49 files
I'm a Jackpot, Get me out of Here!!! £5 Dx
By vectra666
Welcome to the Jungle, we're have fun and games!! Released just in time for I'm a Celebrity!!! now collect them Stars for huge profits!!!
A ultra-rare machine from global a clone of cannon ball run and cut throat cash with the jungle theme, maybe this one came out first who knows??
anyways thankyou's goto
@infection - for the Single image used
@loo / @dad - roms
@wearecity - for offering his help on the Pot button/ now resolved.
Shortcuts written within the notes
the layout uses v1.5roms
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!
Gold Rush (AC Games)
By Matty.n
Gold Rush (Ac Games)
10p/20p/30p - £35 Jackpot
Thanks go to:
@Ross for the roms
@Tommy c for reel symbols
@Wizard for the emulator that enables us to enjoy this hobby
Shortcuts found in the layout notes, as always any issues please let me know and anyone wanting to DX feel free to message for the unlocked layout
@infection Image link -
Casino Utter Nutter £5-£15 Dx's
By vectra666
Time for some Nutty Fun with the Mixed Nutters again in this fun packed lo-tech from Global Games. First glance it looks like any other crazy fruit clone but this has a few minor differences to the gameplay
Two layouts to choose from £5/£15 both using a different set of roms, the £5 using the earliest ones.
Thanks Goto-
@Mavroz for his classic and the sound roms from that layout
this layout (apart from reels and base donor cab section) is made entirely from youtube screenshots about six of them stuck together and it hasn't come out too bad tbh.
so thanks goto Steve's Fruities for his upload of him playing this rare machine checkout his other videos of his growing collection just recently purchasing the Awp Blackjack
shortcuts are as standard
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!
Global Casino - Utter Nutter - Epoch - £15 - 25p
By Mavroz
Another rarity to add to the Nutter Series.
Reel symbols made up as there wasn't a full set available / the ones that are were too grainy for my liking.
And yes there is a deliberate mistake. 😂
As always Fonts are provided that are needed.
Thanks @slotsmagic for testing, much appreciated.
Club Beaver Las Vegas £250 Dx
By vectra666
Off to Vegas to join Beaver Presley in this fun packed clubber from Global. Will you be All shook up orRock n Rolling Away with a pocket full of cash??
Thanks goto
@Reg for the previous classic used for lamping reference and general set up's
The flyer uploader and to eBay for some images used
This is on the original rom1.0, where as the classic used 2.3 which i've included within the zip file, as not fully tested the 1.0rom out sometimes the mystery text flashes from attract mode when inserting ££ but it goes away the next time and doesn't affect gameplay
Shortcuts written within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!
Beaver Uncovered DX
Firstly, I wish to dedicate this to our late, fantastic Queen andgive my love to the Royal Family at this sad time.
This machine was one I wasn't sure about and it took my all my skills I've learned over the last couple of years since I started using the image editing program GIMP (no it's not rude before you ask).
One thing I didn't know at the start was that the Club Pass had 2 different colours and I tried to make sure that each one had the correct colours compared to the arcade machine. I managed to get a screenshot from a YouTube video and rotating, cropping and various colour temperature etc. editing each image from it and putting it into this design.
I did honestly think it would take me about 3 weeks or more to do but once I got started, I found it quite easy to do and getting the colours for some things right was also fairly easy to do, once I got my head round what needed to be done.
Thanks as always go to the late, great Chris aka Wizard for his awesome emulator, without which, none of the machines would be available.
I would also like to give thanks to @vectra666 who very kindly supplied updated, proper reels images for this machine, which I think look awesome and really finish the machine off nicely and @infection for the various images he has provided for all the many machines.
Finally, I don't think there are any issues and one thing I am really pleased with is the bottom right image that I edited and think it looks like the real thing.
£25 Hi Spirits (Global)
By woodsy
rip big man..
thanks to @vectra666 who i used the classic for the lamp numbering, and the reels from within which really does save a day for me.. and indeed thanks to all classic creators!
this used to have a manipualtion from the super hold feature iirc.. but been so long i'm unable to share more than that..
quite a simple game but does give decent top features..
if you find any errors let me know..
best wishes
By woodsy
thanks to @slotsmagic for sharing the images from his trip to a arcade recently and the flyers in my pm's
thanks to uncle/mr&mrs @vectra666 for the spotted reel scans that i'm using for the semi well done reels i had to make and am happy for anyone to improve upon please!!
thanks to the ever helpful pair that unknown to you all are always helping me find the roms and dip settings upon regular request! thanks @logopolis & @WonkySausage
part 2 of my planned global revamps and again as big as mfme allows or maybe 1080p's biggest editor screen?!?!
i had to redraw the suitcases and room service text as well as the reception hints but the feature square were really impossibly difficult to lamp and redraw at my skill level so they are transferred from the flyer as that way they are legible and its still not a bad release..
all feedback welcomed unless it's not welcome usual po box address thanks!!
By woodsy
thanks to wizard...
thanks also to @slotsmagic for sharing his arcade high res images with me which has allowed for me to create a arcade sim ready and home build high res version!
thanks to the original dx creator which is un-named?? i've used the hi-lo reel and the hi-lo lamps to create this so thanks loads unknown!
thanks also to @vectra666 for providing better reel symbols from an existing game of his.. and for the spotted dick reel scans which will be put to use soon
this is number 1 of 4 planned GLOBAL updates.. if i can do more then i will but i will definitely be doing a super high res "banging away" semi hi res "spotted dick" and "screwing around" thanks to images from @slotsmagic and @infection and @dad.
once again these are as big as the emulator allows as there are no blended lamps it runs smoothly and i've done the best i can with the reflection, but its from inside a arcade so it adds that realism imo..(good excuse).... also some of the image is redrawn for better clarity.. its as sympathetic as possible for me!! go easy on me eh..
the percentage is set to 86% and can be changed by the bottom bank dip switches 7/8.. put both on for 94% if you want a less egg game..
so how bigs your rock? mines 2200-2800...
Saturday Night Beaver £5 Dx
By vectra666
Here's a Saturday themed release for a friday, and a Birthday release from me, another year older but none the wiser anyways...
Thanks goto
@wearecity for the £25 Classic used as a base
@infection - images used
Hi Lo reel not correct font'age as used the baker street one as looked good enough
i won't be making this on £25 , if you want that setting try @woodsy's beaver las vegas as its an exact clone of this
Shortcuts listed within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
By woodsy
thanks wizard!!!
thanks to @MikeyPosh for the images from his brother.. thanks to @logopolis for the roms multiple times
the image was low res so i've done as best i can with it, unfortunately no £15 decals came with it but it's the same game really anyways..
same as all it's clones.. good fun on test mode though..
plenty of wips to be getting on with so i'll release in a slower fashion i expect as @serene02 has been advising me on some enhanced lamping methods in photoshop not used on this layout but blimey if i can get it right WOW!!! but don't expect that anytime soon just know that i'm doing my best to continue improving as i go and thanks to all who help me do that.. patience of these people cannot be underestimated!!!
Storm Force
By wearecity
Storm Force
A Global machine on Epoch Tech
£25 Jackpot , 30p Play, 82% Payout
This layout uses Club Storm Force sounds, which appear to be a 100% match.
To me the sounds on this are some of the best I've heard on a fruit machine, really upbeat and catchy.
0 = INSERT £1
Wizard (RIP) for the spectacular MFME
Matty N for the reel belt and for the club version in general, which helped me find reel settings
Infection for some pictures for reference (one of the 3 shown below)
The rom provider
Global for leaving FME alone
Cut Throat Cash
By wearecity
Cut Throat Cash
A Global Games machine on Epoch Tech
£5 Jackpot 10p play, 90% Payout
My first £5 layout.
This is a 99.9% clone of Cannonball Run, made for the £5 market, but the roms will go up to £25 Jackpot. Layout is unlocked and for reference, lamp numbers are the same, so if any pictures are present an easy £25 classic could be created or if good enough pictures a £25 DX.
Sound roms from Cannonball Run a perfect fit, so may have even been used for the real machine itself.
Cancel = ` Hold Buttons 1-3 = 1-3, Collect = C, Auto Nudge = N, Start = Space
Take Cash = H, Take Feature = F, Take Pot (take on layout) = P, Shuffle = E
Left Hi = Q Left Lo = A Right Hi = W Right Lo = S Insert £1 = 0
Wizard (may he RIP) for the wonderful MFME
Vecs for the reels from Cannonball Run, a huge time saver
Char042102 & Johnny AFC for some pictures to go by, another huge time saver.
The rom provider for both program and sounds (sounds from Cannonball Run)
Global Games for leaving FME alone.
Pontoon Club
By vectra666
Deal the right hand or you'll go bust with this clubber "Pontoon" by Global
very similar to the club blackjack both on the Epoch tech.
Thanks goto
Ady for the hi res flyer used
@infection for the real cab the flyer is placed into, using real cab images gives it a more realistic look
@Tommy c for initial help with the meter problem and to @fruitsnappa for identifying the sec meters used
You will notice a slight pause now and again in attract mode let it do its thing and it'll be ok, this is due to the multiple blended lamps used
everything else should be ok if not let us know!!!
Shortcuts written within the notes in the layout
Play in Mfme v20.1
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Global - Classic Cash
By Clo06
Global - Classic Cash
Tech: Scorpion 1
Here's another early Global clubber, albeit a bit of a strange one, if anyone knows how to get the shots, then please let me know.
Unfortunately it mute, any problems please let me know so they can be fixed.
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes.
Thanks to:
Wizard for MFME
the rom and flyer provider
Please use MFME V20.1 to play
Jackpots That Rock 'N' Roll Wdx
By Tommy c
Here's another one of my earlier dx's with an update using the £25 roms which are better than the 50p imo. So i've had to do some artwork manipulation to make the art £25. Thanks to @loo for the 1.2 rom and to @Mavroz for the much sharper reel images used within the dx. I haver this set to my standard 88% i set my high tech games to if anyone can actually get it to pay the 88% payout let me know as I've tried all sorts and it's still hovering at about 74% max the robbing git.
Greed Classic
By wearecity
Greed by Global Games on Epoch Tech
£25 Jackpot, 25p Play, 82% Payout
Another late change to the style of layout, when Pook provided a flyer to go by. I'm sure members will be pleased to know, he is still with us.
0= Insert £1 ` = Cancel 1-3 = Holds 1-3, C = Collect, N = Auto Nudge, X = Xchange, SPACE = Start
S = Shuffle, K = Take Knockout E = Cash Hi, D = Cash Lo, R = Feature Hi, F = Feature Lo,
Thanks to:
Wizard, may he RIP, for his spectacular MFME emulator.
Pook, for flyer resource.
Vecs and Tommy C, as ever it seems lately, for various reels from various layouts.
The rom provider.
Global Games and whoever owns them now, for leaving FME alone.
I've posted the reduced size flyer, so people can see what the machine looks like and to not give away resources which aren't mine.
Blackjack Club
By Reg
Something old here, Wizard was very pleased when I got this one going as it was roms that he'd brought so thanks to Wizard.
Note sure if it's been released before by anyone else but I made that about nine years ago - it's unlocked for DX'ers.
This is what the orginal machine looked like.
Global - Wheel of Fortune
By Clo06
Global - Wheel of Fortune 20p play / £250 Jackpot
Tech: Scorpion 2
Fancy spinning the wheel of fortune?, then give this machine a whirl and try your luck on the wheel.
Unfortunately there are no sound roms for this machine, so it's mute.
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes
Thanks goto
The late Wizard for MFME
richie100 for the image
Vectra666 for the reel bands
the rom provider
Use MFME V20.1 only.
Global - Club Celebration
By Clo06
Global - Club Celebration 25p play / £250 Jackpot
Tech: Epoch
Fancy a celebration?, then have a crack on this machine.
Keyboard shortcuts are in the notes.
Thanks to the late Wizard for MFME
the rom and image provider
Play using MFME V20.1 only.
All In A Days Work - DX
Hi everyone, hope you're all safe and well.
The past few weeks for me have been hectic, stressful and at times a bit of a mare.
Anyhow, without going into much detail and being boring (great Pet Shop Boys song) I'll just say decorated 2 bedrooms, new beds put up and repaired as one was faulty, car problems (it's a Vauxhall Astra Twintop so no surprises there, it's a love/hate relationship) and I acquired a new second hand laptop only for the hinge to come away from the lid and break (I was devastated as I only had it a week and actually shed a tear because of the problems I was having with the car etc).
Anyhow, back on with the release, thanks go to @Wizardfor his awesome emulator and legacy he's left, @Clo06for the original release and my wife or letting me buy me second hand laptop MSI PE70 6QE (much, much better than my old Acer 7750G laptop but I still love that one to bits.)
I realise that this one is quite dark but I think it shows the lights up quite well.
Hope you enjoy this mute release and I think my next project may be to revisit Volcano now that I have more experience with the emulator and GIMP program
What's Up Doc? £250/25p Dx
By vectra666
Here's What's up Doc? a hospital themed slot with a great sound package from the 90's A global machine on scorpion1 tech.
Thanks goto
@Clo06 for the Classic layout used for lamping positions
@MattyL for the Images from his machine, including reel symbols and countless photos also the roms from his machine
which are the earlier v2.8 roms including sounds, which were missing from the classic layout
finally to @Dougsta for providing a "happy" ram the one within the machine is cashpots full from a £50 start (£4,000 in)
also included within the file is a Jackpot Ready Ram which has had £5,000 from start
And the original Ram which is basically a Factory Reset
Play in Mfme V20.1
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!
The Baker Street Club £250 Dx
By vectra666
Next up from Matty L's collection of clubbers is this big brother of pounds of the baskervilles, 'The Baker Street' club
Thanks goto Matty L for yet again supplying ALL resources in this layout from the roms to the actual countless images of his machine which he's currently restoring to it's former glory.
for the various reel symbols i didn't have i'e the orange and jackpot symbol in particular and dog icon
there's a few more i'm getting from him in due course
Shortcuts are written within the notes
Play this in Mfme v20.1
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Club Utter Nutter £250 Dx
By vectra666
Time to go off your nut again with this utterly nutty machine from global big brother of the Awp dx i did a few years back
thanks goto
Clo06 - classic layout for lamping positions
Matty L - images used/ and sound roms
Wizard for mfme
shortcuts written within the notes
Play this in MFME V20.1