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Tommy c

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Tommy c last won the day on May 20 2024

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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Here's two layouts of electrocoin's pyramid, both 5p play but one is £3 Jp the other is £6, plays a really fair game for the stakes they're on. Thanks to the roms provider images supplier and to the late wizard for the new mfme. MFME V 20 +ONLY
  2. You will need to remask all the lamps that use transparency then mask the off image too !!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Here's my layout of king kerching this never got an outing on here as it was from 2017, I've been editing bits on it and trying to get lamps in order that were missing from the first release. Thanks to the flyer provider, and to the rom provider not sure who supplied the roms now, and to the late wizard for the new mfme. If anyone can supply an arcade set for this that would be great as this is a pretty flat profile. MFME V20+ ONLY.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    A photo based dx of pulsation by red gaming, thanks to the lads who have uploaded images to the community drive and to the rom provider and to the late wizard for the new mfme, usual shortcuts then num lock 1,4 6,3 for hi/lo cash and nudges. MFME V20+ Only.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Layout finally finished, sorry for the delay with this, had stuff going on so fme has taken a back seat. Let me know if there's any problems with the layout. Mfme V20+ Only.
  6. Bwb viva Espana, on the original 5p 10p £6 token program has a free win on the luxury goods 1 is £7 the other is £12. It will his £6 not take a credit go again and hit £6 again. £1 first shot then no credit taken and hits £6 for only the first quid being accounted for. Not any kind of exploit but was a nice freebie for token recycling
  7. Not planning to, you can change the % via the dips to £250 if you want to change the jackpot.
  8. I must apologise for not sorting this ages ago when you mentioned it, just forgot all about it mate, sorry.
  9. Got it back to 87.04 for a while but still acting oddly as these were like reds they would drift 1 or 2 % max when you played a settled rom. Don't think you would get a stinking performance like that even on a b3 for that cash in..... utter madness now I know why nobles had them mainly on a £1, take your cash as quick as they can. We're they used to have em set to keep you in the place with regular wins and entertainment.... How greed wins over stuff lol.
  10. Talking about machines being behind, played super red bar £100 £1 play concept roms classic yesterday. Already has a settled rom so was playing a cycle, normally comes every £800 profit not 800 in so takes a good few spins and play through. Yesterday it took over 2500 and ended up with my rtp at 81% it caved after a combo of wins and cash inserted at around 4000 in then the streak was spread apart it was still making why paying out, those updated 88% fixed roms from concept are a disgrace.
  11. Also does this when editing components, especially disk reels, can be annoying as it opens same error time and time again until you end with task manager,
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Can't believe i forgot upload this when it was the first game i completed last week. Anyway here's my dx's of a pretty decent game by mdm, it followed the colossus series of game play, could play a pretty decent game when on the right stake settings etc. Many thanks to @loo for uploading the sound roms we have been missing for years, @stevedude2 for supplying such a great flyer to work with and to @Pook for the upscaled reel images he made ages ago and sent them to me. As always to the late wizard for the new mfme. I have uploaded as one file because by the looks of it you get a number of downloads a day now in for none donators so to be fair I've zipped all 3 in one file just in case people want to play a different version.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Here's my layout of cock a doodle dough by barcrest. Had in wip for a couple of years and not touched it until the other day, layout now complete with a remade disk rel using the image of the layout. Thanks to @infection who sent me the upscaled image of the low quality image we had, the rom provider and to the late wizard for the new mfme.
  14. Yeah i knew it went to 50p but the 50p start button doesn't work like the transfer and swop buttons so just removed it.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Here's another one of my unfinished wips, finished it off and getting it out the way. This has a couple of issues in the transfer and swop button lamps don't work. Not got a clue why or why they don't light up. It doesn't affect the game play in any way you just can't transfer credit. Other than that it should be fine, thanks to the flyer supplier and to the late wizard for the new mfme. If you find any errors just let me know I'm a little rusty still yet.
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