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    fruit-emu thankfully

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69 files

  1. Party Animal £25

    thanks to wizard for the mfme and work to enable such joy.
    also thanks to @MikeyPosh and his brother for the image and others i have to play with...
    and of course to the classic creator (unknown) and @dad for the reels used, @Tommy c for the button off images used amongst a few others as the original photo had mixed decals that needed to be changed, that and there was no simple way to make the monster icon for the bonus. thanks guys
    i had a few issues and it's mainly the font finding, i made as good a replication as i could but hey ho.. the mega and super text is imo the worst of the attempt.
    another gap filled in the library and from scratch instead of editing the only two decals that are different, coz hey why not haha..
    lastly big up's to @Ze Frog who's got the bug and @logopolis too!! keep em coming guys!
    enjoy and keep it mfme in 2023.. bin the virtuals and long reign the home builds.


       (2 reviews)



  2. fortune n glory dx £15

    thanks to wizard for making it possible!!
    thanks to @vectra666 for the reels and solo image that made this layout come to fruition..
    unfortunately there was only one image available of this machine to work from I've done my best with editing to remove the flash from the image. The image available is attached below for your eyes may see the two secret LOSE lamps I can't see!! There are two un-associated LOSE lamps in test mode but upon closer inspection they are irrelevant to gameplay and I've checked and double checked the image with no reason for them, I left them out.
    The shortcuts are within the notes and it is set to 25p 88% £15, it's possibly the worst game I've played by Impulse!!! 
    here's a little trivia teaser though!!!! The game claims to have 12 hidden features!! I found 6 hidden features, unless they are talking about holding reels for respin, selecting a reel for fruit shooter?!?! I'm at a loss to know/discover the full 12?? CAN YOU!!
    Good luck and enjoy!!! Next another Impulse game.


       (2 reviews)



  3. Mortal Wombat £5 & £25

    woodsyfucious says man who play layout sometime get payout. there's a happy ram subfolder included with this layout for just that purpose!!! it's ready to streak for £75+ and if anyone needs help to make use of the happy ram by switching the states just ask i will happily help as will everyone else i imagine so enjoy!!
    thanks to wizard.. 
    thanks to @andrew96 for the missing sound roms that make the set complete and really are the highlight of this layout!!! @Matty.n for the classic with which i was able to butcher together a disc reel and that alone saved a lot of stress between his and @dad's layouts i got the disc reel to a place i'm very happy with!! thanks guys!!
    thanks to @infection for the nice high res images which i pieced together from a few separate ones to make the full layout, there were 21 hidden lamps that the photos don't display so i've had to use my imagination with those and i used @Tommy c's spin on it layout for the rough guide on placement etc so thanks also to you guys, and thanks to @vectra666 for the better resolution win decals which are used to make this a £25 layout as only had £5 ones available.. I will be releasing £5 versions of all the impulse layouts i've done in due course..
    next up from impulse's classic games by me will be GERONIMO!!!


       (2 reviews)



  4. £15 & £25 Spiker the Biker DX

    wizard rip....
    thanks goto the creator (unknown) for the beautiful reels that are included in both layouts. thanks for your efforts..
    also to @Clo06 for lamp correction and endless kindness and patience, and to uncle @vectra666 for the assistance and patience with my continued requests for help!!
    and thanks to @infection whose drive is always the the first stop for images and decals.. 
    I started this when the heat was on and needed to take my mind off it all, and i also loved the game back in 1999!! there wasn't a £25 version yet so i thought why not, i soon found out why not, the meters were a pain in the butt.. but fortunately there are some good and kind members here who are always ready to clean up my errors haha.
    the next release is finally at the point of completion and will be stunning and dedicated to wizard, way back when i never dreamt of reliving my favourite games in the way i can now and the next is one i loved so dearly it's only fitting to have it released in the name of a man i wish i had been able to thank and my thinking is for the time of the internet it will keep his efforts known to all, be it on here, on there or in the awesome arcade sim.
    please let me know if you find any errors and i'll dutifully ignore you as i'm obviously perfect  but then i'll accept i'm not and update with thanks to you..
    best wishes and if you can't handle the heat just be cool.. ice cool...


       (1 review)




    wizard = legend
    thanks to @wearecity for the classic which i used for lamp numbering etc.. 
    thanks to @infection for half of the image used as it's a combo jigsaw thingy
    thanks also to the rom providers (sound esp)
    I made the reels so if you think their a bit off they probably are and i'm only too happy for someone to improve upon them!!
    the images weren't crystal so it's the best i could do.
    don't really like the game but i have tried my best to make it look as dx as possible.. 
    got covid nuff said..


       (1 review)



  6. £5/£25 PAINT THE TOWN RED semidx

    thanks to wizard for making me less bored and far happier!
    thanks to @wearecity for the classic version which is very much more artistic than necessary.. check it out!!
    super thanks to @infection who really works hard with me in my pm's to find the images that exist for 20 year old machines!!
    thanks also to @pokerhontis99 for playtesting and encouragement.
    ok so once again i've had to use the best images available to fill another dx gap in the library, the £5 version had a image with parts missing so i had to use a lot of clone work to recreate parts of the machine, the original image size was 800-800 ish and i've again used the upscaling method to create a semi decent dx!! the £25 version image is be >>>to demonstrate the size i had available to convert the original decals from, FOR authenticity not glamour>>>
    this is actual size 300-270ish.. so please allow for this when playing the layout.. which is 1500-2100! one last difference is because of the cabinet reflection the bonus button and the paint the town red button are reversed. nothing which will affect gameplay but the attract mode will show the reversal.. i'm thinking of labeling them sdx for semidx as the difference may put off some people so i'd like to keep dx for the high res images that we all love so much.. upto you guys?
    if high res images were more common i assure you i'd use them but my view is to fill the gaps dx wise where possible as it helps me to learn and fills that gap, sorry to the people who prefer high res or nothing. i've also been working on the previous releases of mine to add the variant stake/prize editions etc. mainly £5 versions but a few extra £25 ones too. let me be the first to say they are almost all edits after the original released so just decal changes, there will be a bumper collection of 15+ maybe released at once for those who want them... 
    merry xmas to the community, you've made my first 6 months very welcoming and enjoyable.. 


       (1 review)



  7. TAKE TWO £25 DX

    thanks wizard!!
    thanks to @Matty.n for the classic which eventually helped me get this done..7
    word of warning this game is terrible.. just terrible.. no fun no good. AWFUL. my opinion at least.
    not the best image here so excuse the fact... secondly a lot was rewritten ad hoc, i did my best even though i really don't like the game i have done this for historical and learning reasons.. did i mention i despise the gameplay of this monster..
    it's about £600 behind but it won't matter i'm afraid, it's evil... let me know if you get a red feature?? i did once..
    no jokes it's awful
    merry xmas WOODSY


       (3 reviews)




    thanks to wizard for mfme, thanks to leehaim for the original layout, thanks to @Road Hog Mad for the idea.
    thanks to classic designers all round..
    It's more of a size increase than an artistic upgrade but tbh I loved doing it as I will all the layouts i create, I mean no disrespect to any and every artist in fml land but I will keep learning and loving making layouts as always, as well you all know I try very hard to fill in the missing gaps where possible DX wise, however they are running out of course and art is hard to come by at times, where possible i will seek permissions to add my version of a layout, obviously where high res recent work has been done there's no point but with the new 2022 software and mfme 20.1 options only now available it's possible to do things that weren't possible 10-20 years ago, basically I'm trying to ensure it's fully understood it's love of the games and the artwork that drives me to do layouts, not a ego trip attempt to do a better version etc.. 
    I've started a request thread, I'll do my best to help as always! 
    anyways the mrs played this earlier, she's never played a fruit ever, after a brief tutorial explaining why the reels flash and move haha, she gave it a thumbs up and wants to go to mr p's to spend £20 hahaha 
    so that should tell you it's alright eh 
    now has @serene02 's unbelievably realistic redrawn coin mech, i did only learn photoshop at the same time i did mfme layout creation so i apologize for little errors  or big  


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  9. £5,10,15 MONEY MAKER DX'S

    thanks to @infection for the images and support. thanks to @captainhaddock for the classic which i lamped from..
    3 versions and only 4 dodgy decals the difference between them, that and my attempted wording recreations. it's me after all...
    how strange that 5-15 they still have the same cash ladder?!?!? madness but allows for multi stake play and there is a bit of fun to be had but all together a basic game tbh
    they are probably a bit happy as been on auto play mainly..
    any errors please inform me and i'll update.. there are three lamps i've not used and will not be adding as not needed.
    decided not to blend the top logo for gameplay reasons and feel free to change that yourselves.
    got a few images recently to work on so have a couple of my own to do then back to the wip requests.. thanks for the ideas and belief..
    best wishes


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  10. £100 10P Golden Dragon Club.

    thanks to wizard, and to all creators.
    GOLDEN DRAGON CLUB £100 10P - one for the die hard fans i reckon..
    thanks to @Tommy c who's disc reel saved me a lot of pain, thanks to @WonkySausage @slotsmagic for working out the dips and such, and to @MikeyPosh for the images and help.
    the disc reel overlay was making it look untidy so any perfectionists feel free to get it spot on, the lamping is as best as i managed but after such a break it's not too shabby.
    put a few quid in to liven it up a bit but blimey who'd play this i don't know.. well we all would given a chance i suppose haha.


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