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  1. Yeah. Hot Dogs does look like a clone Pussy Cat. Got a small picture of it here. Not good enough for DX purposes sadly.
  2. It's Electromechanical, mate, like the original SNG so it would need the schematics for it to be emulated. Plus you would need someone with the knowledge to put it all together in the emulator. As far as I know Wizard was the only person to get the previous Electromechanical machines emulated (Hot Dogs, SNG and Ten Up) so it's going to be tough getting Pussy Cat running. The only thing I do have is a picture of Pussy Cat.
  3. Scorpion 1 MDM machines have always been a mystery, emulation-wise. Smokey Vs The Bandit also has issues on MFME, but Crazy Crocs (which is also a S1 MDM machine) runs fine!? Some weird protections going on that haven't been fully worked out on MFME I would guess.
  4. I originally thought the lock-up was because of the missing sound roms. But it must have worked without the sound roms at one point otherwise there wouldn't be a layout made in the first place. Weird.
  5. That's the one I posted, mate. Don't think there are any other versions.
  6. As fine as ever, mate. Tried converting the layout over to MFME but the converter didn't like the layout for some reason. Complaining about the button's .BMP files. Plus it might not even work without the converter issues. Tried loading a fresh set of roms into MFME but I can't get anywhere with them. Makes a little tune when loading, but nothing else.
  7. The name has been used on a few machines which complicates things a but. The £4 version of Stop The Clock is also called Beat The Clock.
  8. Here's the BFMulator version of Beat The Clock. It'll need converting for it to work on MFME. It should be easy enough to do. MDM Beat The Clock.zip
  9. Used to play this a lot on the C64. Did you know the fruit machine Hyper Viper Club uses a sound sample from this game? You can hear the sample when you gain feature entry on HVC. Thanks for the video.
  10. Great to see you giving this a go, mate. Like I said before, this game gave me hours of fun; and frustration. It came in a five-game bundle when I first got my PS1 in 96. This, Rayman, Worms, True Pinball and Street Racer. Street Racer was an abomination of a game. Stay away from that one. The reason you were having more problems on the Switzerland track was because it was on normal roads. The road tracks are normally quicker than the others, so you have to be more careful when turning. There are also different car-types to drive as well, later on. You get to use dune buggy's and F1 cars in the later sections on some of the courses. Each Country has 6 different tracks with an hidden track somewhere in one of the tracks to find.; making seven in total You'll know it when you see it. It's like a bright yellowish light that you have to drive into.
  11. Ploggy

    Colin McRae Rally

    Amazing car game this. Takes a while to get used to, but once you get a feel for it, it's great. And the follow-up was a belter as well. Another great car game that I used to play on the PS1 was Total Driving. Took me forever to complete all eight manufacturers' races, but I managed it.
  12. Ploggy

    Elevator Action

    Okay, mate. It's counterintuitive pressing left, and right, instead of up, or down, so I can see why it's frustrating at first. They did a follow-up to this as well. Didn't like the 2nd one as much as the original though.
  13. Ploggy

    Elevator Action

    I remember this well. A good old classic I used to play a bit in my local snooker club. The reason you were having issues going in the red doors was because you need to stand, and stop, on the red stripes on the floor then push towards the door. Only use left, or right, to enter and leave the red door. Not up, or down.
  14. Here's Tommyc's layout with the issues sorted. Tick Tock Cash WDX.zip
  15. Another possibility, mate. Got a video of TTC running here:
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