempt with the clone stamp tool courtesy of @slotsmagicwho went above and beyond in creating a video tutorial for me.
Massive credit to classic creator, was no name attatched but i'm pretty sure @Clo06could be the creator so thankyou. Also @vectra666 for assistance and supplying another classic which was instrumental in some of the lamp numbers that were'nt on the original classic and providing extra material for the layout.
Still working on my patience as I try to slow down and focus on quality, I tend to get to a point where I just race to finish, not ideal for this kind of thing really.😂
Controls are standard format with guide in notes for anyone who does'nt know. Payout at 82%, realistic percentage for fruit machines by the sea at least or on the big resorts backk in the day, although probably far different these days with the handful of machines they do have.
Bfg casino jackpot bars classic
By hitthesix
Set on 30p play with the jackpot at £25.
thanks to the rom provider, riche100 for the flyer, and the usual shout out to the late great man, wizard(r i p)
sadly we don't appear to have the correct sounds, but the ones used are a good match.
I have got to say this is the most generous lo- tech i have ever played.
it is running way over it's %age.
and she is ready a few wins, and look out for the hints along the way.