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bungle last won the day on October 10 2020

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  1. Hey, No problem mate, My pleasure for something I believe in, And enjoy using,small price to pay Andrew.tnx
  2. Brilliant Andrew,nothing more I can say really,Love it Thanks very much squire.
  3. Very nice Vecs, Thankyou
  4. This was a place called white city,long gone,demolished for fancy houses assholes. But alas I suppose nothing lasts forever,thats one of the downsides of life unfortunately.
  5. Don't think it will make any difference tbh, But i would ask admin @pete_w first just in case. Send him a private message.
  6. Any fruit machine atall for me,no reel favourites as such,Even the old one armed bandits,Probably shows my age. hehe Below is a picture of what one of our arcades looked like when I was a nipper.
  7. This is looking great Andrew,Hope to see more
  8. Looking Awesome Andrew,Love the cab designer,Will you be able to design and export cabs for use in dx's? hehe Look forward to test these new bits and pieces out. Thanks for your hard work...
  9. Thanks for all the hard work you put into FruitBar. All your suggestions sound great,Look forward to trying it all out. :~@)
  10. Looking good indeed Andrew. Yeah agree 3 is looking the best.
  11. Great to see you at it again. It all sounds good Andrew,Whatever you are up too I,m sure it will be sweet...
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