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SocialDragon368 last won the day on June 27 2020

SocialDragon368 had the most liked content!

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SocialDragon368's Achievements

Ικανοποιητική αφίσα

Ικανοποιητική αφίσα (9/13)

  • Six Years In
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Community Answers

  1. If you do install Windows 11 on a unsupported model, be prepared for the machine to malfunction. To be clear, check your model, and if it is not supported, you're stranded on Windows 10.
  2. Another nice layout, thanks for finally getting this one done!
  3. @dubdriver VirtualBox is free to use, but if you're looking for a paid version, vmware is the best one.
  4. Hello to all.

    I am now back on DIF after my hiatus, but I will have to limit my visits a week so as not to affect my other life.

    Thanks for bearing with me.

  5. Hello to all,

    I have had a think about my hiatus and explained that Late 2024 would be a long time for me to wait. 

    So I will be back on DIF in July other than Late 2024 which is not long to wait because I do not want DIF to affect my other life.

    It will not be long now until I'm back on, so watch this space.

  6. Hello to all,

    I have decided to extend my hiatus from DIF to Late 2024. I don't know when that is, but expect me to be back in December 2024 at the latest.

    During the extended hiatus, there will be no posts from me so please don't respond to me. I also will not be downloading any content, but I will still occasionally use MFME during the hiatus.

    Please excuse the interruption.

  7. This is the last post I will make for a while as from tomorrow, I will be taking a hiatus from DIF. 

    During this time, there will be no posts from me and I will not be downloading any content until my return, but I will still occasionally use MFME.

    I do not know when I will return, but I'll let you know when I extend my hiatus or return.

  8. From 17th July, I will be taking a hiatus from DIF. 

    During this time, there will be no posts from me and I will not be downloading any content until my return.

    I do not know when I will return, but I'll let you know. I will change my signature to reflect this when I am on hiatus.

  9. https://www.desertislandfruits.com/forum/index.php?/forum/58-touchscreen-games/
  10. Credit window is the percentage.
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