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Never Mind the Jackpots £25 Dx 1.0.0

   (5 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

 Time for some anarchy with this punk themed slot by Mazooma

Thanks goto

@BruceGeorge for the previous dx used for the majority of lamps within

@Player for the art used,

and to the member whom pm'ed me said art prepped for production and for making the reel bands ready to go!!

shortcuts listed within the notes all working except the hi lo ones for the hi lo band, make your own up if needed..


 Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!!

Maybe time to go up north for the next one.... 

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User Feedback

I never really rated Mazooma machines back in my playing days, but had to download this one because it looked so much fun! And it is - the 'happy ram' means that you can strip it for £125 for just £10 in; if only I could have found one in this state back in the day... 😀
Big thanks to Vectra666 - I'm definitely going to check out your other releases.

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What a brilliently done layout. Many , many thanks for the efforts that go into recreating these. Thank you.

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This is the bollocks vecs lad. Played this in the wild once, its based on my fave band, many fanks old buddy old pal

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