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Showing content with the highest reputation since 21/09/23 in Posts

  1. Today marks the 4 year anniversary of Christopher J Wren funeral aka (wizard). I Never really knew you but just wanted to say thank you once again for all you have given to the MFME community and that you are still in our thoughts.
    13 points
  2. It's extremely upsetting It's not fair he doesn't get to see all the people he's made happy. My eyes are tearing up because I'm thinking about if he passed feeling like he wasn't done yet. He put all this effort into making MFME and he doesn't get to see all the happiness he's caused, it just isn't fair I hope in his final moments he felt complete, that he said to himself "There, I finished it. I'm ready to go", and then went to sleep with a smile on his face knowing he's made, and will continue to make, people happy. I hope he didn't feel like he wasn't ready. It's such a sad world. If anyone reads this who feels they're near the same fate, know you are loved. If you feel alone, know there's people out there who would gladly give you a big hug if they could.
    13 points
  3. Just a heads up, I've been busy so time is precious Work on Oasis has been continuing on an almost daily basis, mainly on the Layout Editor system, however, as time/energy is limited, I've not been posting updates compared to the past and on Arcade Sim projects. If you want to see the live updates to the code, you can watch the commit list on github (as this is a fullly open source project): https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis/commits/main/ Also, we have a new coder @oldfruitlover, who is (initially) looking into some super important base areas, such as file formats and the MAME Layout Builder system, so props and welcome to him I think for now, the lack of updates from me will continue, but that link above will give you an live snapshot of what's being worked on with Oasis. I know it's not as 'fresh' as the Arcade Sim updates were, but the key thing is for the work to continue at pace, so I hope you understand the prioritising github commits over forum updates
    11 points
  4. So finally finished my small bartop icade conversion. The cabinet lent itself perfectly for the job although was certainly tough trying to squeeze everything in! So I bought off Ebay an ION Icade off eBay for £18, a HP 15" 4:3 touchscreen monitor for £12 and a Dell micro PC for £40. I ordered an Ipac, Pac drive and a load of buttons from Arcade World along with a Barcrest button and 5v leds off eBay. I had to cut the top pieces of the side panels off the icade to accommodate the monitor which I stripped out of it's casing. I wanted the sound to be pretty good as that's the best part for me, the nostalgic machine sounds and music so I fixed a 2.1 edifier PC speaker system to it. The sub on the top and the satellite speakers in the back as didn't want them sticking out. I simply used sticky back metal effect plastic on the sides. I replaced the control panel for a nice bit of wood. I used 10 main buttons, an exit button on the left side and a coin one on the right as well as 2 small buttons I use for volume under the fake coin slot which I wired to a USB on the PC. I am very pleased with the way it turned out
    11 points
  5. Every time I load up MFME, I always spare a thought for Wizard. Just wanted to post something, it's never taken for granted the work he put in. Thank you to everyone who contributes on here in all capacities also. I really appreciate it. Xuenilom.
    10 points
  6. As some of you are aware @johnparker007 has set up a 'Community Drive' as a place to gather quality artwork for the scene. I have been going through all of my old folders and uploading any base art, glass scans, edited art & redraws. Some of the art is good quality that the emulator couldn't handle back when the DX was released and now can, and perhaps future advancements can take advantage of them. In the Community Drive if you click on the advanced search and put my name in the 'item name' box it will show all the art I've uploaded. Where I have additional artwork for that machine of I've made new reels or buttons etc I have uploaded them in the machines relevant folder on the drive. I still have some other archives to look through containing old WIP folders that's I'll probably never get around to finishing, I am sure I have usable art somewhere that needs a DX. I will upload to this thread as and when I find it. This link will take you to what I've just finished uploading... Community Drive
    10 points
  7. I registered here back in January and ... well, forgot about it TBH (health issues.. you know how it is...) - Anyway I remembered I registered and I'm a New User - which is fine, and I even seem to have some rep.. but I have no posts and I can't repost an intro... So.. I presume I just have to be active? In which case.. hi Been following Emu since the early days, before DOND was even a thing.... Happy to see things are still going on and machines are still being updated etc.
    9 points
  8. 8 points
  9. hey to everyone here nice to meet you all, cant wait to play some of those old classics that i used to play in the pub when i was younger
    8 points
  10. Not technically FME-related, but I believe these were in arcades/bars in some countries alongside fruit machines... "work on PC video cards is still progressing, with the added benefit of fixing MegaTouch XL 6000 graphics this month" https://www.mamedev.org/?p=529 We also have an initial 3d model from @Spidy21982 for the future (as the new Arcade Sim will directly run latest MAME releases )
    8 points
  11. More prettying up of the MFME Import window in the Layout Editor - more correct reel scaling, and reel overlay images: Technically not necessary to make this stuff look that accurate, as this is just to store imported MFME layout so when a layout artist (or someone working on converting layouts to 3d machines) saves a Layout Editor 'project file', this can be stored along with the actual 3d Oasis views of the full panels and individual panels. That said, it's bothersome if it looks scruffy, it should kinda resemble the imported MFME layout! So I'll prob also do reel lamps, and maybe even the odd 'fake perspective' vertical 2d reel scaling effect that MFME does (so symbols at top/bottom be squished vertically to approximate a 3d effect)... just so things look vaguely correct, for this Import preview view
    7 points
  12. Thank you so much guys for welcoming me into this community, I cant wait to get to know you and share in this experience together
    7 points
  13. Been feeling a bit better, so got some more progress on porting/converting the MFME Layout Extractor from the old ArcadeSim project to the new MfmeTools application (this is a 'standalone' Windows-only component of the Layout Editor, which is a cross-platform component of the Oasis suite). Work ported so far, allows for a little more progress in this test extraction, is now puts Mfme in Edit mode, and copies off lamps to the background: Next, is to get the Window Handle of the Properties window, and then from there, it's working on the new window capture system itself, as I need to get: - window position/size from the handles - getting window content as a bitmap - redo the old scraping of the component name (used a fuzzy OCR in old system, this needs converting to my Delphi font scraper, as everything else uses)
    7 points
  14. There is a lot of work to do building the Layout Editor. This will allow for importing extracted MFME layouts to be converted to native Oasis layouts (to work in 3d machines like in Arcade Sim). The 'extraction' will be performed by the MFME Extractor, which is already somewhat done, but will be rewritten with a focus on improved robustness as it's a flakey process. There will also be a feature to generate MAME layouts - this will mainly be used for creating/improving internal text-only layouts, that are built into the MAME.exe itself. This will indirectly help out with getting the emulation improved in MAME. Using the same UI framework I'm building for the Layout Editor, will be a second application that will be the Cabinet Editor. This will allow for importing 3d models in a generic format such as .fbx, to be converted to native Oasis cabinets (again to work as part of 3d machines like in ArcadeSim, housing the Oasis layouts). The Machine Player will allow playing these 3d machines in a single machine mode initially, and also have VR support, along with various visual effect options (like Bloom etc). Once this is all fairly solid, I will start development of the Oasis version of Arcade Simulator (I guess you could think of that as 'Arcade Sim 2'), to allow for the Arcade Sim experience with multiple Oasis machines... and that will ultimately get things that weren't in Arcade Sim 1, such as multiplayer, VR etc. Also there'll be lots of surrounding work, things not thought of yet etc. The key purpose of all this is that using the tools in the Oasis suite of FME software, the community will be able to convert existing MFME layouts, build new layouts, create new 3d cabinets, and build fully integrated machines that then work in the new Arcade Simulator... all without needing to touch any programming. The full source code is open source, hosted live here: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis This probably represents years of work, but I think it's what we need to take the scene to the next level, now we've seen the proof-of-concept the original Arcade Simulator represents
    7 points
  15. After a solid weeks work, making the box, applying vinyl wrap, drilling holes, fitting buttons, wiring buttons to controller boards my MFME keyboard is finished. I couldn't have done it without MPU_FIVE (Gary). His amazingly detailed shopping list made it easy to buy what I needed. His awesome guide on his own keyboard helped me get mine built. Thanks to ArcadeWorldUK for supplying the parts quickly and replacing my faulty led super fast (thanks Andy). Now comes the even more scary part. Getting the keyboard to work with fruit machines. That's the task for the weekend. Attached are photos of prototype and final version.
    7 points
  16. Just thought I'd record a very quick play with some of those new emulation features we get 'for free' (since this is using MAME for emulation backend), such as the save states...
    7 points
  17. I'll post some example code from one of my Hungarian games when I get to the office later this week. I should probably write a walkthrough of it, but it's a pretty reasonable example of typical AWP code albeit just not for the UK market (which isn't hard to make functionally work, anyway). I'll be honest - much of the code I saw of games from other coders was utterly diabolical. Sloppy, messy and error prone. As much as I liked BFM/BFG a lot of their game code was a car crash. I remember seeing Crazy Fruits and thinking, christ almighty, this is just a mess. Their system software however was very long winded but robust. I guess that's the difference between systems engineers and game coders. I learnt my trade from an ex-BWB programmer who was incredibly diligent, regimented and whilst not the fastest coder, his games were bulletproof. At the age of 18 that seemed like a good thing to aspire to. My code from back then was neat and tidy, and not complicated - on purpose. I'll sort something out along with some other goodies from way back.... Ed
    6 points
  18. No, there is an insane amount of work before the Oasis project will be at the stage of the previous Arcade Sim. Hoever when it is, it will allow users to build the 3d cabinets themselves, extract/import/build MFME layouts into 3d cabinets, design custom arcade layouts, run on other targets like android phones, iphones, games consoles like Xbox One... all kinds of very new things that are currently impossible It's a different beast! But we are looking at easily 1-2 years of work to get to that point, potentially (probably) even more, depending on whether I have to work on emulation after we have the community project to build internal MAME layouts with labelled reels etc. TLDR: It's a couple of years before this will be in a form where you can play in whole 3d arcades, though playing individual 3d machines will probably come sooner.
    6 points
  19. Another interesting milestone, got a scorp 4 classic just about running (Door open mode). Bunch of issues, but nice to see a new platform doing something
    6 points
  20. Well it's taken a while, but I crossed through the 1,000 subscriber mark overnight. The Temple Of Treasure video is proving popular.
    6 points
  21. So, as I used to play the earlier versions in the wild till they got chipped, sadly we only have Open the Box 02 with the lines trick in tact. Past few weeks I’ve been figuring out by looking at the Open the Box 02 and comparing it with the fixed 04 programme. I started with Line 1 - Unlimited Nudges and have managed to make this line free. So will be going through all the lines and doing the same, I hope to take this over to the other clones we don’t have free lines working roms…. So Pay Rise, Pound for Pound, Camelot, Grand Prix and maybe Hi-De-Hi. J
    6 points
  22. Hi, I've got a Twilight Zone manual and have attached the DIP settings below. The percentages can be changed, and also the % token payout can be changed from high to low as well. Sorry about the state of the page, looks like the engineer poured coffee all over it at some point! Reading this thread with interest, would be great to see some of your work come to fruition guys, hope this helps anyway.
    6 points
  23. Hi all! I just wanted to say a huge great 1 big thanks to all! I have made so many online friends here. So first to the late, great, Chris J Wren Wizard RIP for the emulator, Reg for starting the sight, all donaters and friends, layout creaters, Chopaholic, cheerful pecimist, whatwhat what and on a bucket for youtube emulation vids, infection for ROM and looking for awktions for roms/machines on ebay, anyone else? OH yeah, steve lansett and chris217's youtube channels, well, the whole lot of you! Just one big thanks! The amount of machines that have now been emulated, from the old MPU2's to the whole way upwards to the £500 randomers. again, ONE! BIG! THANK YOU!
    6 points
  24. Took a gambling awareness sticker off my old reel king machine today. Cut it up and slapped it on my little cab to finish it off nicely
    6 points
  25. Bit under the weather again, but hopefully on the mend soon So a small tech update: the original 'MFME Extractor' Windows-only optional module of the Oasis suite, is now to become 'MFME Tools'. This MFME Tools module will contain the components of 'Extractor' and a new component; 'Injector'. What this means is that in addition to being able to extract MFME layouts (using the copy of MFME v20.1 on the user's system), this will also be able to export/inject a 2d rendering of an Oasis layout back to MFME. Effects such as the realtime lighting of the 2d cabinet I think will be possible, though there is the issue of MFME slowdown when a lot of blended lamps are drawn at once. I'm hoping it will lead to a workflow where even as existing 2d fake-perspective layouts are extracted then imported from MFME->Oasis, the lighting can be remastered along with the cabinet... and so then a 3d rendering of the cabinet would be displayed in 2d in the injected (i.e. exported) MFME layout. This will allow continued support for MFME users where a layout has been created natively on Oasis, and the layout will also have time-consuming elements like live light reflections etc reflected in the parts of the 2d rendered cabinet, as rendered natively in 3d. Seems bonkers I know, but it's a logical extension as I'm figuring out the project architecture in terms of the Windows-only elements for layout artists to input/output work to/from MFME. The Oasis Layout Editor module will use these components in the background, so it will be as simple as using the relevant UI in Oasis LE. It'll also be usable in a 'standalone' mode, for those that may wish to build other things from this, for instance alternative MFME frontends like @appstrader's FruitBar (so in that example, he'd be able to build real animated lamp on/off attracts into the frontend by having full raw dumps of the layouts as .png and .json data etc). Just a window for start as I am under the weather, but this is where all the ArcadeSim MFME IO systems will be ported to: To be continued, once I'm back up and at 'em - the first stage will be refactoring the MFME extraction system that ArcadeSim uses... Note that a user just wishing to play layouts in Oasis, either standalone or in 'AS2', will not need to download the optional MFME Tools module, this will only be of use to Layout Artists, and perhaps also layout converter scene members who will oversee converting MFME layouts to Oasis, along with enhancing them with the highest resolution source art we have etc.
    6 points
  26. They still fetch around the £400 mark for a good condition working machine depending on the licences, a non worker may go for a lot less: I was happy to pay as the Mk7 PC inside is valuable to me and they are now getting very hard to source. As for hoppers watch this space and I’ll let you know - coin mech and hopper will be the interesting parts I’m sure. I have plenty of mechs including the 126 so that should be ok. A steep learning curve awaits me. I’ll have to come back to you on the exact screen size when I’m in front of it again, it’s perfect for emulation IMO big touch panel and ultra wide format to get the height/portrait balance spot on. I’ve finally got my line up machine lol ….
    6 points
  27. So been wanting to do this for a while... The aim is to create a very small bar top solely for mfme running with touch-play frontend. I felt it would save me a bit of time by either modifying a Picade which I have done before for Retropie or an Icade from Ion which I feel would suit better as far more rigid. So so far I have :- Bought an Icade off ebay for £20. Stripped and installed an old 15" 4:3 touchscreen HP monitor I got for £10. Also ebay! Installed a Dell micro PC. £40. Changed the graphics on the side. £9. Cut some trim for the bezel £7. Still plenty to do as you can see. I am planning to just get it up and running with only the touchscreen for now however my plan is to build a control panel utilising some old fruit machine buttons. I'm playing around with different speaker ideas at the moment. I feel sound is very important and the best part of playing these great machines. I will add that I have always had real arcade machines but feel you quickly get bored playing the same old games which take up a lot if space and end up never playing them which is why I have always loved emulation. I have to of course try to fit all the wiring and plugs into what little space I have left. Not looking forward to that!
    6 points
  28. Cheers guys finally got going with this, so many machines!! Amazing work!
    6 points
  29. Today's update - machine moved into the house where it's warmer ... couple of things working now Many thanks to @Wizard @davep180 @Ross @No1Stoney @Reg and many others. Having finally had a proper read through all the other hurdles others had overcome made life way, way easier!! So, next up is tidying, wanted to make sure it would all work before I made the wiring more permanent. Then I really need to sort out a frontend and how to interact with it. Plus getting the LED lighting going would be awesome. It should be 12V and rather than messing about with the PC and adding extra load to the PSU I think I'll just run it off a separate 12V PSU. Still need to sort out the coin sorter, routing, and a few other bits. But for now... it takes coins, pays out, and has put a bloody great smile on my face. Probably can't tell from the footage
    6 points
  30. Ok I've copied a few files around on the FTP server, and tested on a 'remote browser' - I think it is now fixed, though it may not appear fixed until local browser caches are cleared: So you may see the same error you saw before, but over time, as local browser caches are cleared, hopefully it will look like this again (and allow for downloading of the Setup exe)
    6 points
  31. I've not been up to doing much at all in the way of coding recently, hopefully slowly on the mend though And as such, I've been starting planning the next step in the 'Arcade Simulator' journey... Taking Arcade Simulator as our proof of concept (that we can run a large multiplayer arcade in realtime on a consumer PC with fruit machines and video games) - I think the plan should now be to build this into a fully open source project (hosted on github), that will be broken up into sub-projects. Just some initial thoughts on how this will be structured: This will be a large slow project! But at least we have now seen from Arcade Simulator that it is all actually possible, I honestly didn't know currents PCs were yet fast enough to run all those machines, back when I started it all As there will be separation between the 'apps', this will hopefully make it a bit more accessible for coders, for instance someone might be keen to work on the machine library app, but not be comfortable with 3d game coding, so that now won't be an issue. Also, this new project will be taking on the hard issues, such as people not being able to convert a fruit machine layout of their own from MFME format to something that can ultimately run in the arcade. I will still be using the existing 'MFME window scraping' technique for the extractor, as it does work, but I will add in various safeguards to try make it as safe as possible, things like: - scrape a layout a little slower - if a human generated mouse/keyboard input is detected, abort scraping - continuous 'window focus' watchdog strategies to detect desyncing during scraping - a warning popup to be ok'd that shows at start of every extraction; "This is experimental, while safeguards have been implemented, there is the potential for data loss, use at your own risk!" It will all take a long time to set all this up, and port the existing Arcade Sim systems into OASIS (especially assets that are licenced on a 'per seat' basis - in some cases I may be able to work with those asset creators on a solution to allow for use in open source, otherwise we need to roll our own)... but, the idea is that the project will ultimately no longer hinge on me doing it all! As now we have the working proof of concept in Arcade Sim, it makes most sense long term to build a future-proof platform - so if I were to meet an untimely demise in the future (RIP Chris) - the project could continue to grow and develop. The name OASIS came from the book Ready Player One "This is the Oasis. It's a place where the limits of reality are your own imagination. You can do anything, go anywhere. Like the Vacation Planet. Surf a 50-foot monster wave in Hawaii, you can ski down the Pyramids, you can climb Mount Everest with Batman. Check out this place. It's a casino the size of a planet! You can lose your money there, you can get married, you can get divorced, you can...you can go in there. People come to the Oasis for all the things they can do, but they stay because of all the things they can be: tall, beautiful, scary, a different sex, a different species, live action, cartoon, it's all your call. Yeah, that's me...well, that's my avatar, at least until I feel like changing it. Except for eating, sleeping and bathroom breaks, whatever people want to do, they do it in the Oasis. And since everyone is here, this is where we meet each other. This is where we make friends." - Wade Watts talking about the OASIS
    5 points
  32. Update Awaiting a laptop controller for the screen, all works on a normal screen. Also waiting another screen from a donor laptop as I dropped my original like a tit. Still to do... paint, wire a few more things up and a little tweaking here or there.
    5 points
  33. Buttons in and an additional coin mech which cost £1.35 off aliexpress . All works, just need to setup hoppers, tidy wires, paint the front and install the bottom screen which will run a Pandora box and have retro games on it, such as space invaders at 10p play. With 2 joy sticks and buttons either side. Notice the screw holes at the top they're for the speakers.
    5 points
  34. Right so I have finally got round to starting a MFME cab, I have had the bits for many years and never seemed to get round to it, but the Interplay cabinet I purchased recently is working out to be perfect (and the bits left over like the Mk7 PC, MPU6, Vega etc all have a role in other projects too!). So far I have removed most of the valuable bits from the Interplay, mounted the PC, mounted and wired the i-pac buttons up (7 of them), speakers connected (got a little amp for that and used the cab speakers and wiring), got the big touchscreen working (driver installed for touch and calibrated in portrait mode). I am using a intel nuc PC which seems to be fine, need a USB hub tho! I have managed to utilise the original loom so far (see pics) as the Interplay cabinet has direct connections to the buttons (not a matrix) and also the lamps (3 colour LED on these), this has made life somewhat easier and a tidy internal cabinet wiring too (well at the moment at least, we shall see at the end). I am not yet sure if I'll work on the 3 coulor LED's or go standard 5v, I would like to see if I can make it work but they are 12v annoyingly which adds complexity. I am just at the stage of working on the pac drive now to get button lamps working then I will have the scary bits of coin mech and hoppers. I'll try and do updates as I make reasonable progress. Might be asking for help along the way! I have read many other topics on this stuff so the forum has already been a massive help.
    5 points
  35. Hi i went to downloads and i figured its teh emulator as the starting point? Is this correct? If i am able to download teh emulator can I then start to relive my youth? Any help muchly appreciated Cheers
    5 points
  36. Sorry if I put something wrong, I'm new, I would like to know how I know if I can download MFME, I went to a post but it only has the "follow" and "Update me with newer versions" something like that, but the download button doesn't appear, again sorry if I did something wrong.
    5 points
  37. @johnparker007Yeah we need to do something to let people code games etc. I think the EPOCH stuff is the easiest to use and everyone involved in that tech won't care anymore. Won't touch any BFG code as that'll still be copyright, but Maygay don't exist anymore and whoever inherited their IP won't even know it or have record of it. I had it compiling on Windows 10 but something in Win 11 broke it all, and I can't get it to build. IIRC you're Sheffield area (?), as am I. We could do a bit of a hackathon to get this building and compiling some ROMs on a Win 10 PC, with a demo game to get people up and running? It's all pretty basic C code, and I wrote a sub-language for doing attract modes etc so even if you can't code, you can knock up attracts easily enough (that's how I learned at the University of Mazooma ). I only have Hungarian games on EPOCH but to convert to GBP is easy, but the hold/nudge logic isn't there, but is easy enough to code. Just don't expect test routines etc unless you want to code them! Let me know what you think. Ed
    5 points
  38. Forgot I ordered this, has taken a few months to be delivered. I just wanted an all in one with screen, it’s pretty nice, not perfect, key response isn’t as good as I’d want, though I could fit my own membrane, I’ll see how it goes. The device came with an SD installed and was surprised to see it has a huge amount of legit games already on there, nice surprise Anyone else got one of these nifty units? J
    5 points
  39. No chance I'm sorry to say, it would be diverting a massive amount of time away from making the new Oasis software, and I'm not getting much dev time in as it is! All that work would then be essentially wasted as the machines will all need to be built again in Oasis.
    5 points
  40. A little bit of work on the MPU4 lamp remapping stuff - have added a feature so the LayoutEditor can pull the (correct) 8x MPU4 lamp column values from the MAME source code. Here these 8x values were auto-populated when I clicked the 'Populate Target Values From MAME Driver' button: It currently gets the MAME ROM name from a semi-hardcoded setting at present - soon it will get it from the new 'Project Settings' window: There'll also be a feature implemented later, so that upon importing an MFME extracted layout, the MAME ROM name can be automatically looked up (by hash matching with the ROMs used in the MFME layout).
    5 points
  41. Also going to look i to the Sys1 Play it Again Deluxe as early £6 token versions were also emptiable via lines. We have version 03, which is the fixed version, so hoping to do this one too as it was a personal favourite as it was a lot more trickier as there were no features like Nudge Quick to make it quicker. Also only 3 max nudges to play with so you had to know roughly were the reels were landing and manipulate those. It was fairly easy once you got the hang of it as the machine would offer max nudges on almost every credit once it was behind percentage. The good thing about these ones is that it didn’t have the percentage watchdog so these don’t do those mini streaks to level out. J
    5 points
  42. Wizard knew all the pleasure he gave to members. The members got together to show him how much we appreciated him a year or so before he past. Sadly he did leave the world far too early, but MFME would have always been a WIP for his lifetime as he was a perfectionist. MFME will live on and keep his memory alive, until every last machine that it can emulate, is emulated.
    5 points
  43. Another tech update We now have a custom dll working, this is so that the MFME Tools copy of MFME.exe will not interact with the actual MFME registry (it doesn't do the 'turbo startup' stuff as we aren't using MFME for any actual emulation, just for the layouts). Also the early stage of the extraction process now working, to launch MFME using the custom Oasis Windows registry: Here you can see various stages logging out their info to the Windows GUI version of MFME Tools (this window will be hidden when extracting layouts via Oasis Layout Editor): Quick vid of the above: I also have pulled over the system for sending 'fake' mouse/keyboard input (used to control MFME for extracting/injecting layouts). The next big task now is to tackle rewriting a new improve system for capturing the content of the MFME main and child windows - the previous system was very Unity-specific, and this MFME Tools module is non-Unity by design... so that will probably take quite a while to develop, though we'll see... maybe it won't be too bad
    5 points
  44. Add handy console to the standalone GUI for MFME Tools. This log is also available to Layout Editor (when MFME Tools is invoked from there for layout extraction) which will also have its own output console as a dockable tab.
    5 points
  45. Still well under trhe weather, but hopefully on the mend soon, so in the meantime had a little mini-tinker ; Updated MX app cion to MT; set up initial fields and options for this new combined MFME Tools module (for both Extraction and Injection of layouts). Once I'm back in the zone, I will comment the convertinmg/porting/improving of the extraction code from the system side of AS over to this new Oasis module...
    5 points
  46. Hi everyone, new to this site, so I'm going to start off by asking what's is everyone's top 5 fruit machines of all time? Mine are all classic machines, 1 - super line up, 2 - super Cobra, 3 - rat race, 4 - Supa track, 5 - scramble
    5 points
  47. Thanks. I did check the limits I've probs hit the monthly limits. I would like to donate though to get more. As a member for so long here I would love to contribure in the form of donating to the website. I've sent a donation over as it is something I should have done a long time ago.
    5 points
  48. Sorting some icons out for the dockable UI tabs, I think a Yoda is appropriate for the MFME Import window RIP @Wizard
    5 points
  49. I found this thread over on Fruit-Emu which has pictures of Wizard's cab that you mentioned above.... it looks as if he did indeed complete it... it looks fantastic! - Wizard certainly was a man of many talents. https://www.fruit-emu.com/forums/topic/56903-thinking-of-building-my-own/ You need to be logged in to Fruit-Emu, to see all the pics but i grabbed one to show you here... I can grab the others and put them here if you think it would be of benefit for the preservation of these pictures (I say that because Fruit-Emu is seemingly a site that is inactive so who knows how long that site will remain up for?) Cheers, Gary.
    5 points
  50. I haven't posted much on this forum over the years but today I'm compelled to say a BIG thank you to the community. Obviously it wouldn't all be impossible without @Wizard and I was fortunate enough to have gained help from him personally a few years ago getting my cab's PacDrive working but I'm also super grateful to everyone else involved and today I'd like to put a spotlight on the work provided by @Amusements , I'm in ore of the quality of the art work delivered by him in his JPM system 80 layouts (and many others). I can only imagine the many hours he must have put into recreating these beautiful designs, they are faultless and bring back so many good memories, they really do. This Christmas I finally found some time to sort out my cab project and fitted a second touchscreen and I'm just blown-away by how well it works in particular with @Amusementslayouts. I've now got this dual touch screen cab (which is great for all the feature buttons) running Touch-Play (again thanks to those involved in making that possible too) with a Pacdrive. I know there are loads of other people that put time into this scene/project but I can see @Amusements has the same love I do for those old classics from the 80's, they has been reproduced just perfectly in every detail. I've posted this in the cab's section as I think my cab worked out pretty well in the end but like I say it's thanks to you guys that this is possible. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3tuyvmbk1c90vicfizc91/IMG_4035.MOV?rlkey=jem9c8v8wnk96s0gjbfoj1yhn&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/oheqfreqv75rvpm88lbuh/IMG_4028.jpeg?rlkey=97fkj77inydsliy0eeq4477d4&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sjj476z8ravbf18mfxp1w/IMG_4030.jpeg?rlkey=4eas0sbqvq3840v773smj0a5e&dl=0 Sorry about the sound quality (in particular my heavy breathing and the button clicks - those sounds have got amplified somehow) Anyway, thanks guys, Graham.
    5 points
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