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Everything posted by woodsy

  1. sweet and sour or the now unfindable nice n spicy.. but boy those posh noodles they did for a while were the 1
  2. maybe a ghost partition would help with xp setup files, but other than that i'm sure some .exe's will run cross platform and have been updated etc
  3. speaking of which i asked the oracle clo06 and i'm adding this here in case you can help with roms at all? thanks in advance, i grew up playing this in the site that is now mr p's bognor
  4. well i can confirm skyrim is porn, utter filthy porn.. i'm so glad i had experience of fallout before trying this though as it's just so much more intense and open to adaptations on your journey, the side quests etc will always be the same but how you explore is gobsmacking, so many choices, so yeah porn. only just realised that frost damage isn't from the snow haha, i'm lv 16 and deliberately tried a few long distance miscellaneous tasks whilst stealing and xp'ing up my coin etc. haven't found a casino yet but i'm sure that won't spoil it hahaha
  5. I never got into clubbers sheerly because imo they were the same as a standard game but with nothing extra than cost and jp etc but in fairness the actual machine to be a fair increase in gameplay would be bigger than a snooker table ratio wise. for me anything £6/8t £10/15 jpm or likewise barcrest. and the £5 empire versions of £10 originals, tbh the list goes on but mainly stays at that price area
  6. hold on a minute.... there are ?other? fruit machine sites??
  7. (insert bruce willis die hard gif here) WELCOME TO THE PARTY PAL
  8. you're a living legend buddy....
  9. hmmm, i know the bottom pac-man is not possible iirc, i'd like to do pulsation if it doesn't have a dx but the image looks hmmm. pheonix one is a clone of cannonball run which im sure is there in legacy. the other pac man one i've never seen along with up yer riggin irl. and open the box could be also undoable but i'm just posting coz pulsation is a red and i loves me reds, heave ho
  10. @vectra666 keep em coming! these resizes or re decals are bringing games to me that i've never played or knew of as we know you're a earlier machine man and that's (sorry) a little before my time so your passion for your greats is giving me newfound machines to actually not lose my pocket money on for years edit: streaked of first jp, that was a reminder of the real days of streaking machines ahhh the joy
  11. i used to spend a bit too long chasing jackpots on the casino slots in new vegas and f3.. tbh i used to spend so long in the casino bit of sonic 2 as well i'm with you on that, although i now have a gaming capable laptop the last games i played on the pc were command and conquer which is still fekking awesome
  12. just through the tutorials/start up stuff, looks like it plays like fallout in level/perks etc and the button functions are nearly identical so i feel comfortable already. it has a lot of the things that i learnt to really enjoy besides the questing such as crafting and sourcing materials to acquire better weapons and variables etc i have a lot to learn and long way to go but it's already got my affection!!
  13. seeing how i love the bethesda fallout series on ps4 i'm finally getting the time to begin the next epic journey.. SKYRIM oooh i'm buzzing.. no spoilers please but please feel free to share some love and highlights you had on your path..
  14. there's a jolly dif boys outing in the works if you want to get involved in the spring.. think it's going to be margate area..
  15. thanks pal, todays random fun courtesy of yourself even more random as it's not the impulse one i was thinking of
  16. why doesn't santa have any kids? he only comes once a year! BOOM MIC DROPPED.. (BLEURGH)
  17. don't know about this one but the deal or no deal pusher was emptiable via the tilt.
  18. thanks loads. just awaiting results results on multiple chest area stuff, they can't do anything about my third leg
  19. i'll do my best with what we have if you don't mind sending a scan of the flyer please bud.
  20. oh man i fekkin remember that from 10 yrs old me.. please if it's no bother can i get this dx'd from your pics and maybe more? might need a bit of artistic license though so likely be a collab plus it'd be my first ace. but man oh man i want to see this again so bad.
  21. i'm back in hospital mate so afk but will look asap i'm sure you got it done, feel free to pm me anytime and i'll see what else you want to learn and if i can help i will
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