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Everything posted by Jolt-Z

  1. This project looks quite neat. Wonder how it would handle classic layouts though?
  2. Thanks for this one, any chance you could do the arena version of this sometime in the future?
  3. Jolt-Z

    Hot Six

    Many thanks for this, it's such a shame we lost such a great person.
  4. Thanks for this, the layout kinda reminds me of pub quiz machines, not to mention the video fruit machines that have seemed to replace them.
  5. Jolt-Z

    Reel Roulette

    Thanks for this, looks interesting.
  6. Thanks for this, any chance you could do a DX of R2V Viva Las Vegas, please?
  7. Thanks for this, hopefully the sounds will turn up soon.
  8. Jolt-Z


    Wow, what a nice surprise! Thanks.
  9. Looks very Skill Shuffle esque.
  10. Jolt-Z

    a fish called wonga (empire)

    That super feature kinda reminds me of Impulse's Gridrunner.
  11. Jolt-Z

    let's get kraken (blueprint)

    I wonder if there was ever a Scorpion 5 version of this machine...
  12. Jolt-Z


    Wait, if it's emulated, how does the ball shooter feature work then?
  13. Jolt-Z

    Las Vegas

    Wait, nevermind, think I saw a classic of this a while back.
  14. Jolt-Z

    Las Vegas

    Oh, this looks nice. What tech is it, and do we have the roms for it?
  15. And where can I find that?
  16. Stuff that hasn't been made into a layout yet.
  17. What machines do we have the roms for, and where can I get them?
  18. Jolt-Z

    Special FX

    Okay, got up to the point where it tosses me a security link error.
  19. Jolt-Z

    Special FX

    I'm using the romset from the missing roms thread, where do I have to load everything?
  20. Jolt-Z

    Special FX

    Funny, that, I was trying to get the roms to work with a screenplay layout but it kept coming up with errors.
  21. Can a layout be made of this machine, please? It is a M1 video machine. Also, if any of the other M1video machines can be emulated, that'd be great.
  22. Jolt-Z


    Thanks for this. Any chance of one of Betcom's "dice on reels" games?
  23. Were there any other plasma display games?
  24. Jolt-Z

    Impulse Frantic

    Anyone found the sound roms for this yet?
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