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MAME Changes that relate to FME


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Just thought I would split this from the development thread as its sometimes hard to follow when many replies are in there hope no one minds....

Dunnno about you but since the sad passing of Chris our only hope for FME to continue lies with the MAME devs at the moment they are progressing with adding the techs we have into MAME and it will take some time to catch up with MFME but fingers crossed :) I have  noticed two interesting pulls in the pipeline at the moment the first is in and it relates to alphas see below.

 Updated FME alphanumeric emulation


 Added duty effects to layouts for fruit machines using ROC10937 and clones.
 bfm/bfm_bd1.cpp: Added flash mode, corrected character table.
 bfm/bfm_bda.cpp: Added brightness and flash controls.
 jpm/jpmimpct.cpp: Registered variables for state saving.
 machine/roc10937.cpp: Preserve internal data buffers on POR - fixes blanked display in JPM IMPACT.
 Made VFD fading effect mroe realistic for JPM IMPACT games.
 Corrected VFD type to 16-segment for JPM System 5 games.

Secondly is a BFM Black Box Driver Bellfruit Black Box driver still being worked on but hopefully soon 


Driver for Bellfruit Black Box fruit machines, 15 games playable with barebones layouts
Added a device for EM reels, which mpu1.cpp also now uses
Support for looping samples, couple new ones and cleanup in fruitsamples.cpp


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  • 4 weeks later...

MPU2 is now in! 🥳 That one went waaay smoother, wasn't quite as much stuff this time around, but I've also learned a bit since the last time. Next thing to look at I haven't quite decided on yet, but it'll probably be Summit Coin 8035 hardware, or taking a look at Cleartone Bonus Talker, the first fruit machine with sampled sound. Not many machines to add for either choice so should go quicker overall, but I've also got university and work coming back soon, so less time for working on fruits there, but we'll see how things go.

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  • 1 month later...

Not technically FME-related, but I believe these were in arcades/bars in some countries alongside fruit machines... :)

"work on PC video cards is still progressing, with the added benefit of fixing MegaTouch XL 6000 graphics this month"


We also have an initial 3d model from @Spidy21982 for the future (as the new Arcade Sim will directly run latest MAME releases :))



Edited by johnparker007
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[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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17 hours ago, johnparker007 said:

Not technically FME-related, but I believe these were in arcades/bars in some countries alongside fruit machines... :)

"work on PC video cards is still progressing, with the added benefit of fixing MegaTouch XL 6000 graphics this month"


We also have an initial 3d model from @Spidy21982 for the future (as the new Arcade Sim will directly run latest MAME releases :))



Incredible news on the Megatouch front, some revisions "do work" at the moment but are poorly optimized and others have graphic corruptions so hopefully this fixes some of those and leads the way to the newer gemstone systems working (Need my Boxxi/Look Out/Moondrop fix after all these years!)

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16 minutes ago, Matty.n said:

Incredible news on the Megatouch front, some revisions "do work" at the moment but are poorly optimized and others have graphic corruptions so hopefully this fixes some of those and leads the way to the newer gemstone systems working (Need my Boxxi/Look Out/Moondrop fix after all these years!)

Wow just checked out Boxxi, does look like good simple pure fun actually! :)


[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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  • 2 months later...
On 03/12/2023 at 23:57, Altharic said:

 Implement Bell Fruit 96x8 dot matrix display for Scorpion 5. #11805 


No idea who 'blueonesarefaster' (the github coder who submitted this preliminary display code) is, he only joined mame github about a week ago, and then this is already his first commit.  Perhaps we'll see more from him... :) 

[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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  • 2 weeks later...
32 minutes ago, stevedude2 said:

I should imagine playing video games to any reasonable level would be difficult on a hand-held device.  But fruits on the other hand would be a different animal 🙂

Yeah, the Reflex apps, CashmanEQ apps e.t.c. are all playable on phone. Mind you I do go for the bigger handsets (normally 6.5" and upwards) due to my fat fingers lol.

Happy non-gambler since 1st January 2025!
(if anyone else needs or wants to quit, I recommend Allen Carr's 'Easyway to Stop Gambling'.

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3 hours ago, stevedude2 said:

I should imagine playing video games to any reasonable level would be difficult on a hand-held device.  But fruits on the other hand would be a different animal 🙂

Had a thought on this and maybe maybe not depends on how many buttons and how good your patience is I would expect that the JPM Impact SWP games might be fun a bit like scummwm using the touch screen or the built in mouse we are getting to the stage where the handhelds are not low powered some of them are running PS2 games at a respectable rate for example.

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9 hours ago, Altharic said:

This could be interesting mame 261 has been ported to android in theory it should run JPM impact and a few others


Nice that it's up to date with the latest version, be good to see if it properly renders the per machine artwork, and handles touch input to that artwork.  If someone sticks a MAME fruit rom in there that has an internal classic layout (e.g. Indiana Jones), and it renders the internal layout correctly, that is interesting (as Oasis will be able to output DXs in the same way it'll be able to output Classics, from imported MFME layouts).  Then it would need to be confirmed that it can render a non-internal override layout from the layouts dir (to see about getting DXs running).  Could be a lot of nice mobile FME enabled with this, though prob better on tablets or folding phones with large screens (that or use a Nintendo DS-style stylus to press the small layout buttons) :) 

I've forked the repo in case it goes anywhere, also as I think this is just a one off from David the same as his previous mame4droid builds, but it may be possible to keep it up to date for minor FME updates (not massive refactors) going forward.

Original repo: https://github.com/seleuco/MAME4droid-2024

Good spot @Altharic! :) 

[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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1 hour ago, Altharic said:

He still updates the other builds however there is one for 139u1 too updated the same time I noticed this anyone have a device to test my Ambernic is on 9

Ah to clarify, what I meant was keeping up to date with MAME master branch itself (so it will pick up improvements to FME as they are added).  He makes these mame4droid android wrappers for a fixed version of MAME (i.e: MAME v139, MAME v261 etc).

So if some work is done in the future that goes into MAME v265 for instance, that will not be present in the google play store version.  But if the relevant FME changes can be merged into the mame4droid v261 fork (I set one up here: https://github.com/johnparker007/MAME4droid-2024 ), then those new capabilities would be present in the build compiled from that branch.

Not up to doing coding at the mo, but will hopefully get chance to have a look at this in the future, since the Oasis layout editor could convert DXs for use with it (if artwork is fully supported by the wrapper).

Edit: just checked, looks like it shouldn't be too bad:
1/ Download 0.261 MAME or later src <--- so hopefully will be forward compatible while the makefile/lua stuff stays similar
2/ Put files inside MAME src forlder
3/ Modify makefile/lua scripts so use new OSD

Edited by johnparker007

[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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I have installed the 139 version I am unable to test the new one as I have an older machine running android 9 and touch screen works for the quiz games but I recall the timing being off on these so you get 'killed' on the question marks too easily as the timer goes down too quick other than that they work I seem to recall around mame 162 it went all cycle accurate on us so took a lot more oomph to run even for games that are quite simplistic.

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3 hours ago, Altharic said:

I have installed the 139 version I am unable to test the new one as I have an older machine running android 9 and touch screen works for the quiz games but I recall the timing being off on these so you get 'killed' on the question marks too easily as the timer goes down too quick other than that they work I seem to recall around mame 162 it went all cycle accurate on us so took a lot more oomph to run even for games that are quite simplistic.

Ah right, I see that MAME 0.139 was built in 2010, so that's 6 years before I did that first pass of internal layouts thru MFME2MAME. 

I have a Galaxy Fold 4 here, I have given it a test on mame4droid v261 - while internal layouts display, the touchscreen taps are not passed through to the layout (this is different from touchscreen video game roms, where input is handled differently).

If another coder or the author himself wanted to, code and an option could be added, to allow the touches to also be sent through as 'layout taps', then the flashing start/hold/collect buttons etc would work.

Edited by johnparker007

[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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