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  1. Yesterday
  2. That's where I first saw it, or Bridlington, one of the two. We were obsessed with the original AWP already that was in the local. Cheers Vecs!
  3. If you press ctrl+y while playing a layout it will show which shortcut's are assigned to each button on the layout.
  4. A lot of the time the shortcuts are added to the notes tab at the top of the emulator. But as already said they normally keep the same shortcuts for the same buttons.
  5. thanks for quick reply.great work.
  6. For the fruit machine, the buttons are generally the same as when playing the machine using MFME. So usually: 0 - Insert Coin Space - Start 1/2/3/4 - Hold 1/2/3/4 ` - Cancel holds/nudge up/collect E - Exchange for feature These buttons can differ on a machine by machine basis, in this old version there's no onscreen key help per machine unfortunately! You can also click the buttons with the mouse.
  7. start by saying , what a Fantastic piece of work! amazing project.looked around but cant see an answer to,,apart from enter to go on desired machine.and then 0 to put money in.is there any other buttons you can press for like a skill,or nudge up button.
  8. Reg


  9. Last week
  10. Thanks for letting me know you were aware of it and thanks all the work you've done making and developing these.
  11. It's a known issue, no more fixes are being done for this legacy Arcade Simulator, the new Oasis project is where the new Arcade Simulator will be created (along with working wall collisions!).
  12. @johnparker007I can go outside of the play area when moving about.
  13. Reg

    Rack and Slay

    @Geddy this one is for you sir !
  14. hahahaha Great !" you've noticed it ! yes it's a WIP room, so i need a dummy video !
  15. Looking nice It's good to see more folks taking an interest in making arcade simulators though I wouldn't fancy playing Gradius in the Outrun cabinet haha!
  16. Hello John ! @johnparker007 I'm happy to show you my work to see what you think... cabinets can be edited on the fly. if you enter the name of another rom, the marquee, sides and bezels of the cabinet automatically change. hello and thank you!!
  17. Thanks for the compliments, but trust me, it's very easy and intuitive to work with point guards because it's all based on logical flow diagrams... However, it is possible to use Playmaker and C# together, so I would like to better understand how I can insert your C# script. Regarding your idea of lengthening the display time of the loading screen, it's excellent!! Thank you soooo much !!
  18. Nice One Pet, Thanks for this Andy, lol I mean Vecs.
  19. Wow, that is quite an ambitious project for using Playmaker Visual script! Perhaps a simple solution would be to add a 5 second delay after your room has loaded, before hiding the Loading screen? If it's around 2 seconds of 'lag' on your PC, then if you go for 5 seconds of 'fake' additional loading screen time, that should cover all use cases (other people with slower PCs), just to hide that lag away while the machines get properly started up in the background To do things at the level/performance of Arcade Simulator, you would definitely need to develop your Unity project in c# - but I'm impressed that something similar can be make using Playmaker - good job!
  20. ok , First of all Thank you very much for the advice !! Obviusly i have used the VIDEOPLAYER component for each cabinet, but how can i use your script ?? I'm sorry, but unfortunately i don't know C# so i'hve made everything using PLAYMAKER visual script ... I will search about for an equivalent action ... Thank you again !!
  21. All the variants in one pack are very nice, thank you for this sir.
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