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About This File


thanks to @Clo06 for helping me with the wrong one i tried to make haha, thanks to @johnparker007 for nudging me in the right direction.. thanks to @Tommy c for the reels used which are gorgeous..

this is the first version i have found that has the original FLO'S faces in 95% of the chase as i caught bits of youtube videos, i also managed to get original nudge now, and exchange wording but had to redraw the mystery wording. you may notice i'm pretty pleased with myself for that..

until uncle @vectra666 get's back from barbados the coin effects in and out are muted.. ;) 

it's super large as i dream of seeing it in AS. not a egg game though.

have fun and keep it MFME.. 

love WOODSY.

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User Feedback

Multi Retro Man

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I played a couple of different versions of this one but the graphics on this are brilliant. Many thanks for this one :D

Response from the author:

there are some great ones already in existence, but i took the extra time and got the flo images off youtube videos for added realism, i doubt that was possible way back when they were being dx'd by others..

i just like to boost my own ego hahha

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