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Everything posted by MPU_FIVE

  1. Thanks for this release, Ross. All the best, Gary.
  2. Nice looking MFME Keyboard you've made there, @smithers18. I never labelled any of the buttons on the MFME Keyboard i made (see pic) - from experience of playing many layouts, the problem with labelling buttons would be that there are so many different configurations... for example, some machines have hi / lo on holds 2 and 3 and others have lo / hi on holds 2 and 3... also many machines have a cancel button to the left of the hold buttons, and some have both a cancel and a collect button to the left of the hold buttons and sometimes the button to the left of the hold buttons can be a reverse start button so as i said i've left mine blank & can always refer to the buttons on the layout on screen if i forget what a button is for... (my keyboard has 2X triangle up / down keys which are self explanitory by their shape for the double hi lo machines such as Gridrunner.) Anyway, nice to see another keyboard made... it's always interesting to see what other people have done! Cheers, Gary.
  3. Thanks for this @Multi Retro Man.... looks reely, reely good!

    Casino 5 Liner

    Thanks for this release, @woodsy do like a JPM. All the best, Gary.
  5. Thank you, Vectra... Happy new year to you and all those here on the island of fruits!

    Silver Shuffle

    Thanks for this, and happy boxing day!

    Eachway Shuffle

    What a lovely christmas present! thanks @Amusements
  8. Does it work properly for you, @Robsonmeg46? I'm sure the one i have in MFME goes tits up if i try to collect 20p's - 20p hopper problem with it i'm sure... will have another look later but sure mine is not working right....

    Maygay - Bar-Gain

    Thank you for this layout, Clo06.
  10. Thank you for this layout, Wearecity.
  11. Hi @potnoodlefan - welcome to the island! An excellent build thread was done by Wibblewobble which shows a cabinet build in detail... Wibblewobbles thread here --> No1Stoney has made 2 cabinets, can only find the 1 build thread tho... --> Also 123 has this thread that has lots of info in it too... --> That should be a good start anyway... I want to make a cabinet too at some point. I've made a MFME Keyboard so far and it makes such a difference having flashing buttons. All the best, Gary.
  12. Wow! I didn't know JSW was on the Dragon 32... I still own a Dragon 32 tho not played it for years... must dig it out the loft sometime. Only have a handful of games for it... Jet Set Willy is not one of them, sadly! Cheers, Gary.
  13. Closest i think possible is Skillball Bingo which i have in my Section 16 folder (see pics) downloaded years ago from Fruit-Emu or Fruit Forums. Not sure if i ever tried it... can put it here if it's ok to do so, but will wait for an admin to green light it... as don't want to post something i should'nt.
  14. Thanks for this, Vecs... Yeah, I hope i never have to move home again, more stress than i can handle! I'm here till i die (as long as i don't lose my job ) Hope you feel better after a good rest! All the best, Gary.
  15. Hello, @Dotterbart... It depends what kind of buttons you want i guess... when i made MFME Keyboard I didn't want any decals on my buttons so got mine from Arcade World. My Keyboard build thread is here --> https://www.arcadeworlduk.com/categories/Arcade-Parts/Illuminated-Buttons/ Some other people here have preferred to use genuine fruit machine buttons so they got them from Ebay. A look around the cabinet building section may show up where others bought their buttons from. https://www.desertislandfruits.com/forum/index.php?/forum/39-cabinet-building/ I wish you luck with the project and hope to see pictures of whatever you build! Cheers, Gary. :)
  16. Thanks for these, Niallquinn. Will fire em up in Batocera 35 later. :)
  17. Cheers for this layout, Vectra... and thanks for the volume tip MRM... Hope the moving out goes well & you're setttled in your new place soon. All the best, Gary. 777
  18. Here's how i did with the Pinball Wizard challenge... I did a video of it... i'm no where near as good as Degsey Degworth, tho... but i tried! £50 was 166 credits... https://youtu.be/k4bB--yvPpY Cheers, Gary. P.S. I can't think of a machine to put up yet, so someone eles feel free to post a new file to challenge us all with
  19. Thanks for this release MRM.
  20. Ahh nice choice @woodsy- have just downloaded the file, and will be back with the results in a while... Absolutely love the feature board music on this, tho would of been better on another tech as i find impact music to sound really flat plus whenever you move the music jumps a bit... nonetheless... bloody good music tho! All the best, Gary aka MPU_FIVE
  21. When i saw the title of this thread, I just HAD TO make this meme!!! sorry! Muhahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!
  22. Cool... I'm sure somewhere on this site, (possibly in the video showcase category) there was the original 50 credit challenge which was similar to what is being done here... think people would do a youtube video of it so we could watch what happened...
  23. This machine used to be in the Ship inn , Sittingbourne back in the mid 1990's... The PINK box is Jackpot... they are always the same value... think Blue box is £2 for example.
  24. @woodsy@MikeyMonster Ahh i didn't know this one had tricks to it... I am just (and always have been) just a casual player that played fruities just for the sheer fun of it. Ok so in future a file shall be posted so we're all on same page. I'll be back later to post my Showtime Spectacular file (i'm on my Linux machine at the mo) in case the one MikeyMonster didn't contain the sound files... mine does but the game playing is almost mute... i say almost because on the feature, there are some instances where it will play a sound... i think jackpot is one... wierd eh!
  25. I used the layout i already had on my computer, woodsy... should i of used the one you posted for the Golden Mile? If so i guess my result is null and void... in case it isn't tho here's what i went for... By the way - I really wanted to do Showtime Spectacular (BellFruit) but the only MFME DX available was in the Legacy section which has layouts but no roms, - for some reason the roms i found for it play the game, but the sound roms which i got from the BFMulator version of this game do not play any sounds in the game even tho they are loaded in and play when going through the samples one by one... So if anyone wants to do an update - it looks like Showtime Spectacular is a candidate for it... Anyway I settled for this instead, £20 in, £31 out. Addams Family. Cheers, Gary.
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