36 files
Crystal's Ace Of Clubs £250.
By Ze Frog
2 of 3 Christmas releases.
We only had a classic for this so thought it deserved a DX.
Massive thanks to @vectra666 for the extra reel resources to make the reels as they should be and nice and clear. Also for coin input sounds and blending cash lamps and teaching me how to do so in future, absolute legend.🙂
Also a massive thanks to @roadrunner for the classic.🙂
Super Step Fruit Norwegian
By Damici
It all started out with a question by Mort if anybody wanted to get busy with a layout for this Norwegian machine. I've seen it as a fun project to participate in.
The machine itself looks quite simple but it's definitely fun to play. Thanks to @johnparker007 to get it running. A release specially for @erik92 and all our foreign friends.
Caesars Palace Cab (Single/Dual Screen) DX
By Ross
This has been build for use in a cab either single screen or dual screen.
for single screen its only required to set the "Load Mode" to "Full Screen Max Stretch" so that it'll fit the screen.
dual screens:
in MFME go to file > preferences > and set "Dual Screen Mode" to true and "Load Mode" to "Full Screen Max Stretch".
Rearrange screens so that the screens are stacked:
Club Roulette DX
After being quiet on the creation front, I decided to have a go at one I'd not played in the arcades for @MikeyPosh and previously the classic layout was done by @Clo06 who very kindly sent me the unlocked version, so I used a previous graphic image as the intro where it has my logo and Clo's as well.
So as always, many thanks to the late, great Wizard for this incredible emulator, which none of the fantastic released would have been possible.
The blue numbers on the game are not very good but given the original image, I don't think I've done too bad a job.
Finally, and more sadly, I would like to dedicate this machine to a very dear friend of mine who sadly passed away several days ago, Jason Boddy. We met at college many years ago and kept in touch on and off ever since and I'm so pleased to say that we saw each other more in the past couple of years and the last time was just before Christmas. He was the first close friend that I've lost and I am still in shock, so please be kind with your criticisms with this machine, although I hope there won't be many negative ones, if any.
Enjoy the machine everyone
Lucky Lottery(club) £250 Dx
By vectra666
It's Lottery time!!! will you pick the winning numbers all six including the bonus ball for the Jackpot or take a lucky dip and win nowt (like the real lottery!!!)
Thanks goto
@Clo06 - classic layout used for lamping references etc
@spa - flyer used
@Tommy c for the Hi Lo reel nabbed from his give us a break layout
This layout uses blended lamps for the cash ladder but due to size it should play ok, well does on my lappy,
not sure if the coloured balls are the correct colours as the flyer appears to be in a different order compared to the real machine, but doesn't affect gameplay but they may light differently to what they're supposed to light.
the coins in.. if you click on the relevant coin slots you may get a coin mech error. this times out quickly if it does press the shortcuts 9 = 20p, 0 = £1
the Bars i've used bog standard Jpm ones as lazy, they now include the "green double bar"
All shortcuts listed within the notes
Hope everything else is in order.
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Club Caesars Palace £200jp 20p
By woodsy
!Thanks to Wizard for making it possible!
Thanks go out to @hitthesix for the reels which I was able to update with some new art made available to me, to @Clo06 for the hi-lo reel and for explaining the need for checkboxes which are able to be viewed by changing the window size if ever required.
The biggest thanks to @CainZ-A who provided the high res images that this layout is based on, he has been a dedicated helper and assistant throughout the process even taking detailed images of the reels for me upon detailed request shall we say!!
The only things I had to redraw were the mystery options and reel numbers, the super 7 too. after plenty of testing in auto and myself (5k) I've released it with a decent play through and corrected the meters to be 1 in 1 out on this version.
The only issues I can't resolve without removing detail is the lamp sequence upon winning a jackpot/cashpot/top feature. the sheer amount of blended lights slow down the display and to avoid that would of meant losing depth hard sought to achieve and if it is not detail you want please pm me and I will explain or provide a version without dual bulb lamps.. please be aware when feeding back to me that in this layout I've used a new technique to myself with lamping in photoshop where I've tried to replicate the double bulbs as shown in the original machine images.. I hope it meets approval and please bear in mind this is my 8th layout so far and perfection takes approximately 447/8??
As always thanks to the community on a whole for the help and support that's enabled me to offer up this and other layouts. what will your first feature be?
Kung Fu Club £250 Dx
By vectra666
time to get your num-chuk's ready and pick a fight with this old skool clubber from crystal leisure
Thanks goto
@RB For the original dx this is based on
@infection for the flyer uploaded
@Tommy c Hi lo reel used
@whoever for the hi res reel band scans i had nabbed ages back, or at least parts of them lol for which i've made the correct base reel symbols from (except the no2 overlay which is homemade)
As always to @Wizard for mfme's past and present
shortcuts written within the notes,
this does goto £1000/50p jackpot if the dips are reset but i expect it'll take the mick on that prize/stake ratio!!
Play in Mfme v20.1
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Crystal - Danger Zone 1440p WDX (£3jp and £6jp)
By Ross
With thanks to:
@andy-1 for the base layout and real machine questions.
@Tommy c for his font id help.
and Chris a.k.a Wizard.
Cash diver classic
By hitthesix
Thanks to the rom provider
and to the late genius of a man wizard, for his amazing emulators
set on 25p play with the jackpot at £10 and 90%
usual shortcuts apply.
sadly we don't have the correct sounds, so i have added some.
not great but better than mute.
Frame & Fortune Club Wdx
By Tommy c
£200 version of the game i released on £500 earlier in the year,the machine is very happy so should be pretty much jackpot ready, thanks to the late wizard for the new mfme
Mfme 20.1 only.
Crystals Fun Of The Fairground Wdx
By Tommy c
Here's my version of crystals fun of the fairground,set on the higher 20p stake. Massive thanks to amot for the resources used,andy1 for the classic and to the late great wizard for fixing the sound issus and for bringing us the new mfme.
Shortcuts are usual and mfme v 20.1 only.
Frame & Fortune Club 50p/£500 Wdx
By Tommy c
Photo based dx of frame and fortune club,machine is jackpot ready,thanks to @Amot for the photo's the classic creator and @Wizard for the tech help and the new meme.
Crystal - Club Mystique
By Clo06
Crystal - Club Mystique
Tech: MPU4
Here's another Crystal clubber from me, it's something different feature game wise, using picks to offer a cash win or feature.
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes section of the emulator.
Thanks to Wizard for the fab emulator
The rom and image provider.
Please use MFME V19.8 or later to play.
Crystal - Lite A Note Club
By Clo06
Crystal - Lite a Note Club
Tech: MPS2
Next clubber is this little oldie, crystal's take on JPM's Reel Bingo.
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes part of the emulator.
Thanks to Wizard for the emulator.
The rom provider
john_disco (over on The Mecca) for the image.
Please use MFME V19.8 or later to play
Enjoy & Stay safe
Crystal - Club Paradise
By Clo06
Crystal - Club Paradise
Tech: MPU4
Here's another Crystal clubber for your enjoyment, basically it's a clone of a clone of a clone lol.
I started this a while ago but it would not run properly without the sound rom, so, it got put on the back burner, then along comes Amot with his treasure trove of resources and in there was the sound rom, so I decided to finish off the layout.
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes section of the emulator.
Thanks goto Wizard for the emulator
Amot for both the sound rom and the V1.2 game rom
The original game rom provider
The image provider
Please use MFME V19.8 or later to play
Enjoy, have fun and stay safe.
Crystal - Club Caesars Palace
By Clo06
Crystal - Club Caesars Palace
Tech: Impact
Hail Caesar!!. Yep, its another clubber from me, one that's been done before but I thought I'd create my version for MFME V19.8+
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes section of the emulator.
Thanks to Wizard for the emulator
HTS for his classic (which I used for the hard to read bits in the picture).
The rom and image provider.
Please use MFME V19.8 or later to play
Crystal - Lucky Lottery
By Clo06
Crystal - Lucky Lottery
Here's another clubber from Crystal, basically its a clone-ish of JPM's club big break
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes section of the emulator.
Thanks to Wizard for the emulator
The rom and image providers.
Please use MFME V19.8 or later to play.
Crystal - Club Elite
By Clo06
Crystal - Club Elite
Tech: MPU4
It's another oldie clubber from me, this time its Club Elite from Crystal, it made its appearance in clubs around 1996. It has a great Jackpot tune to it - ABBA's Money Money Money. Enjoy
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes section of the emulator.
Thanks to Wizard for the emulator
stoneyat421 (over on the mecca) for the roms and images.
Please use MFME V19.8 or later to play
Crystal - Gold Rush
By Clo06
Crytstal - Gold Rush
Here's another clubber from crystal, made in 1998, it's a clone of JPM's Rollercoaster club. Unfortunately it's another mute layout unless the sounds show up for it.
Set to 20p play £200 JP
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes section of the emulator.
Thanks as ever to Wizard for the emulator
Richie100 for the flyer
The rom provider
Please use MFME V19.8 or later to play.
Crystal - Gold Fever
By Clo06
Crystal - Gold Fever by Clo06
Tech: MPU4
This time it's not a clubber, but a pub / arcade machine. It's a fun machine to play (I enjoyed playing in when we had it in our local). It's a gold mining themed machine with a great sound package too.
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes section of the emulator.
Thanks to Wizard for the emulator
The Rom and Image provider.
Please use MFME V19.8 or later to play.
Crystal - Crazy Climber
By Clo06
Crazy Climber
Tech MPU4
Here's another Crystal clubber, this time from the late 90's (1998).
There's loads going on with this machine which makes it both fun and interesting to play.
It does have it's faults though.
1 - No Sound as yet but it may turn up, you never know in fme land.
2 - It only pays out in 20p's as I can't find the hopper settings. If anyone knows them please let me know and I'll update accordingly.
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes section of the emulator.
Thanks to Wizard for the emulator.
The rom & image providers.
Please use MFME V19.8 or later to play.
Crystal - Club Carousel
By Clo06
Crystal - Club Carousel
Tech: MPU4
Here's another clubber from crystal, a late 90's machine I think. It plays a fun game which is something different than the usual hi-lo cash or trail games. OK it's a hi-lo game based on three trails - cash, picks or nudges.
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes section of the emulator.
Thanks as ever to Wizard for the emulator
Geddy for disc reel help
The Rom and image providers.
Please use MFME V19.8 or later to play.
Crystal - Buccaneer
By Clo06
Crystal - Buccaneer
Tech: MPU4
Requested by Lineup.
Here's another oldie clubber this time from the Crystal stable. It's a weird one, with the reels on the top glass and the feature game on the bottom glass, but it does play a fun game.
Unfortunately this layout is mute due to missing sound roms.
Keyboard Shortcuts in the notes section of the emulator.
Thanks to Wizard for the emulator
The Rom and flyer provider.
Please use MFME V19.8 or later to play.
Bags of Cash
By Clo06
Crystal - Bags of Cash
Tech: MPU4
Here's another clubber from me, Crystals Bags of Cash, it plays similar to Rags to Riches - a hi-lo feature gamble game.
Keyboard Shortcuts in notes section of layout.
Thanks to Wizard for the emulator
The Rom & Flyer providers.