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That’s the thing bud, work and life get in the way of these hefty projects. In a perfect world this would be a paid gig. I wonder how long this project would take if this was your sole day job? Real shame it’s such a niche market, I imagine people with coding skills are looking for the money J
- Today
I'm still dabbling in the occasional bit of light FME stuff, hacking the odd ROM etc, but with life and work as it is as the moment, I'm needing to take a break from the big push developing the new software (which is another multi-year project). It is of course all open source and 100% of the Oasis code so far is on github for other programmers to get involved, but it seems like fruit machine software is just too niche to tempt anyone else capable of this kind of work! If I was retired it'd be a breeze, get up, have a coffee, code some Oasis... one day lol
4 months on, how's this going? Any further forward? Left everything for dead in arcade sim, even the clubbers. Could just start again I suppose. Thanks.
gromosotto joined the community
- Yesterday
Yes, I was a bit of a tracker head. I’ve used Octamed. My go to was Noiserekker. Miss those days in the 90’s!! I just love the tracker way of making tunes J
Tempest 2000 mod files - they are AWSOME
Im pretty sure for the foreseeable...... a donation now will keep you good going forward, as per @pete_w post in site news on donations. So it's a pretty good time to donate!
As said above it's on the main portal page. Minimum is £5 (I think) and would run until Dec 31st 2025. Well worth it for the amount of downloads that are available.
On main portal page on right hand side, green box with donate on it, again please read before you donate as am pretty sure the downloads are for 12 months only and then donate again to help keep the lights on over the site.
thanks fruitsnappa how do you donate ? is there a set amount you need to donate for unlimited downloads ? honestly love the site thanks lee
- Last week
Unless your a donator and then you have unlimited downloads
hi everyone great site thanks again for letting me join. quick question how many downloads can i do ? ive kinda made a mess of it and downloaded the same machines twice lol still great but kinda a waste. any help would be great thanks lee
I remember when I lost / broke my pirate copy of Johnny Castaway as a youngster. I wrote a letter to Sierra On-line. I told them how much I missed it, and enjoyed their other games too (Kings Quest, Leisure Suit Larry - which probably wasn't really appropriate for a 10 year old, and The Incredible Machine). They sent me a legit floppy of Johnny Castaway for free and a nice letter!
Smudgedz joined the community
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IggyVal changed their profile photo
Great to see some interest in this program, the thread just sat here for a while without too much interest. I will find some time to release it soon enough, been bogged down with some other things recently. It's certainly progressed further than the images posted on here.
Evening all…… hoping to go back in time and play eastenders… coronation st…. Only fools and horses… etc …. As you need a mortgage to buy the real thing !!!
looks really good, i used to use pinballx`s built in MFME launcher then moved over to your earlier version of fruitbar and it was some much better, i never got round to adding many machines ( about 30 of my favorites ) but it was so easy to use, so really look forward to this.
B1gBob1 joined the community
looks fantastic cant wait for release