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hitthesix last won the day on October 29 2023

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  1. Here is a little video to show anyone how i fixed the " contact maygay error it should apply to all roms that give the error. How to alter rom to clear contact magay error (youtube.com)
  2. The bfmulator has reverse engineering built in i am led to believe Yeah we have done a few over the years, and i have just about finished some more BWB the streak classic tic tac toe classic red hot roll all on 30p play with jackpots @ £20, or £25 red hot roll is fine (as it plays the jackpot tune also) the other two don't(as yet) as for the oldies, the last one i done was jokers wild and had a go and changing some code to see what /if there was much difference 1 example was to change 2 bites, and that change gave 3 nudges or lit the jokers every single spin changed it to something else, and it never gave nudges at all. the other one i looked at is silver ghost deluxe and usually when you are looking for the prizes and p-o-p code there is about ten bites for the prizes and 8 bites for p-o-p but!!! in this silver ghost i only had to alter was 2 bites, and that double all the wins and the p-o-p.it still needs work done to try to finish it off. here is a video for you
  3. Well i have tried, but!!! no joy getting it on 10p play, and it's weird how the 2 bank dips set the %, dip 1 on bank 2 is a weird one it just stays on ram clear , and the machines just freezes dip 7 on bank 2 is for one coin in only, i.e a pound for 5 plays, i thought i had it playing on 10p but!!! it gave 5 shots and 50p change doh!! anyhow i will try again, at some point later in the day.
  4. Should be one somewhere, maybe the mecca?, i will have a mooch later and see. ta for the rom this will keep me busy.
  5. Bugger !! i don't have that rom, it's only version 05, 5p and 20p play with 4x8 kb roms if you could send me v03 roms when you get back, i can alter them to 10p play, if you can't find the dip settings, thanks
  6. Doesn't look like the dips change the price of play, i just had a quick bash on it, only the % and jackpot can be changed(bank1) dip 5 is £3 jackpot but the good news is you could possibly alter the rom to make it 10p i will report back later9when i get back home>f i can get it to 10p play, as i have altered the 5p rom to test, and got it to 20p play here is a quick video bandicam 2024-03-26 10-57-13-151.rar
  7. I just hacked one bite to alter the jackpot, on the rom named a95p8cc and two bites to get rid of the "contact maygay error" on the bottom rom sk991006. so both are 10p/£5 jackpot
  8. I am sure it was called zillionaire's challenge by pure leisure, and the jackpot was £25. there should be a classic of it somewhere.(maybe in the legacy section?)
  9. Yeah feel free to send it over and i will see if i can get anywhere with it, i know you have sent it to dad, and quite rightly so, but i only want to see if i can help to get it to run(if possible)
  10. Chuck it over and i will have a look for you as well. just had a look at the video, and noticed you didn't add any reel opto so try adding reel opto 3 tab for all reels , to see if that helps first.
  11. It is one of the lamps for the BOTTOM name i.e bt =bottom br- s= name = bars 7s
  12. hitthesix

    body match.png

    Of course not, and no need to ask, it's cool
  13. Excellent news getting the sounds for this , thanks to all involved.
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