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  1. Yesterday
  2. It's weird that Barcrest hard coded these features out (even in demo mode with the win button pressed they lose the gamble) - I wonder why. The features were usually crap and capped at (relatively) low amounts so they should have been able to protect themselves without outright blocking that step on the ladder.
  3. I dont know how far behind the reflex was - i had it fully on auto play, so no boards - just gambling through the cash ladder. As I recall, it would do it consistently every £230-£240 afterwards - so sticking rigidly to percentage - but may well need to be behind to start with. That was probably back in the joys of lockdown.........
  4. You often see these punters put thousands in to get them behind percentage.
  5. Presumably you had the reflex about £400 behind for it to do that? I know normally they just go invincible when more than £200 behind
  6. If a betcom logo flashes when you get a win the cash trail will gamble to jackpot, and its rare but not impossible for it to do that straight after a megastreak - it'll spin a win next play if it's going to do it. In the wild I had a megastreak then cobbed megastreak the next feature on MooYork, both flat tons.
  7. I have also managed Megs Streaks on consecutive boards on a Betcom - both were only for £100 though..... The reflex ones which are a bit Betcom like - you can also force for £200 - but it will give it off three credits, £100 plus £50 and £50. Its possibly THE best thing about emulation.
  8. Thanks again, but unless I'm being spectacularly dim there is nothing in those boxes. If I just open S door and press 'test' once it puts in 20 credits. Press it again it does a reel spin test. I press start and it tests the alphas and press test again it flashes all lamps. I'm trying to get it into the state where it always wins on the trail so I can play with the climb. Someone showed me before but I can't find the instructions for that.
  9. Best ones to push are the ones that don’t try to balance out or offer collect prizes. I hate those types of games. J
  10. Yeah you see some odd stuff sometimes, generally pushing the machine and no other normal punter interaction. It’s unlikely you’d see a machine get so far behind in the wild. J
  11. Plenty in the emulator - notable one getting Vamp It Up to repeat on JP ( it was over £300 behind percentage at the time). I like trying to "break" the emulator as it were - so playing for unlikely stuff is part of the fun. DOND east and west wing will spin in a JP on £100 if you get it far enough behind - don't think you seeing that IRL. Managed a £225 win on the three player Stars and Stripes. Red feature for £75, Hold £75, hold £75. Best I ever managed in real play was £75, £52, £75. Current project - getting Impulse's Big 50 to give £50! (or similar on the clone feature on Red Alert (Flaming Towers??)) - I feel this one may prove impossible.......
  12. Enter Design/Edit mode, then click Configuration. In the pop up window (top right) you should see the Service & Cash door switch numbers 39 & 38. Delete/Clear those then reset the machine by pressing Ctrl + R on your keyboard. You can then enter test mode in the usual way by checking door 'S' and using the test button (press once for freeplay, twice for test mode). Hope this helps
  13. Sorry, I'm failing at the first hurdle. I don't see where I delete door switches.
  14. Delete the 38 & 39 from the door switches in config then reset the machine Ctrl + R. You can then enter test mode in the usual way by checking door 'S' and using the test button (press once for freeplay, twice for test mode).
  15. Hi all Please can one of you lovely people remind me how to get Barcrest Celebration Club into test mode so I can have a play with the bar winner feature? @Pook
  16. Last week
  17. had my beloved happy fruits jp repeat to £75, although played totally without care of percentage etc, so is a factor but still that it can do that is fun to see. loads of the games i play with mfme are likely to behave in ways i'm unfamiliar with and some, in a arcade based environment they will have been played in the same way by nearly every punter and joe publics actual percentage of coin in/out would be minor at the very least i estimate. i've often had my own fallacies about machine behaviours and software etc, for example playing a game in the same way for all it's life leads to it becoming happier to reach percentage if played differently, programming aside and i have zero code logic understanding so my hypothesise come from real life events that just seemed to validate my thinking, one common one was big brother/psycho/frenzy being 1 ko starts even when behind, if left to go into attract mode and left for a minute, it seemed to then give a 4 ko board and with it happening so often when tried the belief grew. a blatantly daft one was because of the internal clock, and my going to the pier each xmas day and always making a hevay profit, they knew it was xmas and paid out haha. some bizarre theories over the years haha.
  18. Have been chipping away at developing the UI system... this will replace what has been seen in the 'Inspector' window so far, with a new more versatile approach (as I need that now I'm starting to add more menus/windows. So here is the MPU4 Lamp Remapper, which was needed for layouts such as Nickelodeon, where both the 8x Chr lamp column values plus the lamps are wrong in the MFME layout, but in such away that it still looks correct in MFME: More info on this above and in another thread, but in MAME we now have the correct 8x lamp column values for most/all of the MPU4 machines that use that type of Chr protection, and so the lamp numbers of the MFME layouts need to be corrected to the real ones in order for MAME to drive the correct lamps, as seen in Nickelodeon. The Source values are the ones used in the MFME layout, the Target values are the correct ones from the MAME MPU4 driver game values. Then the code can use those to remap the lamps, and as seen in this new vid below, upon clicking Remap Lamps button, the lamps are remapped, and then are non-scrambled Had this lamp scrambling code already from earlier work, but this new UI system stuff has been taking a long time to get to a point where I could build a basic menu panel! The Populate Values from MFME Layout / MAME Drive don't actually work yet, I had to look up and enter both source/target lamp column values manually for this test... so I guess that's one of the next things on the list... though I'll probably doing some more menus (and cleaning up that rightmost 8 field that is too short). The new UI system means these menus can be docked/undocked, and will horizontally scale where they are a list of various values/settings, as is often the case in a Layout Editor such as this: Floating undocked: Docked on the bottom as the sole tab: Docked on the side as part of a 2 tab dock: Horizontally stretched: Horizontally squashed:
  19. Playing Celebration Club tonight I got green bars from 'Pick a Nudge'. I've had blue bars from this feature before too, but never red. In fact I've never seen the machine spin in a win over £20 on the reels, cashpot excepted. I'm desperate for the machine go up to Bar Winner, as I've seen that on YouTube, but never in the wild and this rom steadfastly blocks at HiLo Notes. It got me thinking, what other rare sights have people seen while using the emulator that they never had in the wild, on any machine?
  20. Nice work, you can't beat a youtube slice 'n' dice! Just yesterday I see there is a fresh video of this machine on youtube by a user Cherry Warrior ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0sOLMAP-A4 ) - he's a a bit shaky but does close up in focus footage for the most part - would need more stitching, but potentially higher resolution available, here's a quick frame I grabbed:
  21. uptown47

    Big Chief

    This is great fun to play. Just had a quick bash on it now... "Good Hunting"... I take it that the two yellow buttons on the left don't do anything as they don't light up with the attract mode? Also, is the right hand yellow and green (to the left of Start) redundant too? Thanks for your hard work putting this together. Not seen a machine that shows you the reel positions electronically before. Really smart!
  22. There are notes in MFME that show the keyboard shortcuts.
  23. andy-1

    Crash Bandicoot

    I still play these on my Dream Deck via the PlayStation emulator. Great games, think I enjoy this 1 the best.
  24. philh

    Rack and Slay

    That looks interesting,might have to invest.
  25. Reg

    Rack and Slay

    It's literally brand new for a fiver, but I remeber all our Blast Billard's faceoffs and this one was for you my friend !
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