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wearecity last won the day on January 29

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  1. Happy Birthday Chris. I hope you're looking down on us all here at DIF and are pleased to see, all the new people of late, signing up having just discovered your fantastic emulator.
  2. wearecity

    Spy Hunter

    Must take a look at this, I loved this on the Spectrum back in the day. One of the games, I remember, on a Sunday afternoon, when I was sometimes allowed to play on the family, big 21" colour TV in the living room, rather than my portable 14" in the bedroom.
  3. I've friends who use them, I don't personally. I don't blame people for using them, because some companies have taken the piss, with pricing for years. But look at how services such as Spotify etc, have shown, the vast majority of people will stop the naughtiness, if offered convenience and value for money. I stopped most naughty things, when I stopped gambling hundreds a month away and could actually afford to buy things, if I wanted them. I have Prime, Netflix, Britbox, Xbox subs, even though, I might not used some services for months. They are inexpensive for me, not even a couple of days wages in total. That's not to say, I still don't sometimes, watch something, somewhere I shouldn't. I have the films etc, on DVD/Bluray but find streaming much more convenient. James Bond films is one such thing, none of the streaming services have all the Bonds, but I found a website with high quality streams of them all.
  4. wearecity

    Bubble Bobble

    Loved Bubble Bobble. Lots of secrets to discover and great gameplay. Like I mentioned in the Rainbow Island comments, this was one, I used to play with my mate, on some overnight sessions on the C64 and on the Amiga as well, when he's mum was working nights. His sister who lived at home still, in the early days of our overnight gaming sessions, wasn't too keen. I remember her bursting into the living room, saying why the hell, are you playing that same tune, over and over and over again, it's doing my head in. Of course when so intense into something, you aren't taking any notice of these things.
  5. wearecity

    Rainbow Islands

    For me there's only one better version of Bomb Jack for home computers then the Spectrum and that's the Amstrad CPC version. Try it emulated, it's still as addictive as back then. It's similar in gameplay but much more colourful. Thr C64 version is far to cramped and the Amiga version is poor as well.
  6. wearecity

    Rainbow Islands

    Me and my mate, spent months playing this, until we completed it. We loved Bubble Bobble, which we also completed, so was pleased to see this was going to be released. But, I remember that it didn't appear it was coming out, due to some dispute. So I was excited to see it was released, when I went into Virgin Megastore in London. I remember ringing my mate to tell him. I used to take my Amiga, up to his place as his mum worked night shift and we used to spend hours playing my Amiga. The game is full of hidden secrets, including codes entered on the start screen and as Boulderdash says, collecting the gems in the correct order. But you had to work through the game, to get the codes. I remember we discovered the code to continue from Level 5 to Level 7 (IIRC) at about 4am, when I was having to leave, as I was early turn in work (days of no sleep for 36+ hours). We couldn't wait until the next time, we would get to play lol.
  7. MFME, made no difference to me. Perhaps if it had emulated the current machines out there, I would have felt a bit different, I.E, why spend money and trawl arcades for machines, I can play at home for free. But gamblers gamble to win money, something you can't do in an emulator. By the time MFME came out, I had discovered online gambling and although, I still played AWPs when out and about, in pubs, days out etc... I didn't go to the arcade sometimes for weeks, because I want to play online slots. I'd say in the £25 era onwards, my gambling and it's losses were made up of 80% online 20% AWP. Nowadays, MFME, does show, just how boring and linear, so many machines were, from the £15 era onwards in particular.
  8. This was the one, I was talking about in my previous post. I got my C64 with a lot of games, second hand. This came with it and was my most played game for a long time. Just trying to get the jackpot out of it, was the only real thing to do, but it was fun trying to do it.
  9. There were some interesting one, I got addicted to one on the C64, but as any fruit machine player back in the day knows, there's always something that break the illusion of it being a real fruit machine.
  10. Don't want to put you off donating, but any donation now, will only last until Dec 31st, so if you are going to donate, don't make it a big amount. Hopefully then next year, you will feel it worth donating a bit more, to continue to download the 1000's of machines on offer. But as said, donating is hugely appreciated.
  11. Thanks for this one, glad I click into the thread to read it, as I don't read all threads.
  12. wearecity

    Magic Circle

    Version 1.0.0


    Magic Circle A QPS Interactive machine on Scorpion 4 tech. £5 Jackpot, 10p Play, 92% payout. KEYS: ' = Cancel, 1-3 = Holds 1-3 and Nudge, M = Magic, T = Transfer, Space = Start, 0 = Insert £1 THANKS TO: Wizard (RIP) for the thrilling MFME emulator. Infection for some images to go by The Program & or Rom Provider Everyone who has offered assistance QPS Interactive and whoever owns them now for leaving FME alone
  13. I downloaded this and had a go. I got the 3 pubs red and didn't experience any issues. Hi-Lo'd up to the Coronation Streak. One possible issue, for the problem you had, is your PC spec, the size of the layout and blended lamps. A combination of low/mid spec PC, with a huge layout size and blended lamps, will bring some PC's to their knees. Pooks Indiana Jones, for instance, will make even a powerful PC splutter, during the jackpot sequence. You can unblend lamps, by clicking on design/edit mode, then design again and go to Misc Tools, where you will see unpack blended lamps.
  14. USER @Blinky3i, says on the reviews tab. Great release, however when i get the rare 3 RED rovers returns on the superboard the game locks up, the music still plays in the background but you cant interact with the buttons. i thought this was a glitch first time i got it but second time it exhibits the same issue. Anybody else get the same problem? edit: whlist writing this and it playing in the background it goes into timeout mode and you have to select your current ladder board best positon.. weird
  15. I just enjoy seeing new members, discovering and enjoying playing. It makes all the time it take to produce a layout more worthwhile for designers.
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