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vectra666 last won the day on February 5

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Community Answers

  1. Version 1.0.1


    BIG Thanks to @reggert48 for finding the £25 roms, maybe we already had them as originally they wouldn't run, but renamed the roms by adding a "K" to them for Arcade version and then came across Error AL52-36 which is a chr error so had to find the PIC code which by chance i typed in BC25 as in Barcrest25(jackpot) and it came alive so good result all round Anyways through testing to see if it was the actually £25 rom i had the crazy reel bingo feature which gave the straight £75 win so ram cleared it so starting afresh shortcuts as standard i may look into the £5 version next week to complete the revisited set Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Not made anything for a Long while, due to not much about resource-wise so keeping my hand in creation with this machine Open the Box. Tried to get or find the £25 roms for this but nowt seams to be about ir i can't get any life out of the roms we have. (if anybody can find the £25 set load them into this layout and Pm me it back for a decal change!!!) so in the meantime its on its original £15 Jackpot. Thanks goto the original creators of the first £15 dx this is based on and to the flyer uploader Shortcuts are as standard Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
  3. Demo mode was always better than No mode at least we had a chance to play unemulated machines at the time, I made several “door open” machines in mfme10.1 even notey acceptors weren’t emued until mfme 5 yet we had loads of machines with noteys on them so just used coins as for sc6 it may even use a different notey to what is available emulation wise
  4. Scorp4 started life on door open mode, well some layouts did, as did the £100 machine roms so there is hope, just a case of shuttiing the door as for notey this wouldn’t work in open door mode/demo
  5. Yep donate I think l it’s a minimum of £5/£10 a year which would give you unlimited downloads throughout the year
  6. Scorp6 emulation it appears too , the LEDs are also showing correct with the muti coloured reels n logo, where as mine didn’t also would love to see it one day
  7. Why would you want to delete your account. Of which you opened only yesterday you could change your password to some random entry
  8. Personally for me the show is all staged and acted or it seams to be, the contestants are probably selected through several auditions. The program itself could take about 15 minutes without all the “drama” I feel they should’ve axed this programme a long time ago then we would t have 250+ dond and clones machines Around too
  9. I messaged the person who has this not replied to me though fingers crossed ehh as need something to get stuck into as not released for over a month which is ultra rare for me
  10. Mfme hasn’t cured me but it’s scratched the itch and has definitely stopped me spending online but mostly due to creating as that kept me occupied although atm I’ve no creating as much. Mfme for me relives the early slotting days especially the £4-£6 eras many favourites of mine I’ve dxed. But mfme definitely doesn’t cure an addiction in some cases it could make it worse as you can get addicted even more by playing the virtual slots
  11. One of them £50 draws they do that only the “regulars “ win also a sticker for lucky machine 9 there too. Love the realism, a bit like @spas fag lighter I left on hurricane and the loose change on in the trays of some machines Thankyou for this layout. Odd it does t use many lamps especially on the win plans and top logo although projects were mostly flo tubes put the layout on the main release via your site aswell
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Following on from the recent sound rom upload by @fruitsnappa/ @slotsmagic i decided to redo the decals to match the £8token rom thanks also goto @Clo06 for her amazing classic version Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Following on from the Awp is the big brother clubber at £400/max £2 a pop the usual force £500 in for £400 out affair and i expect it'll take a ages to max the cashpots out, although you can reset them via the test mode 10.4-10.6? Thanks goto @Clo06 for adding the eBay link from which i gained the various images used @fruitsnappa for the roms Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!
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