76 files
Magic Circle
By wearecity
Magic Circle
A QPS Interactive machine on Scorpion 4 tech.
£5 Jackpot, 10p Play, 92% payout.
KEYS: ' = Cancel, 1-3 = Holds 1-3 and Nudge, M = Magic, T = Transfer, Space = Start, 0 = Insert £1
Wizard (RIP) for the thrilling MFME emulator.
Infection for some images to go by
The Program & or Rom Provider
Everyone who has offered assistance
QPS Interactive and whoever owns them now for leaving FME alone
Money Spinner
By wearecity
Money Spinner
A QPS Interactive machine on Scorpion 5 tech
£70 Jackpot, 30p/50p Play, 82% Payout
0=Insert £1, '=Cancel, 1=Hold 1, 2=Hold 2/Hi, 3=Hold 3/Lo, 4=Hold 4, C=Collect, Space=Start
S=Change Stake, T=Transfer £2, M=Money Spinner, W=Make a Win
7=Insert £5, 8=Insert £10, 9=Insert £20 (notes acceptance if machine has enough coins only)
Wizard (RIP) for the magical MFME
Ross for the fantastic base reel
Infection for an image to go by
Logopolis and everyone else involved in getting the roms dumped, uploaded and sorted
QPS Interactive and whoever owns them now for leaving FME alone
Show Me The Money Classic
By wearecity
Show Me The Money.
A QPS Interactive machine, on Scorpion 5 tech
THIS LAYOUT IS MUTE, Note acceptor not used.
£25 Jackpot, 30p Play, 82% Payout
For me a first, my first attempt at a disc reel in a layout. It's a mixture of real graphics and classic components. Not perhaps, 100% perfect looking, but works 100% fine. I believe the arrows in the centre, are for decorative purposes only. I would welcome feedback from those who have done a disc reel, as to what I could do differently.
KEYS: '=Cancel, C=Collect, 1=Hold 1, 2=Hold 2/Hi, 3=Hold 3/Lo, T=Transfer (not used), E=Exchange, Space=Start, S=Spin, M=Move, F=Feature, H=Cash, 0=Insert £1
The Program Rom provider
QPS and whoever owns them now, for leaving FME alone
The Ducks of Hazzard £25 Dx
By vectra666
Can you get away from the sheriff to bag yourself a super win series, don't get caught and fly away with this "Dukes of Hazzard" themed slot with ducks galore
Thanks goto
@Johnnyafc for the early classic used for lamping references
@Player for the images used including reel symbols and hi lo reel (Full throttle one)
@bungle for helping out with the sounds
@infection for obtaining both parts of the sound roms
the chase reel has two colours, blue/ red not sure which ones which so used the blue lamp for the duck and red for the sheriff
shortcuts written within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!
Medallion Job £15 classic
By wearecity
Couldn't find any £15 version of this machine emulated. Also hopefully will help towards a DX, as Player has uploaded decent Artwork for it, so hopefully a DX will be made
Medallion Job £15 30p 82% by wearecity
A QPS Interactive machine on Impact tech.
0= Insert £1, B = Bonus.
'= Cancel, E= Exchange 1=Hold 1 2/H = Hold 2/Hi, 3= Hold 3/Lo
C= Collect, S= Change Stake, Space= Start
Wizard for the amazing MFME
The original DX'rs of the £5 jackpot version
The Rom provider
QPS and whoever owns them now for leaving FME alone
Golden Shot DX
Now before anyone asks, @andy-1 very kindly gave me permission to release this version and sent me the unlocked version so I could include my thanks etc.
Anyhow, as always, the first thanks must go to the late, great Wizard for his amazing emulator.
Massive thanks to @andy-1 for the unlocked version and help finding the better images that I used for the symbols and cash amounts under the reels as the original ones were partly lit and some were unlit and I ended up trying to fix them but they didn't look very good so in the end I used the better images and although they're small, they look much better.
I was going to release it tomorrow but given the rubbish weather and the awful experience I had with Tesco mobile (I won't go into it on here) I thought I'd release it so it hopefully cheers everyone up
Hope you all enjoy this machine as I enjoyed working on it
Golden Shot
By andy-1
Here is Golden Shot by QPS this is set on £5 Jackpot, 10p play and 86%. This is a clone of a Lo Tech I done called Win Can Alley.4
Thanks go to:
Wizard (R.I.P) for his amazing Emulator
Player for the reel uploads for Win Can Alley.
Shortcuts are in the notes
Hope you enjoy
Please use MFME 20.1
QPS - Xtravaganza £35 @ 30p/50p DX
By slotsmagic
Well here's a quick layout I cobbled over the last few days using some artwork provided by @Player. It's a very simple game, basically the same machines as the Red Hot Monopoly single-player, or Grand Golden Game multi-player. As posted in the WIP thread, I had a brutal session on this in Skirlington, before being shown the correct way to play it (cheers @spa!)
Also, as stated in the notes and WIP thread, the artwork here appears to be pre-release, or prototype, or something else. I had to add the top reel surround and XTRA LIFE lamp as they weren't present on the art. So while it's listed as a DX, it's not 100% accurate. If I remember to take better photos in the future, or learn how to draw in Photoshop rather than manipulate, it might be re-released in more accurate form in the future!
Thanks to those who gave their input on the WIP thread and elsewhere. I'll be honest, I'm not 100% sure about the layout. I think the next time I do one of these I'll be tempted to forget the belly glass at the bottom and move the note acceptor somewhere else. It's a VERY skinny layout. So skinny that you'll probably find my image and notes are off the left hand side of your screen when opening.
Other than that I believe they layout is fully working as it should be. Any issues at all reply here and I'll update the layout!!
Cheers all
Club Clouseau £250 Dx
By vectra666
Next up its inspector Clouseau's turn in the pink panther franchise in this colourful clubber from Qps
Thanks goto
@Pook for the very hi res image gained
@andy-1 for the classic of which i nabbed the reel bands from,
@Player for uploading the hi res scan of the reels
Shortcuts listed within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!
I've A few Wips in the pipeline maybe another clubber next and off to Las Vegas with the beavers...
Pac-Man Plus (QPS) £15/30p/86%
By No1Stoney
Here we have Pacman Plus by QPS set on £15/30p/86%
With huge thanks to @Player for providing the scans for this machine and many many others.
Another machine that I played a lot as a teenager and it plays a decent and fair game. Can streak too.
I hope you enjoy playing this machine.
As usual, any problems let me know.
Thanks for looking
Reel Cash S16 £500 Dx
By vectra666
Next up in my £500 video series of dx's is Reel Cash, similar to pink panther where its upto £10 a pop, so shove a monkey in or a bag of sand (cockney slang for 500-1000)
and make a cup of tea whilst its on auto play max stake!!!
Thanks goto
@Reg for the classic
@dad donor cab used
@Player machine scans and reel scans used
Usual shortcuts apply, the 10p input is the "no notes accepted tab" bottom of machine next to notes or shortcut - 6
Next will probably be Golden Winner another £500 one to dx
Plays in Mfme 20.1
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Pink Panther S16 £500 Dx
By vectra666
Here's something i knocked up this afternoon and something you can leave on autoplay for a few hours at a mighty £10 a Spin
Thanks goto
@Reg for his classic layout from which i copied the configuration's over etc
@Player for the scans he uploaded, of which i also have reel cash and golden winner £500's to dx at some point
@dad for the donor cab used, of which i chopped the cashbox off to give the screen size a bit more enlargement
Now to the Layout, on @Reg's classic the layout couldn't be played till After 2pm (maybe when the bingo opened lol) this layout uses a earlier numbered rom set and as i started making this after 2pm today i'm not sure if this suffers the same time delay. IF anyone plays this before 2pm, as in the morning say 10 a.m could you let us know if its playable before 2pm
If the screen size is still too small for short sighted members then maybe reg's classic would be better
Shortcuts are self explanatory
I = infomation
A = Autoplay
M = Max Bet (£10 spins)
C = Collect
Spacebar = Start
S = Change Stake
Plays in Mfme v20.1
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!
Back of the Net
By andy-1
This is layout dedicated to Chris J Wren. May you rest in peace Chris and thanks for everything you have done for MFME, and the community by allowing us to have your amazing emulator and for the newer versions plus the updates.
I think this was the last layout I ever asked Wizard for assistance with the Security error, this was fixed via a CHR but when MFME 20.1 was released Chris sixed the issue.
Here is Back of the net by QPS, this is set on 25p play £25Jackpot 86%.
Thanks go to:
The rom provider
Whoever uploaded the small flyer
Wizard (R.I.P) for his amazing emulator and getting this running,
Shortcuts are in the notes
Please use MFME 20.1
Hope you enjoy
Captain Cash £15 - Dual Release
Captain Cash By Pootis Spencer
This is a first for me creating a layout from scratch without any help from a classic layout. I went solo on this one!
Captain Cash by QPS
Tech: Scorpion 4
Jackpot: £15
Pence Per Play: 25p
Percentage: 88%
Test Mode
Tick S Door then click Test
Shortcut Keys
HOLD 1 - 1
HOLD 2 - 2
HOLD 3 - 3
COIN IN £1 - 0 or NUM 0
COIN IN 50p - 9 or NUM 9
So why a double release?
There are 2 folders in the zip file. Early Version ROM and Later Version ROM.
There were numerous rom versions available for this machine and I was curious as to the differences between them all. Some of the later versions played differently when you were on the board, so I have given the option of both here because we all like choice don't we!
The Early Version ROM does not allow you to choose Hi/Lo after each number spin on the board. It also doesn't allow you to continue after choosing the nudges you have so far. It just automatically nudges in the nearest win for you.
The Later Version ROM allows you choose Hi/Lo after most number spins allowing you to add extra into the pots. You can either choose Hi or Lo or carry on around the board. It also allows you to take for e.g the nudges or knockouts you have so far and use them then carry on around the board as usual.
There may be other differences as well which I have not listed, but those are the main ones that stand out that makes the gameplay a little different.
Thanks goes to the following:
@Player - For the supply of the hi res artwork
@vectra666 - Help with blended lamps and testing
None of this would be possible without MFME from @Wizard. May he continue to rest in peace...
All the best and enjoy the layout!
Clever Cogs
By andy-1
Here we have a QPS machine by the name of Clever Cogs. This is set on £25 Jackpot, 25p Play and 86%
This is possibly a failed test machine, there are no images of this so I have done it to what I thought it would possibly look like.
Thanks go to:
hitthesix for sorting the door switches
Wizard (R.I.P) for his amazing emulator and for the many updates that have allowed us to preserve so many of these classic games.
Shortcuts are in the notes.
Please use MFME 20.1
Hope you enjoy.26 downloads
Cash Lab DX - Single and Full Screen Version
What can I say? I have learned how to do a full screen version and apologies but this has taken me quite a long time to complete because I had other projects on the go, including my book, Guide To Retro Emulation and forthcoming book of poems.
As always, thanks and always in my memory when I work or play on fruit machines to @Wizard R.I.P. for his amazingly fantastic emulator.
@vectra666 for the original release and images.
@infection (it's been that long since I started this I can't remember whether I got the images from Vectra666 or Infection so thanks to both for all the help over the years).
In this version, I've added extra keys for additional coins (7 - 10p, 8 - 20p, 9 - 50p) - usual 0 for £1 coin.
I initially tried to add something so it wouldn't run out of pound coins but that ended up making the machine do crazy things with the hold buttons flashing away so I managed to revert to the original (for some reason I thought that the original had the same issue) and updated it properly
One thing I notice is that next to the number, there's lights for Hi and Lo but even looking at a video of someone playing the machine, I've no idea when they actually light up because playing the feature and winning the jackpot doesn't light it up at all. Oh well.
Hope you enjoy playing it as much as I have working on it.
Here's a plug for my 104 page guide to retro emulation. If you would like a PDF copy, please send £5 to deffstar@hotmail.com and I will send you the link to download it
(it will soon be increased in price to £8 and will also be available on Amazon in eBook and Hard Copy at a price yet to be decided but possibly £8 and £15)
Double Crazy Reels £5
By woodsy
thanks to wizard.
thanks to @vectra666 for help with this from start to finish, and for his patience and assistance along the way!!
thanks to @Clo06 for getting me through the button stages
thanks to @Player for the artwork
this is set to £5 10p 90% and has a streak in it after the double crazy!
@Multi Retro Man feedback on the size issues would be great as hopefully that's now fixed with this and each future release..
thanks to everyone on dif who has been patient and supportive whilst i continue to find my feet as a FML artiste
ENJOY and please share your feedback good/bad as it helps me to learn..
War Of The Wads (QPS)
Way back in March of 2021 @Clo06 released a classic of this QPS machine which is play on War of the Worlds (similar music to the movie score). Fast forward to now and I fancied trying my hand at another DX, after Red Square, using the hi res artwork that @Player uploaded to the artwork thread. After spending three full days on it this is what I came up with. I used a couple of new techniques in photoshop for the lamps and overall machine lighting. I also learnt a couple of new things with the MFME tools thanks to @vectra666. This is new territory for me as this one has a disc reel which I had a silly mistake on with the lamps, however thanks to @Clo06 it was sorted in minutes.
I try not to use a classic as a start unless I am struggling to get the rom started. I want to try and start from scratch myself just so I can learn how to do it all. I love creating the artwork side of doing a DX but I also love to learn how to get the roms running and all the settings.
There is artwork to change this to the £6 and £4 version which was suggested I do, however I have a short attention span so decided to leave this open for anyone who wants to add it later themselves.
Anyway I hope you enjoy the layout.
Thanks goes out to the following for their resources and input:-
@Clo06 for the classic to which I used as a reference to get the rom running and also for help with the disc reel
@Player for the hi res artwork upload
@infection for the list of machines which still needed a DX doing and also for beta testing
Big BIG THANKS goes out to this guy.....
@vectra666 for help with finishing off and tidying up, suggesting a few changes and also for supplying some replacement images to use in other machines.
Thanks also to everyone listed above and a couple others for BETA testing.
Devil of a Deal £35 Dx
By vectra666
Next up is this devilish slot from Qps, a different take on the normal Dond game
Big Thanks Must firstly go to @Wizard without his genius this game would've never been a reality, of course there's mfme but the 10 spaced number band in which he fixed in Mfme v20.1 in order for this to run
@Player for images used including reel bands from 2019
@Clo06 for the hi lo band from her classic i used for configuration settings etc
WARNING!! The red and blue text flashes a fair bit in attract mode
also there maybe a slight slow down when on the feature board whilst hi/lo,ing if you've a slower spec lappy like me but it isn't that bad
Shortcuts are written in a text file and the within warning notes
I think thats it!!! so,
Enjoy and Happy Gaming
Club Pink Panther £250 Dx
By vectra666
Next up is another machine I originally did pre mfmev5 at the time it was "door open mode" and a smaller 1024 edition
this time its bigger and without side art
thanks go to
@Dougsta for the original classic layout he did over ten years back
@Player for the image upload
shortcuts written within the notes
play this version in Mfme v20.1 only
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Club Gladiator £250/25p dx
By vectra666
Romans and Legionnaires
Enter the coliseum!!! Will fight your way to victory, or have a quick defeat in the arena
Well this is actually the 3rd time i've re-released this clubber,
It was first released as a classic layout by @Matty.n then shortly afterwards by myself as a mini £200/1024dx back in Oct 2015 (door open mode)
then along came @Wizard with the newer v5 Mfme (Oct 2016) and shut the back door so it could be played normally
Fast forward to now 300+layouts later (2021) and thanks to @Player for uploading various Qps flyer scan here's the third instalment, this time bigger and clearer.
i eventually finished it with my laptop running photoshop slowly so took longer than the normal 3hrs to complete lol
the red cash decals may not look that good but it'll do for now.
Shortcuts listed within the notes within the layout
Play this Edition in Mfme v20.1 only!!
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Club Suits U Sir! £250 Dx
By vectra666
Next is the big brother of Suits U Sir!, the club edition.
Long story short, several years back (maybe over a decade or more)
this was first made as a classic layout by @captainhaddock at the time certain scorp4 layouts only ran in "door open mode", for those who we're about then what that meant was the only way to play it was in demonstration/demo mode.
then i decided to make the first dx a mini 1024 version as had decent artwork back in 2013,
then came along the "newer" mfme v5 and with @Wizard's magic the doors were finally shut on a fair few of these scorp4 machines
and fast forward to 2021 and thanks to @Player for uploading hi res images here we are today my final edition of this
so a big thankyou to those above who've made this happen
shortcuts are written within the notes
Play in v20.1
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Suits U Sir! £25 Dx
By vectra666
Next up the baby brother of the clubber i did a while back (still need to revamp that one) its Awp Suits u Sir set at its original £25 jackpot, i did try to find the £35 roms but so far nowt found?
Thanks goto
@Player for the resources used in the art / layout
Plays in mfme v20.1
Shortcuts written within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming !!!
QPS - War of the Wads
By Clo06
QPS - War of the Wads
Tech: Scorpion 5
It's off into space we go in a war with the aliens, to find where they have hidden their wads with this game from QPS.
Keyboard Shortcuts in the notes.
Fixedsys font included but it should be a standard windows font
Thanks to:
Wizard (RIP) for MFME.
@Playerfor all the images & reels.
the rom provider.
Plays in MFME V20.1 only
QPS - Devil of a Deal
By Clo06
QPS - Devil of a Deal
Tech : Scorpion 5
Think you can beat the devils hand, then try your luck with this layout.
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes.
Thanks goto:
Wizard (RIP) for MFME (Wizard icon on layout)
@Playerfor uploading images & reels
The Rom provider
Please use MFME V20.1 only