Red Gaming
58 files
Pulsation Wdx
By Tommy c
A photo based dx of pulsation by red gaming, thanks to the lads who have uploaded images to the community drive and to the rom provider and to the late wizard for the new mfme, usual shortcuts then num lock 1,4 6,3 for hi/lo cash and nudges.
MFME V20+ Only.
Lucky Devil Wdx
By Tommy c
Layout finally finished, sorry for the delay with this, had stuff going on so fme has taken a back seat. Let me know if there's any problems with the layout.
Mfme V20+ Only.
Dragon Reels
By andy-1
Here we have Dragon Reels by Red Gaming, this is set on £25 Jackpot, 25p play and 86%
This seems to be a clone of Demon Streak.
I have left other roms there also one is set on a dedicated 30p play and the other is a datapack rom.
Thanks go to:
loo for the roms
Wizard (R.I.P) for his amazing emulator
Shortcuts are in the notes, except the £2 coin which is number 9 on the keyboard.
Please use MFME 20.1
Hope you enjoy.
Crazy Cash Point Wdx
By Tommy c
Here's another one of my unfinished wips, finished it off and getting it out the way. This has a couple of issues in the transfer and swop button lamps don't work. Not got a clue why or why they don't light up. It doesn't affect the game play in any way you just can't transfer credit. Other than that it should be fine, thanks to the flyer supplier and to the late wizard for the new mfme. If you find any errors just let me know I'm a little rusty still yet.
Red gaming the bells classic
By hitthesix
Set on 30p play with the jackpot at £25.
thanks to @loo for the roms
wonkysuasage, and serene02 for the play test
and dave (mr p) for his youtube video which was a great help.
and the late great wizard (r i p) for his amazing emulator.
you will need to install caladea and ncaa army black knight fonts included in the zip files
there is a tranfer button on this layout, but it never works
also the meters don't work in live play,(which is strange) but they show when you next load the layout.
Casino Fever (Club) Classic
By wearecity
Well a simple layout for a simple machine really.
A Red Gaming machine on MPU5 tech.
£250 Jackpot, 30p Play, 82% Payout.
Unwittingly I believe this is my first ever club machine release.
Just like the old BFM clubbers like Club 65, get a win on the one win line on the bottom reels and open up 5 win lines. Keep spinning at £1 a time until you either get to the top of the trail and win the Casino Fever feature and get a chance to win £250, or you bust (of course you can collect at any point).
During the regular and on board spins, you can win bonuses, which can lead to features.
I've added a few lamps, to the top of the cash stack and other unused lamps to the side of the layout. Never seen the press start lamp light. You don't know how many nudges you have, but you'll see why because the reel layouts, make it virtually impossible to avoid a win within 1 nudge. But it can nudge on and on.
The collect ditty, is short, but I think @Chopaholic would approve of it, in an hour of need.
In notes
Wizard (RIP) for the magical MFME emulator
The program rom provider.
Various people for Red Gaming symbols
Red Gaming and whoever owns them now, for leaving FME alone.
Double Bubble Classic
By wearecity
Double Bubble
A Red Gaming Machine on MPU5 tech. £25 Jackpot, 30p Play, 82% Payout.
THIS LAYOUT DOES HAVE SOUNDS and works 100% fine, but no pictures, so definitely not a real representation of the machines layout.
There's a 5th reel, which didn't make a lot of sense. I think it just indicates, when the super trail is open, so it moves to show = when open and when not open displays ||. But it was counted on the trail as part of the board. So if you land on it, when the super trail isn't open, you lose, which is represented instead by the lose lamps underneath the super trail.
When the super trail is open it's indicated by the machine anyway and when open, the trail goes up and you can't land on the lose lamps.
All unused lamps are labelled and they and the 5th reel can be found by dragging the window to the right in design mode.
By all means if anyone wants to redo the layout, be my guest.
Are in notes
WIZARD (rip) for the wonderful MFME emulator.
Tommy C for main reels from Critical Mass. Thanks for the Green numbers from Big Ghoulies (author unknown). Thanks for the Blue Numbers from ? (sorry that's the problem with having over 1,600 layouts)
Vecs and Slotsmagic, for taking a look and suggestions about the layout.
Smash the Cash £70 dX
By woodsy
THANKS TO WIZARD FOR MFME AND MORE.. THANKS TO @spa for the classic which I used for lamping and reel editing.
THANKS TO @appstrader for initial assistance with this layout and for which if you haven't already check it out for all your front-end needs.
thanks to @infection for several parts of the image which is a jigsaw of images to make the image as good as possible hence it's a semi dX..
@dad , @serene02 for attempting to instruct the un-instructable me to sort out the image dimension. I think I got it in the end..
and lastly thanks to @logopolis for the request and play-testing!
OK so it's not beautiful, but it's been a lot of people involved which for me highlights the community here for it's attitudes and supportiveness, that's worth releasing in it's self.
there are a myriad of shortcuts on this one, 14 buttons iirc. and the lamps, the circular oval circle in the middle is one of the hardest things I've had to cut the lamps for in a while!
anyways I hope you enjoy it, It's very very fair percentage wise but the sound package is a bit EGG..
next up from me Bellfruit's DAYLIGHT ROBBERY...
Snakez & Ladderz £70 DX
By woodsy
You know Wizard, he must've been one hell of a guy, I was a bit late to the fml party but you have to think, without his efforts and his time none of this would be possible, from 2p nudger to £100 reflex's and everything in-between that I and countless others have spent time utilising to recreate these amazing layouts and emulations for all to enjoy. I really think that is amazing, what's even more amazing is that it is free, I mean really free, when do we ever get that lucky!! I'm proud to be able to share my work for free to anyone and everyone so please if you have found this website or my layouts after purchasing from a unknown source please ask for a refund and report the seller. I don't judge you or do you need to tell anyone about it etc. I just want that to be how it's dealt with if it applies to you. Now you're here stick around and say hi, the community will welcome you as they did me and you'll have access to thousands of free layouts so it ends well in my opinion. (SAY NO MORE)
Anyways this is Red Gaming's £70 version of SNAKEZ AND LADDERZ
Thanks go to @Reg whose reels I altered slightly and the lamp map i used for assistance here, as for the classics which are quality releases and which kinda inspired me to try a bit harder than ever to release it with the glass overlay details. The glass in the real machine has the snakes and ladders as a overlay above the lamped feature board squares, that's something I really wanted to re-create and after several mishaps I've managed it, there were many attempts prior to this by myself which were jumping due to a few pixels difference and this is next to perfect imo. That allows for the layout to seem as close to a copy as possible with the skills i have anyway, I also had to use a different lamping method for the feature squares as the omni would of left the words illegible and their not much better tbh but actually they really are, so I hope it's appreciated by critical artists
thanks to @infection for the base images.. thanks to @vectra666 for linking the classic as tbh i had started this a while back and couldn't find the roms so it was never going to happen until the classic was linked to me!! community helpfulness 101!
The gameplay is really different to any red game I can recall, and you really get value for money here, the features are long and often.
there is a step value displayed by the right of the hi-lo reel when you take a feature that has reel steps that comes into play, they're red if you can't read the boxes to well!! and for a while i didn't understand why after getting a feature via auto nudge, the RESPIN function remained lit.... Well it can change the outcome of reel steps and reel blasts!! so now you know more than I did starting out!!
I may have been a bit OTT when it come to highlighting the free side of things with this release but I won't keep doing that and boring the 99.9% of us that are aware and so on etc etc, it's just a one off reaction to recent events which honestly made me a little downbeat but must be worse for some of the long term artists, especially after one now has announced they will no longer be releasing FANTASTIC layouts, I'm sorry but I wanted to put out my thoughts and will not keep doing so after..
As always thanks to the community on a whole for helpful, supportive and welcoming feedback.
Hope you enjoy this layout
Red Gaming - Break The Bank £15 DX
By slotsmagic
This layout hasn't come out quite as intended, but I've made the decision to release it as-is. It's fully working (to the best of my knowledge!) with the exception of disc reel lamps - so what I have done is left the disc in a 'permanently lit' state. I have got an unlocked layout here so am able to update and make changes should I work out what is going on and will obviously fix an issues that are reported
It does have blended lamps and a disc, so despite being a lower resolution than I'd normally work at (due to the artwork being pretty awful on the flyer), it could still chug on lower end machines and low powered laptops.
Anyway, with all that said, thanks and I hope you enjoy this layout. I'd suggest cranking the volume up - the music is bloody awesome in my opinion!!
Notes should load on opening the layout, but if not :
Lucky Streak £250 DX
By woodsy
rip and thanks wizard.
thanks to @infection for the drive and images!! legend
thanks to @dad for the roms which after trying different ones have now allowed for the game to be 88% over a hard 72!! and for the help with numerous resources along the way too!
thanks to @vectra666 for DISCO button help and lamp matrix suggestion which helped me lamp this game.. Usually there's a existing classic from which i get to avoid the real hard work so once again THANKS TO ALL THE CLASSIC DESIGNERS!!
next up from me is another good ol red from the glory years ( for me ) called Crazy Cash Point.. thanks to @WonkySausage for the assist!!
then I'll be SCREWING AROUND.. by Global..
this is a bit behind, but i have a RAM that's about £3k behind if it's wanted.. pm..
hope you like it!! i do have the notes right... I believe!!
By woodsy
Thanks to wizard!!!
Thanks to @wearecity for highlighting my error and saving some time and blushes.
Thanks to @infection for the images
I don't know how classic creators have the patience to find out the right decals etc, I took ages getting the right amounts for the notes on this!!
unbeknown to me at the time a £35 dx exists already, I have a version but as @dad has released one already and the quality competition is not one i'm confident of winning i'll keep it unreleased but available to anyone who wants a laugh via pm
hope you enjoy it.
unsure what's next but hopefully an original dx?!
£5 Sting King Rich DX
By woodsy
thanks to wizard.
thanks to the community on a whole!!
so here's a £5 dx version of Sting King Rich, I initially set about making this a while back but have been side-tracked by other things, when I had completed the art in PS I then found there was already a £25 DX in the library which I was not aware of and that of course knocked my motivation to release it back a bit. Also the un-named creator of the £25 version has made a wonderful layout and tbh it's much better than mine, so download it and refresh your memories of a great game by Red!!!
whoever made the £25 version thanks loads for the assist!! you should really take a bow!!
I'm going to continue doing the last missing red gaming machines that I can find workable images for, be warned some aren't going to be high res but I will do my best of course.
hope you're all sticking to your resolutions, I know @vectra666 is what with a incredible amount of releases made already!!!
All the best.
Balti Towers £70 DX
By woodsy
Thanks to Wizard for making this all happen for us!!
Thanks to @spa for the classic that I used to assist in lamping and reel edits base art.
Thanks to @infection for the images, I actually used a On ish image to make the layout as the Off machine ones just weren't quite what I needed in terms of flash and resolution etc.. Image attached, and again it's an example of my experimentation with fml work, hopefully opening up new images for dx'ing but will see.. here's the base image that has become the layout itself.
There are three lamps that I just couldn't work out for the life of me, I tried for days!!! I imagine vecs will if not someone else find the reason for the faults I overwrote by leaving them as permanently on, they don't affect the game in anyway just for the strange fact had I not left them in the release as ON, that every press of the start button makes the logo flash for a nanosecond, bizarre so annoying and unless changed will never be witnessed by many..
If you've never played this and I hadn't be aware the move up button disappears FAST so keep a finger near the U button or it'll not factor into your game much!!
hope you enjoy the game and let me know if the new method takes anything away from the normal method in your view, usually the machines are off when we start so hopefully I've found a way to use previously unworkable images etc.
I'll let people know in the release thread of any updates re; lamp numbers assigned for the three waiters at the bottom that are not in the test menu, BTW I wouldn't bother going for them as they just give a random feature shot!!! egg!!
This'll be the first of many in 2022, as usual thanks to all the community for your continued enjoyment, support and feedback..
best wishes
By woodsy
massive thanks to @wearecity for the classic which allowed me to lamp this game in record time now i've discovered copy and paste works in mfme and brings the number with it!!! also for the reels which feature in the game, and for the help getting the gems in there safely and without harm to my laptop...
thanks to @infection for the images which i chopped up to include as much high resolution parts as possible on a blotchy blurred background, it came off really nicely and made such a difference i hope you agree.
thanks to @vectra666 for all the help this year and next i imagine too!!
thanks to the community on a whole who've been very welcoming and quick to help in my weekly time of need!!! THANKS ALL
this is a clone of jackpot genie one of my favourite reds!! due to xmas boxset binging on shameless it became my WIP of choice, woohoo PARTYYY
not sure what's next but maybe the run of reds will soon be over, hope not!!! we shall see..
oh p.s this is actually a dx for once
£5/£25 PAINT THE TOWN RED semidx
By woodsy
thanks to wizard for making me less bored and far happier!
thanks to @wearecity for the classic version which is very much more artistic than necessary.. check it out!!
super thanks to @infection who really works hard with me in my pm's to find the images that exist for 20 year old machines!!
thanks also to @pokerhontis99 for playtesting and encouragement.
ok so once again i've had to use the best images available to fill another dx gap in the library, the £5 version had a image with parts missing so i had to use a lot of clone work to recreate parts of the machine, the original image size was 800-800 ish and i've again used the upscaling method to create a semi decent dx!! the £25 version image is be >>>to demonstrate the size i had available to convert the original decals from, FOR authenticity not glamour>>>
this is actual size 300-270ish.. so please allow for this when playing the layout.. which is 1500-2100! one last difference is because of the cabinet reflection the bonus button and the paint the town red button are reversed. nothing which will affect gameplay but the attract mode will show the reversal.. i'm thinking of labeling them sdx for semidx as the difference may put off some people so i'd like to keep dx for the high res images that we all love so much.. upto you guys?
if high res images were more common i assure you i'd use them but my view is to fill the gaps dx wise where possible as it helps me to learn and fills that gap, sorry to the people who prefer high res or nothing. i've also been working on the previous releases of mine to add the variant stake/prize editions etc. mainly £5 versions but a few extra £25 ones too. let me be the first to say they are almost all edits after the original released so just decal changes, there will be a bumper collection of 15+ maybe released at once for those who want them...
merry xmas to the community, you've made my first 6 months very welcoming and enjoyable..
By woodsy
thanks wizard!!
thanks to @Matty.n for the classic which eventually helped me get this done..7
word of warning this game is terrible.. just terrible.. no fun no good. AWFUL. my opinion at least.
not the best image here so excuse the fact... secondly a lot was rewritten ad hoc, i did my best even though i really don't like the game i have done this for historical and learning reasons.. did i mention i despise the gameplay of this monster..
it's about £600 behind but it won't matter i'm afraid, it's evil... let me know if you get a red feature?? i did once..
no jokes it's awful
merry xmas WOODSY
By woodsy
thanks and rip wizard.. wish I knew you to tell you how much your software has improved my life..
thanks to @spa for the classic versions that made lamping so much easier and for the base art that i used to become the reels for the games.
after extensive playtesting the only issues I want to share in case of occurence are the ON/OFF alarm 30 sec countdown is unavoidable sorry, and very rarely on occasion upon loading several lamps don't light up, if that happens simply press ctrl & r to reset the machine and it will be resolved.. i'm sure its due to some lamps having dual bulbs but it's simply not a regular thing and so easily fixed in those rare events i hope you agree it's hardly worth mentioning..
the meters are correct after hours of auto play etc and clearly show the £70 version plays better but still both are fun..
there are many areas that are redrawn to the best of my novice ability and i'm sure you will know what ones during gameplay, however the only ones that proved a real difficulty were the hidden features bulbs that i had to really fight to keep as original text.. one last thing... the game irl has green/red coins on the reels for hidden features, in the test mode they are marked as blue/red?!? secondly the game itself uses blue/red so i personally think the hidden should be blue/red too but i stuck with real life colours.. TMI maybe but i like to share my efforts
thanks to @infection for the images and consistent help sourcing images for me to work with!! top man!! and @vectra666 for constant support and advice throughout!!
and the community as a whole, i really benefit from the positive and constructive feedback!!
next up from me will be a few edited layouts from other creators who have courteously provided permission to change their great existing layouts in order to facilitate video channel creators making empty videos etc.. once again thanks to @Tommy c & @Kriss for your faith in my editing ability!!! and to @logopolis for sourcing the roms necessary and faith in my editing too!!
merry xmas and a happy new fme year to all
Lock 'N' Load £15 DX
By woodsy
Thanks as always to wizard for the joy that mfme provides.
thanks to the classic creators far and wide without whom my learning process would be so much harder to cope with and complete!!
this layout is a experimental creation from a very small and grainy flyer, the AI upscaling and smart object vector transformation applications have enabled me to attempt to utilize a otherwise unusable flyer and in turn i feel has provided a more than satisfactory result although not up to the same standards achievable with high res images it has allowed me to dx a game missing from the library of dx's that i remember well as a younger addict way back when you could get some value for a quid!!
thanks to the classic creator of the game whomever you are again there was no name included in the file so thanks to unknown!!
i welcome feedback on this project as it's not high res and only became possible by experimentation.. if the community approves i will happily in my travels around the resources utilize any prevously overlooked images to dx etc.. the main thing i feel is it's still extremely playable in grainy resolution and to me it's worth the effort.. opinions on a postcard please..
i have played many quids through it and found no issues, however as it's mpu5 and new tech to me please alert me to any errors that arise in the event there are any and i will endeavour to rectify them post haste.
there's no disco button on this as when i created it, the quality of the work wizard did making them so well is such a visible contrast to the images used it's comedically bad, therefore it's not included which is the only detail overlooked in creation. sorry to the hardcore duplicators
it's a early red game set to £15 25p 86%, if you get the lock 'n' load to repeat let me know!!! and it's cheap simple fun!! enjoy!!
best wishes to all and merry christmas/new year/easter/halloween/birthday from woodsy. (delete as appropriate)
Crazy Cobra - Red Gaming
Crazy Cobra By Pootis Spencer
Here is Crazy Cobra from Red Gaming. Not the best artwork to work with so its not my usual quality for a DX. I know this is one that many have been waiting for. Enjoy.
Crazy Cobra by Red Gaming
Tech: MPU 5
Jackpot: £25
Pence Per Play: 25p
Percentage: 88%
Test Mode (BACTA v1.0)
Tick S Door then click Test
Shortcut Keys
HOLD 1 - 1
HOLD 2 - 2
HOLD 3 - 3
COIN IN £1 - 0 or NUM 0
Thanks goes to the following:
@infection - Supplying the images used for the layout
@vectra666 & @dad - For help with the LED lamps as this was new territory for me.
None of this would be possible without MFME from @Wizard. May he continue to rest in peace...
All the best and enjoy the layout!
By woodsy
thanks to wizard for mfme and disco reels!!!
thanks to @dad and @vectra666 for the help creating my first disco button (1st so be kind), I WOULD LIKE TO THANK CLASSIC CREATORS FAR AND WIDE, the classic funfair is not named by a designer and therefore i cannot thank them individually, however without the hard work done by classic creators this MPU5 machine would of taken the fight out of me as it did in my first foray into the technology. This layout was only possible for me thanks to the existing classic, whomever you are i thank you for it!!
the image i used had severe flash burn on two areas and using the clone tool i was able to edit it for the on image not the off so that minor blemish remains without affecting badly in fact only serving to improve the win decals. Secondly the SPIN lamps were invisible so they are artistically imagined..
the only other issue i had was the 4 lamps for cash coaster are not the ones assigned to it in the classic as they just don't correspond correctly during gameplay so they are empathetically chosen lamps that still remain gameplay correct.. all these things can be changed in the event you don't agree with my choices etc..
thanks again to all the community that exist to help and support each other through designing and humour..
due to a shortage of high res images that can be cherry picked i'm happy to take any requests should anyone have anything they would like me to attempt. many thanks
Red Gaming Hi-Lo Silver Wdx
By Tommy c
Here's my photo based dx of hi lo silver, the photo's used weren't great so the dx isn't that great. Thanks to @infection @spa images @Reg for the classic and @dad for the cab advice and help.
Red Gaming's Rocket Money Wdx
By Tommy c
Photo based dx using multiple photo's, decent red and doesn't take a life time to force out, thanks to @infection for the pics and to the late wizard for the new mfme.
Red Gaming's Aftershock Wdx
By Tommy c
Here's my photo based dx of aftershock by red gaming,thanks to @Matty.n for the classic @Amot for the photo's he supplied and @Wizard for the new mfme.
Red X (DX) - Red Gaming
By slotsmagic
Well here's a DX of Red X, there are some points to note here which I will look to sort out on future layouts!
1) I have used a lot of blended lamps. I hope it runs well for you, it runs fine for me. If you PC does struggle with it, let me know!
2) I really needn't have made the layout at 2160px tall, especially when my base art was a grainy flyer!
3) If you open the doors you will need to enter EDIT mode and go to the right of the layout graphics, where you will find a button called 'LOCK', and a checkbox under it. To clear the DOOR LOCKED alarm you can just click the 'LOCK' button. If that doesn't clear it, you'll need to check the checkbox under it.
With those bits out of the way - I hope this is a fully functional DX for you. It works fine for me!
It's not perfect but I think it's about the best I can manage at the moment. Hopefully better resources appear at some point