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81 files

  1. King Kerching Wdx

    Here's my layout of king kerching this never got an outing on here as it was from 2017, I've been editing bits on it and trying to get lamps in order that were missing from the first release. Thanks to the flyer provider, and to the rom provider not sure who supplied the roms now, and to the late wizard for the new mfme. If anyone can supply an arcade set for this that would be great as this is a pretty flat profile.
    MFME V20+ ONLY.


       (0 reviews)



  2. Apollo 9 £5 Dx

    Next up is this space themed slot from Maygay Apollo 9 @ £5 jackpot
    As far as i know the roms didn't run as there was security on them like a few maygay roms of this age, but i think @hitthesix cracked the code and hacked a bit of info about to make em run, or to bypass the security..
    Also thanks in no particular order
    @spa for obtaining the images
    @johnparker007 for upscaling the image
    the original classic layout creator for the classic i used for lamping references and base reel bands
    @WonkySausage for checkbox help etc
    and to anyone else who may of gave a input into the making of this game
     Shortcuts written within the notes
     Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!


       (2 reviews)



  3. CashPack £4.80 Dx

    Old Skool Maygay fun to finish off the year
    Thanks goto
    @Amot for all resources, machine images and reel images (maybe the roms too)
    @chris217 youtuber who's machine video i screen shotted images for the text lamps as this layout uses some real lamp images and some photoshopped lamp images
    if not thanks to whoever uploaded the roms - @lineup chris..
    @Clo06 - for the classic layout used for lamping references and reel band order
    not sure on the correct button input for the token hopefully it'll be found soon using 20p coin as works on the meters
          Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
     Happy New year to ALL in fme land here's to a productive 2024,wonder what gems will be un-earthed 


       (2 reviews)



  4. Maygay's Complete Madness £25.

    1 of 3 Christmas releases.
    Really enjoyed the £5 version by @dad and the £25 classic by @Johnnyafc, but felt a £25 DX was needed as these particular type of Maygay's on £5 can be a bit meh sometimes.
    Massive thanks to both mentioned above for the reels and classic.🙂
    Controls are in the notes.
    8=20p for inputs.


       (1 review)



  5. Maygay Italian Job 2.

    We alredy have a really good £15 variant by @Johnnyafc, but this is just for those wishing to do the method as per @Chopaholic videos regarding it.
    Massive thanks to;
    @Johnnyafc for the original and reel bands.
    @vectra666 for guidance as always.
    @logopolis for decent ROM's and spurring me on to finish it after a bit of a blip.
    @infection for the images section resource.
    Standard controls, 0,9,8 for £1, 50p and 20p respectively.


       (0 reviews)



  6. Bounty hunter club classic

    Thanks to the rom provider, and the late (sadly missed) wizard   r i p


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  7. Take 5 classic

    set on 30p play with the jackpot @ £15
    thanks to the rom provider and @stevedude2 for the flyer
    and the late great wizard (r i p)
    sadly i couldn't find the correct sounds for this, so have added some, which (apart from the jackpot) play ok.


       (0 reviews)



  8. Maygay - Bar-Gain

    Maygay - Bar-Gain
    Tech - M1
    Could this game be a bargain to play, give it a play and find out.
    Keyboard shortcuts in the notes.
    Thanks to:
    Wizard (RIP) for MFME
    The rom providers.
    MFME V20.1 only


       (1 review)



  9. Italian Job (Club) £100/10p Dx

    Racing up is the big brother of Italian Job II, a fun packed adventure with Michael Caine and the gang.
      Be a 'Big Winner' and nab the loot. (clue for next release)
     thanks goto
     @Reg for the classic layout of which i nabbed the roms and base reel bands
     @infection for the usual images he sourced, (still a mountain of images to sift through, keep em coming!!!)
     the layout itself is set on 10p/£100 as thats what the images are decalled for, but you can change the prize/stake setting via the dips. i've included a png of the dip settings   needed for each variation
     shortcuts are written within the notes
                           Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!! 


       (1 review)



  10. Prize Cluedo

    Here is Prize Cluedo on the M1 A/B tech. This is set on £6 token Jackpot and 20p play.
    Thanks go to:
    Tommy C for allowing me to use parts of his layout as well as the reels.
    Wizard (R.I.P) for his amazing emulator
    Shortcuts are in the notes
    There is an issue as the prize mechs on M1 A/B are unemulated so the machine will error but will clear after about 30 seconds or so. I'm sure if Chris was still with us he may have been able to add the mech into his amazing emulator.
    Hope you enjoy.


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  11. Trivial Pursuit (2) Classic Layout

    I honestly just wanted to get this one out, as like Maygay did with their machines, I really loss the plot with this one.
    I spent so long trying to get the top board correct, in the end, I just ripped it back apart and it was either release or bin. I guess as we do have a flyer for this, it will make a DX easier, if the sounds turn up.
    I have come across one issue, the feature Genius in the brown pot, doesn't work properly, but it does time out, if you end up taking it. It may be because the machine has no sounds, or could be an emulator issue.
    A Maygay Machines, machine on Epoch Tech
    £25 Jackpot, 30p Play, 82% Payout.
    0= Insert £1
    '=Cancel, 1=Hold 1, 2=Hold 2/Hi, 3=Hold 3/Lo, C=Collect, E=Exchange, Space=Start, B = Bonus
    Wizard (RIP) for the amazing MFME emulator.
    Vectra666 for the flyer to go by
    The reel provider for the London Underground machine.
    The program rom provider
    Maygay and whoever owns them now for leaving FME alone.


       (0 reviews)



  12. Maygay - Cash Pack

    Maygay - Cash Pack £4.80 Token & £2.40 all cash jackpot.
    Tech: M1a
    Do you fancy getting your hands on a pack of cash? then give this game a whirl and it might be your lucky day.
    Keyboard shortcuts in the notes.
    Thanks to
    Wizard (RIP) for the emulator
    @vectra666for the started layout
    The rom and image providers.
    MFME V20.1 only.


       (0 reviews)



  13. Noel's House Party £6 & £10 All Cash DXs

    Here we have another release with the bearded one on it. This time, fortunately, its the classic 'Noel's House party' by Maygay.
    Dual release, so pick your favourite. Either £10/25p or a smaller £6/20p both all cash.
    Great sound package on this one, and 10x more bearable than today's modern machines with Noel's face on.
    Very large DX (around 4k in size) so if you have a large monitor then this should look decent on it.
    Hopefully all is in order but please let me know if anything isn't right.
    Thanks to @spa for his Google drive where I grabbed the flyer from and of course the original uploader.
    And thanks also to all the contributors who provide resources for the scene for which we all enjoy.
    Thanks for downloading.


       (4 reviews)



  14. Gold Top Classic

    Gold Top
    A Maygay Machines, machine on Epoch Tech. £25 Jackpot, 30p Play, 82% Pay out
    As pointed out by PekoJPF, the machine is virtually a clone of the Epoch Coronation Street machine, (classic by Clo and DX by Socialdragon available). It's not quite 100% (the Gold Top feature is an addition on this machine), but it gave me a basis on how to lay things out.
    Sadly like the Corrie machine, this layout is also MUTE. No pictures of real machine to go by, so decided to lay it out as per Corrie.
    I decided to not put the word bonus on some hi-lo reel numbers, but instead try something different and have gold numbers for numbers which give a bonus (a bit like when a machine has red numbers indicating no-lose hi lose or super cash/feature).
    Also there doesn't appear to be a Trail Held lamp, although I'm sure it probably exist on the real thing.
    ' = Cancel 1 = Hold 1, 2 = Hold 2/Hi, 3 = Hold 3/lo, C = Collect, E = Exchange, Space = Start P = Collect Cash Pot, F= Collect Feature 0 = Insert £1
    WIZARD (RIP) for the wonderful MFME emulator
    The program rom provider
    Pook for the standard reels and Vecs for the jackpot symbol (not the real one)
    Maygay for leaving FME alone, all these years


       (0 reviews)




    thanks and rip wizard..
    thanks to @serene02 for basically giving me a shit load of time and patience from a request for help from me, I have been lucky enough to get given a lot of advice and demonstrations on how to create artistic lamps and effects without using the OMNI tool in photoshop or the lasso tool either, these are things that i couldn't ever see being able to avoid using until this experiment with art.. I'm no artist as you can tell but I can admire other peoples work and if you've seen the work from serene then you'll know how much it's worth aspiring to improve in fml skill land..
    I'm a new designer in this method and it will take a while to get perfected or even improved haha.. this layout has experimental techniques that i've first tried on this and therefore are perhaps not up to the standards you expect from me, however it was a poor base image to start with and it's a request from a user to update the existing game dx's etc.. therefore i'm only too happy for anyone to submit reels/masks that can be added to improve the layout.. then again it's perfect eh so why bother  
    there are existing dx's available for this game so if you have a copy you're happy with and are not yet on unlimited downloads for this year you may wish to miss out on it..
    for those that download please submit feedback to me and i'll aim to respond within 28 days and please include a S.A.E.


       (1 review)



  16. The Great Escape (2)

    A Maygay Machine, on Epoch Tech
    £25, 25p, 82%
    THIS LAYOUT HAS INCORRECT SOUND ROMS, they have been set very low, but if they annoy you still, press ctrl M to mute the layout.
    No images, but is a clone of The Italian Job (2).
    0 =Insert £1, ' = Cancel, 1 = Hold 1, 2 = Hold 2/Hi, 3=Hold 3/Lo
    C = Collect E/X = Exchange, Space = Start
    H = Collect Cash B = Take Bonus, F = Collect Feature, N = Take Nudges
    S = Take Cash K/O's, A = Take Feature K/O's
    Wizard (RIP) for the amazing MFME emulator
    The Rom provider
    Maygay and whoever owns them now for leaving the scene alone.


       (0 reviews)



  17. EVIL STREAK £15 DX

    wizard = legend
    thanks to @wearecity for the classic which i used for lamp numbering etc.. 
    thanks to @infection for half of the image used as it's a combo jigsaw thingy
    thanks also to the rom providers (sound esp)
    I made the reels so if you think their a bit off they probably are and i'm only too happy for someone to improve upon them!!
    the images weren't crystal so it's the best i could do.
    don't really like the game but i have tried my best to make it look as dx as possible.. 
    got covid nuff said..


       (1 review)



  18. The Italian Job 3 - £5 Dx

    The original £25 version of this layout was released back in 2016-17 but i was given the £5 decals so amended the original artwork to suit
    anyways thanks to all that gave and helped with the original (£25) version and to the supplier of the £5 decals
    also to @Wizard whom fixed the emulator bug which originally prevented the jackpot sequence from finishing correctly, which was mfme v6.0
    and thanks to him for All Mfme's past and present, if there was a problem he'd fix it for another update or three sometimes within the space of a few days
    all lamps included and are finally blended correctly 
    Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!


       (2 reviews)



  19. Neon Lights £6/5p Dx

    Next up is a 90's machine from the spotlight/searchlight range £6 token or goto edit mode and tick the checkbox in yellow for £3 All Cash 
    whether this has the original neon lights roms or spotlight's roms we'll never know, but its a step up from spotlights smaller jackpot level
    thanks goto
    @Stylez for getting the roms from a person called james, from his actual machine uploaded via the mecca
    @kirsty a newbie creator in the making for her classic layout, which gave me the idea to redo the "spot" from my spotlight art to "Neon"
    shortcuts are as standard, the 20p input is 20p cash as the token input doesn't register on the "in" meters for some reason
    not sure if the roms goto 10p play as never tried, might do that now
    anyways all lamps now blended where needed instead of split like on spotlight
       Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!


       (0 reviews)



  20. OMEGA £4.80 DX

    THANKS TO BUGS AND TROUTMAN for the classic which i used to lamp this awesome release, THANKS TO @MPU_FIVE @infection for the assistance and imagery.
    Never seen heard or knew of this until mpu5 requested it, but wow i'm glad he did, it's an absolute cracker of a game and a fantastic sound package to boot!!
    shortcuts are within the layout notes upon startup. pretty simple game but pure enjoyment throughout
    9 for token input
    0 for cash
    mix it up for the best gameplay people!!
    If anyone else wants to make improvements or do their own version please do, and that goes for all of my releases. 
    thanks to the community and for the feedback as always.
    las vegas strip here i come!!


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  21. Carry On Screaming DX

    As requested by @infection, here's the DX for Carry On Screaming.
    Quite a bit of editing was required using 4 different images and then I created the correct amounts for the game in the middle section (yellow).
    There are currently 2 things that are baffling me though (these don't cause any problems playing the game or anything.
    1) Not sure of the correct lamp numbers for the monsters at either side, so I used a particular one for each that makes them flash on the intro.
    2) There's a second lamp number for the £25 jackpot on the top of the yellow game and I wasn't sure what it was for so I've left it as the same as the normal one until someone can advise what it may be.
    As always, thanks to Wizard for the awesome MFME emulator and the regular updates done to it
    Thanks to westy20040 for the classic game initially.
    Hope you all enjoy this and please let me know anything that may require changing or updating.
    Please don't forget to rate it as I love seeing your thoughts and how many stars you think it's worth


       (3 reviews)



  22. Donkey Kong - Updated DX based on DADs release

    First of all, thanks must go to the late, great Wizard for the awesome MFME emulator.

    Secondly, I wanted a really good Donkey Kong and the one that DAD released was one of the best ones I'd seen but I felt it needed a bit of an update and I did a little update for the letter K in Donkey by adding a fading Bonus word on it.

    Then I thought the lights of the reels looked different to the real machine so I changed it so it looks like the fruits etc. are lit and not all of the reel. Some look slightly different but I feel it looks really nice. I also changed the colour of the reels from the dark yellow to grey as per a machine I saw on a YouTube video and think it looks fantastic now. 

    I also fixed the double £1 insert as it had another £1 insert as a different section so I removed it, resized the machine and now it works perfectly.

    Many thanks to DAD for his permission to release this and whilst it has my logo on it, I wanted to release this as a massive praise to DAD for the beautiful quality of the machine in the first instance.

    The other reason for this release is that I don't like machines if they aren't in the middle when you go full screen, hence this version I've done. 


       (1 review)



  23. The Simpsons £6Token & £6 Cash Dx's

    Happy New Year to All in Fme Land!!!!
     And what a treat i've got for you all today, not one but two versions of our best loved family from America,
         Grab a Duff Beer or Six and a Box of tasty Donuts and sit on your Favourite Couch/Settee 
     Its gives me great pleasure to bring the original Simpsons Machine from the series and Imo its the best one from Maygay & Bwb on MA1/b tech
      £6 token on v1.1 roms and the All Cash £6 3.1roms thanks to Richie100 for these from the Mecca.
     Thanks goto 
     the former dx layouts i used as a template first made in 2003
    @infection for the Eastender donor cab used, got a blank one if anyone needs it for future dx'ing
     @Reg for the image from a former dx which got me interested in re-dxing this
    to the various members from here for help in getting the token version to stick on £6 @Tommy c, @Geddy, @serene02 and others
    which made no difference until this morning when i decided to change a number in configuration from 37 to 39 and it seams to have done the job,
    thanks to @Tommy c for the plain reel symbols from his It's a Knockout Layout
     And of course to the great @Wizard for Mfme's past and present you're still greatly missed don't think you're ever be forgotten...
    if not let us know and i'll hit my head against the wall again and again lol!!
    If you want it on £3 cash simply goto edit mode and tick the checkbox37 (above the coin slot) then reset the machine, but don't blame me if it sticks on that setting!!
    do it at your own risk!! lol
    if you want 5p play goto configuration and turn on dip5 bank1 for 5p play (hover over the switch and its labelled)
    shortcuts are as standard (Homers wages = W)
                                                 20p/20p tokens = 9
       Just leaves me to say,
         Enjoy Both and Happy Gaming throughout 2022 and beyond!!!!


       (1 review)




    What a great year it was for the Dutch emu scene. Its again fully alive with many old faces but also with a lot new people. New technics that are possible cause of the latest version of MFME. (RIP Wizard) The first Dutch Maygay Elstar slot for MFME. Many thanks to @patjepsv for sorting out all checkboxes and settings. Its a very nice slot with great bonusgame. Enjoy


       (1 review)



  25. Battleships

    My final release of the year from me
    A Maygay Machines, fruity, on Epoch Tech
    £25 Jackpot, 30p Play, 82% Payout
    I've had a go at laying it out as per the real machine, thanks to the pics to go by, but I'm not the greatest artist lol.
    Whilst there is nothing that breaks it, you can tell when it's expecting sounds sometimes and just says, ok no sound, but I'll carry on anyway.
    One of the better Maygay Epoch machines IMO and they've even managed to do a decent attract mode and have some custom graphics on the alpha display. Also I learnt here, that if you don't resize the alpha to a smaller version, than the standard default sized one, some things, won't display correctly. 
    0=Insert £1, H = Shoot, L=Move left, R= Move Right, U=Move Up, D=Move Down
    ' = Cancel, 1 = Hold 1, 2 = Hold 2/Hi 3= Hold 3/Lo, C = Collect, S = Submarine, SPACE=Start/Gamble
    Thanks to:
    WIZARD (RIP) for the wonderful MFME emulator
    Infection for some images of this machine, from his vast collection
    Vecs for the jackpot symbol
    Others for the reels from various layouts
    The Rom provider
    Maygay and whoever owns them now for leaving FME alone


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