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Everything posted by MPU_FIVE

  1. Welcome, from one Gary to another! This thread should help, --->
  2. Thanks for the reply @davep180... thats a bugger about them Azkoyen hoppers. Why on earth won't they send them here? - I mean we are paying the P&P on them are'nt we? or is there a cost to them too, if so could'nt a buyer in the uk just cover that cost to stop them being put off sending them? - would still probably be cheaper than others especially as the core price is just a £10'er. Either way i guess sourcing these should be on my list next, before the price goes out of my reach. All the best, Gary.
  3. Thanks for this information, @davep180- may well come in handy for me one day... Although me actually having the dough to complete the cab is a flipping mile away at present, does it make sense to aquire hoppers & coin mechs sooner rather than later? I just wonder if the whole community (which is growing pretty damn fast now) all decide to build cabs, then these parts will either be hard to find (and get expensive) or worse, become impossible to source at all... am i worrying about nothing here? So glad for these diagrams etc too being posted in the cabinet building section of this site tho... a very valuable resource... Thanks a million! All the best, Gary.
  4. Thank you @woodsy "hee hee hee herrr herrr, hee hee hee hurrr herrr, it's the woodsy woodpecker soooonnnggg!" - Ahem.... wheels out the new high spirits virtual fruit machine from the desert island fruits warehouse on a sack barrow, to load onto a virtual delivery van (USB Stick) to then drive the virtual fruit machine to the virtual arcade (My FME PC)... double Ahem... Sips tea.... Cheers, Gaaaarrryyyyy!!!!
  5. Thanks again @woodsySpoiling us again with your lavishly high stacked plate of layouts! Have yourself a huge virtual ferrero rocher my son!
  6. Thank you @Multi Retro Manlooks superb! Looking forward to firing it up! Cheers, Gary.

    Cash Arena (ACE)

    Thanks for this ole fruity @kutjebef Cheers, Gary.

    7's Up (JPM)

    Cheers @kutjebefquite like a sesh on one of these older techs! Very nice indeed! All the best... Gary.
  9. Thanks for the reply @madgerald1974 and @Amusements... Oh bugger! - I didn't realise i'd need relays for the 12v LEDs.... should i order 5v instead then? - I just hoped the 12v would be a bit brighter which is why i chose them, as the bottom main row of buttons are going to be larger 60mm round buttons so thought a brighter LED would do them more justice... this project is probably years away from completion as financially i'm in a bad way at the moment anyway so it's a drip by drip accumulation of parts over time sadly Wow, so I CAN have 2p, 10p, 20p and £1 all on one cabinet then? Are there any wiring diagrams about showing 4 cube hoppers being connected up for such a project? The Arduino bit may throw me, i'm not very technically minded and like simple stuff cos i'm a simple minded man, sadly! Intel definately not inside! Lol! Cheers, Gary.
  10. Awesome stuff, this... will eventually come in handy for a cabinet build i'm hoping to make (once i've paid the bank back the grand i owe them first) When i do make a cab, I would probably want it to pay out £1's , 20p's , 10p's , 2p's - (and would want it to pay any token wins in 20p's cash). so, with 4 types of coin would that mean i'd need 4 of these cube hoppers? Given the fact i've already bought 31 buttons for the future cab (maybe more when i've give it more thought), i'd imagine i'd be having to use 4 Pacdrives for it. I decided i'd use 12v LEDs for the buttons thinking they'd be brighter than the 5v ones i have on my MFME keyboard... That's what i hope to do in the future anyway and that wiring diagram will come in very handy indeed , so thank you for posting it, @madgerald1974 Also, where do you buy the cube hoppers from, @davep180? and are they even able to dispense 2p's ? Cheers in advance for any info... it will be most useful. All the best, Gary.
  11. Thank you @slotsmagicI bet this will look awesome on my portrait monitor... Cheers, Gary. XXO
  12. Thanks for both these golden game DX's No1Stoney... Cheers, Gary.
  13. Thank you, Vectra, lovely layout design as always.. Cheers, Gary.
  14. Thank you @woodsy- you have been busy ain't ya! I feel like i'm at the ambassador's party but instead of a huge plate of Ferrero Rocher on them, there's a plate full of layouts! " Oooh Ambassador Woodsy.... with these layouts, you are spoiling us!" lol.. Love it! Cheers, Gary.
  15. Thanks @woodsylove the new gif thumbnails on the download page! very slick! Cheers, Gary.
  16. You and me both, @woodsy.. Noticed it may likely become a reality on MAME someday, they have the reel micro for PCP in it as far as i understand ( from what i've read in the Arcade Simulator thread) - but MAME does'nt seem to be able to do fruit machine layouts as a DX yet, seems to only be a very rough and ready classic look from what i can see (tho John Parker seems to be adding some polish to the classic look) - will we see Carry On as a DX in MAME? - I should bloody hope so! Fingers crossed, eh matey!
  17. Cheers @woodsy & @Liverpool2008 amazing looking layout... and lovely clear pic too - 10/10 guys! All the best, Gary.
  18. Thank you @vectra666 lovely looking layout, matey...
  19. MPU_FIVE

    Castle - Cashbolt

    Thanks for this release @Clo06
  20. Thank you, @vectra666 My MFME keyboard just has the right amount of buttons for this one... 16 I'll be fooked if a machine has 17 or more on it! I dare say there are some out there that do! Very nice looking 501st layout it is too... Cheers, Gary.
  21. Cheers @woodsylooks lush... disc reel too! - I can only imagine how hard they are to make! All the best, Gary.
  22. @SomeRandomGuyI hope you don't mind me asking, but while reading above i noticed a mention of a reel microprocessor to drive reels... I own a (broken) PCP What a Carry On machine running on Sp.ACE tech. It has'nt been emulated in MFME as it needed the PCP Reel Micro to be emulated which sadly never got put into MFME. There is a dump of the PCP Reel Micro out there, I have a copy of it, so is it likely I will finally get to play my beloved "What a Carry On" machine once again, in MAME one day? - Is it possible? TTX posted the MCU controller in this thread, if you don't already have it... Hoping my dream of playing this in emulation is a possibility in the future.. Cheers, Gary.
  23. Thank you @vectra666for this awesome layout... and big congratulations on making 500 layouts! Always loved the high quality work you produce, long may you continue to produce them. I've only made 1 and that was a classic back in 2007... Thanks again... Gary.
  24. Thanks for this release, @No1Stoney looks amazing will give it a spin this evening with my MFME Keyboard...
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