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  1. Not commercially no, but you can do one yourself or buy one already done by someone else, but, they do require almost continual tweaking as you load different games and need to map buttons, payouts, lamps, screen sizing etc. It’s well worth it tho and you can use front end menus etc for launching games ….. it’s how far you go I suppose I’m hoping to finish mine off with a front end once I get some time to tinker …. winter tends to be tinker time hahaha
  2. Martinb


    Click PORTAL up top and donate is over on the right hand side (see pic)
  3. Thanks yes did consider that type of idea but luckily I got them working so all good
  4. Yes same has a vega but I have an NV9 which I’m tempted to play with
  5. Yes and I forgot the coin mech is also powered from the original Barcrest PSU. The existing loom made my ipac/pac drive wiring really easy and the tri colour buttons are great - so much so I have ordered the ID2 Pac drive so I can have all RGB on each button active for theme colour matching (21 outputs). I quite like matching the button colour and positions to the layout but its all time consuming fun lol I am wondering now about the note acceptor
  6. I used the original Barcrest PSU 24v. I also use this PSU for the other hopper (although I opted for 12v to slow it down) and the cabinet fans oh and the coin tray light. It also powers my small amplifier (12v). The 5v was mainly for the relay and also the compact hopper opto circuit.
  7. Annoyingly I ended up with 3 PSU's: 1. 5V PSU 2. The original Barcrest PSU (no 5v annoyingly) 3. The 24v PSU for the Intel NUC PC I just connected the ground on them all to ensure all the signalling to the ipac worked correctly. The Hopper relays I used are slightly different but I had 5v connected to the relay and then the pac drive output as the 5v trigger on the one side and I switched ground for the £1 universal hopper but the compact hopper needed a +12v switch as the ground was also used for the opto circuit. That make sense?
  8. Got it spot on thank you so much!! Just got it working on a Scorp 4 I am messing with but yeah I get the jist. How awesome is all this stuff !
  9. Yeah sorry to be clearer I wanted to have a 10p coin register as 10p as all I can seem to do atm is £1 (or 10p on older games) I can do exactly as you said looking at the bezel in edit mode / properties and add the coin mech no problem for a pound (for example) but how would I add 10p and 20p etc to that same machine? I have done all the ipac parts and they all work for all coins So how do I make other entries please, dummies guided lol (or link me to a post where its been asked I have had a search earlier and couldn't see anything but of course there is a lot there) Thanks
  10. Another possibly already asked question apologies - how do I set 10p and 20p as credits on the games please from the coin mech?
  11. You are a hero that worked in line up so I’ll persevere with the others thanks a lot Dave
  12. Having said that I did not put a label could it be that? I presumed that was just a text reference (optional)
  13. Thanks Dave I am almost certain thats what I tried on line up but I will have another go in the morning at play time. I was driving me nuts earlier!
  14. Quick question on the hoppers please (I have had a quick scan and could not find anything) I have them working perfectly on machines which use hoppers eg Scorp 4, 5 and MPU5 etc but on the older stuff like System 5 and MPU3 no matter what I do I cant make the triac-hopper function work, or is it me? I am testing on Line Up and also Fairground Club (JPM) but I also tried MPU4 rocky horror. I can make the triacs pulse the hoppers (like a solenoid) but not triac-hopper. I noticed on diagnostics this on each of those I was trying too might be a clue? Add coins? I may have it all wrong in my head so hoping someone can educate me pleaseeeeeee
  15. Front end menu next for me, here is a very quick video of it in action so far
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