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  1. Today
  2. Thanks Dami for a superb (and I really mean that) layout. Really feel we need to see more from your talents!!!
  3. Yesterday
  4. Thank you for the fantastic layout.
  5. Timbo

    Master Spy (PCP)

    Thank you for the fantastic layout.
  6. Had a few games of this today I think I prefer the C64 version although the animation of the speccy one was impressive for the hardware
  7. High quality direct tape-to-tape machines became a valuable resource (for the higher frequency speedloaders)!
  8. As I said in another recent thread I ended up being one of the main people copying spectrum games at school by accident, was never my intention. As a consequence I rarely got the chance to actually play them.
  9. Oh yeah, you can't beat a bit of tape pirating! Then once we got to the Amiga years, and it was all disks, BBSs and X-Copy
  10. Yeah, I was going to say. Most of my games were pirated and passed round school so I've played a shit ton of games but not always a clue how to play them. I think pirating games when you was a kid in the 80's was part of the computer scene in general, I almost enjoyed that part compared to actually playing the games. J
  11. Its also what happens when you buy a game and have no instructions included for a pound pre internet days
  12. Suppose you could save out the bmps reduce their width exactly to the pixel on both sides to avoid “jumping” of lamps maybe enlarge the art for a bigger layout then re lamp the layout again would take a few hours each but possible if it’s only side art to the right then that’s far easier
  13. It's a good game - but if I'd not know it from the past, I would have been in the very same boat as you on it. It's not straight forward...
  14. Last week
  15. Great work - this may be how the machine plays anyway but I noticed if I open the S DOOR before the full jackpot had been paid, it guaranteed the next board was invincible and always went to jackpot either to the top or nudges. I still couldn't get it to really payout more since I couldn't get it to board often enough - great fun just getting jackpot again and again though !
  16. They really didn't need the 4 Dracs on the left of the feature board to take up all that space. Could have compressed that down and put a logo in, or compressed it down, moved the 'super game' above down, and gone with the logo in the top left. I think they just designed the machine, realised there wasn't any room, and thought 'eff it'
  17. I agree with Vectra - there just isn't space for it anywhere sensible on that cab......
  18. A little hacked in for initial test, first successful scrape of the delphi font characters from a text box with the new scraper etc under MfmeTools
  19. Trying to think of some but can’t atm some machines like roller coaster have their names incorporated into the top feature basically it saves space and titles the top feature
  20. That would normally have it written on a poster on the cash door but yes odd not to have the name somewhere behind one of the glasses.
  21. @vectra666 do you think you can do anything with the m1a madness ones r.e. the side art so they are better in portrait mode?
  22. Playing Club Hit The Dracpot earlier I noticed that the name doesn't appear anywhere on the machine other than the reels. Do we reckon the designer just forgot? I wonder how many others are like this?
  23. Spent many a day running round searching and not knowing what to do in this game
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