24 files
Football Fever £5 20p
By woodsy
thanks to @Tommy c for the off image and reels and a few lamps, oh and lamp numbers, cheers tc.
thanks to @WonkySausage for continued dip switch support!
wizard always.
So, i couldn't get this running as it existed and after looking through the new drive from @johnparker007 found the decals for this variant, admittedly it's very happy on this stake/prize but the thing works and it plays and it gets more goals than the manchester teams combined.
it's one i used to really enjoy wasting time on at 5p/10p in the trocadero and pier alike and that's why i bothered, the bloody lamping was god awful annoying but got there in the end and it also has one of the hardest and most failed skillshots i've ever met, "up for the cup" great entertainment.
there are multiple stake prize options at £5 jp, the decals won't match but the game play is more challenging on lower stake obvs. down to you i suppose.
i believe they can be adapted with 5,6,7,8 on the dips but hey ho.
best wishes, errors must be sent with a s.a.e to the usual p.o box.
Empire's Club Tropicana.
By Ze Frog
Massive thanks to @Clo06 for the classic.
Also @vectra666 for teaching me a better darkening method, although I can likely implement better in future.
Also thanks to the community here as that inspires me to keep improving.
Club Bonanza £250 Dx
By vectra666
Grab your horse and venture into the Wild West with this western themed Club slot from Empire
Thanks goto
@Clo06 - classic layout used for lamping/reel references
@infection - machine and reel symbol images used
@stevedude2 - flyer upload
@bionic_beast - font identication
@Reg - sec meter help to try and get the transferred winnings to register in the meters correctly, which i still don't think they're entirely correct as in when you transfer winnings via the Start/Gamble buttons the meters don't move. maybe due to no actual monies won or added. if anyone can get em to run upload a screenie, so for now to make the meters right.
I suggest you Collect All winnings and add the coins in rather than transfer winnings..
Apart from that all should run ok
Shortcuts written within the notes,
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Pinball Nudger £5/5p Dx
By vectra666
Higher Jackpot of the 2per released earlier
thanks to the original layout where i "borrowed" the right decals needed
same early roms and still set on 88%
shortcuts are as standard
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Pinball Nudger £2 - 2p Dx
By vectra666
Reach for the highest score and try not to 'tilt' this one its Empire's Pinball Nudger set on 2p
Thanks goto
the original layout creators of this from which i obtained the reels bands lamp positions etc from
dr slots for uploading the "more generous" roms
to @Mort for help trying to find the correct orange needed
@spa for flyer used
to steve's fruities for uploading a youtube video of this machine from which i nicked the orange from
i may do the £5 5p version if the base cash decals and the top two jackpot decals are sourced, this also goes to £3-£4 jackpot via various dip switches from the manual also sourced from the mecca i'll upload that dip switch page to this release for future references.
enjoy and happy gaming!!!!
High Spirits £5 DX
By woodsy
wizard rip.
thanks to @WonkySausage for the playtest and confirmation of the bonus, nudges, sling shot, spin the bottle being unlamped irl.. also the hi-lo reel lamp correction
thanks to @Tommy c for the reels used in this version, superb ones too!
thanks to @Liverpool2008 for the images used to make this version which is one i enjoyed for many years on the palace pier..
@vectra666 please add coin out effects as i tried and failed so i can update a bit later thanks.
it's 5p £5 and the decals match that, there is an existing £10 dx 25p play version by T.C that is good enough to eat so i won't edit the images to facilitate the same version with my art..
this is my first empire game and i'd dearly love to find some base art for TREASURE TRAIL & THE GAMBLER if anyone has any please share, thanks..
doing a jpm next wayhey
Chase The Ace (Cards version) by Empire - £15/25p/90%
By No1Stoney
Here we have an updated version of Empire's 'Chase the Ace' machine running the cards program version. Set on £15/25p/90%
This is my first layout trying out blended lamps, not 100% sure I've done them as intended but they look like I expected them to.
Thought this layout could do with an update and wanted something to get my teeth into.
Not the best machine gameplay wise but I hope you enjoy.
Thanks for downloading.
Empire - Haunted House 1440p WDX £5, £8, £10, £15 / 5p, 10p, 25p
By Ross
5p, 10p and 25p
£5, £8 TK, £10 and £15
Empire - Club Tropicana
By Clo06
Empire - Club Tropicana
Tech: MPU5
Fancy a nice Hawaiian holiday, then go for holiday playing this machine.
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes.
Thanks to:
Wizard (RIP) for MFME
@loo for the roms
@infection for the image used.
Plays in MFME V20.1 only.
Fruit Busters Club
By Reg
This one is going to need some play to break even !
Included a few of the backed up ram files that it saved as well when on autoplay.
Enjoy a clubber with not so fast spinning reels.
Skill Snooker
By Reg
So hot off the press, it was literally finished five minutes ago.
This is a skill game.
This is not an easy skill game.
It is also not a fruit machine...
Empire - Club Bonanza
By Clo06
Empire - Club Bonanza (25p/£250 jp)
Tech: MPU5
Like playing cowboys & Indians, then yeehaw see 'how' go on this fun game.
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes.
Thanks to:
Wizard (RIP) for the emulator
@Johnnyafc for his classic from where the reel bands came from.
@infection for the image
Plays in MFME V20.1 only
Adders 'N' Ladders by Empire Games - £5 & £35 Classics
By slotsmagic
Here's a couple of layouts I've put together for Adders 'N' Ladder by Empire Games. It's a pretty simple game and hopefully simple enough to play
Thanks to @infection for the £35 board photo, and user Chris217 on YouTube for his video of the £5 versions being played. Thanks to @andy-1as well who provided me with the ROMs running in a blank MFME layout, and also obvious thanks are obvious when it comes to @Wizard. I know these layouts don't really do justice to your emulator but hopefully they'll put a smile on someone's face, until something better comes along (or I get my arse in gear!).
Beginning to wish I'd done a traditional classic layout as there's so many reflections and issues on the board parts that the £35 for example could pretty much do with being redrawn. That might be a project for another day, but for now please enjoy these cosmetically challenged versions.
Any errors please let me know!
[quote]Empire Games 'Adders 'N' Ladders' - on Barcrest MPU5.
Set on £5 Jackpot, 20p Play and 86% Payout.
Layout designed by SlotsMagic using MFME v20.1
** Keyboard Shortcuts **
Insert £1 = 0
Start = Spacebar
Hold 1 = 1
Hold 2 = 2
Hold 3 = 3
Cancel / Collect = '
Exchange = E
Auto Nudge = A
** Notes **
This layout was put together to give something hopefully playable, and I'm sure better version(s) will appear in the future
It is based on the more basic of the Adders 'N' Ladders machines, which doesn't have the feature symbols located above the reels. It should play absolutely fine.
** Thanks To **
Chris Wren a.k.a. Wizard (1965-2020) for MFME itself!
'Chris217' for the video on YouTube which I screengrabbed the board game from!
andy-1 for the ROMs running and base layout!
Everyone at DesertIslandFruits.com for support and feedback!
Layout is only for release over at DesertIslandFruits.com - it is not for resale or to be hosted elsewhere.[/quote]
Bank Raid Wdx
By Tommy c
Update from the shit layout i made of this years ago,should be fine now.thanks to @Wizard for the new mfme
Hot Cash Wdx
By Tommy c
Here's a photo based dx of empires hot cash,had to redraw most of the bottom glass decals etc back in to make it 20p play,this is set on £8 token jackpot and plays pretty well.Thanks to infection for the images i used and to wizard for the new mfme.
Cash Of The Titans Wdx
By Tommy c
Another photo based dx using this shot from the internet,don't lnow anything about the game etc other than its a clubber thanks to reg for the classic this is based on and wizard for teh new mfme.short cuts are normal.
Full House
By Reg
Although not as pretty as all the brilliant DX's we've had recently - here is a little offering from myself.
v19 only
Cash of the Titans
By Reg
This is a club machine from Empire.
We don't have many club machines released these days, so consider this one a treat.
For anyone that's counting, one more week, one more release to go...
...Merry Xmas !
Cross Fire Wdx
By Tommy c
Here's another empire machine this time using mpu 5 tech,the flyer wasn't great no reel symbols available apart from the ones in the mpu dx,so i've used images from the flyer etc to make some clear-ish images,Not sure what it plays like etc as never played it before. Thanks to who ever created the mpu 4 version,wizard for sending me a copy so i could see what was going on etc,also for the new mfme v6x.All short cuts are the usual.
Ghost Train
By Reg
A revisit to the first layout I ever made for MFME when it was known as Fruit. Little known fact these days, this was the first ever game that was released by back then a 3rd party.
Clockwork Oranges Club
By Reg
Many thanks to @dad who I used the reel symbols from his non-club DX version for this.
Don't usually bother about reel symbols being 100% match as it's so hard to do, but this one needed them for the cuteness.
This uses the MFME font, you should have this by now so I've stopped including it.
From this point onwards, I am starting to put the rom version in the layout title. This is 0.3 and used to quickly identify what you are playing.