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Files posted by vectra666
Open the Box £25/£5 Rom Dx's
BIG Thanks to @reggert48 for finding the £25 roms, maybe we already had them as originally they wouldn't run, but renamed the roms by adding a "K" to them for Arcade version and then came across Error AL52-36 which is a chr error so had to find the PIC code which by chance i typed in BC25 as in Barcrest25(jackpot) and it came alive
so good result all round
Anyways through testing to see if it was the actually £25 rom i had the crazy reel bingo feature which gave the straight £75 win so ram cleared it so starting afresh
shortcuts as standard i may look into the £5 version next week to complete the revisited set
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Open the Box £15 Dx
Not made anything for a Long while, due to not much about resource-wise so keeping my hand in creation with this machine Open the Box.
Tried to get or find the £25 roms for this but nowt seams to be about ir i can't get any life out of the roms we have. (if anybody can find the £25 set load them into this layout and Pm me it back for a decal change!!!) so in the meantime its on its original £15 Jackpot.
Thanks goto the original creators of the first £15 dx this is based on
and to the flyer uploader
Shortcuts are as standard
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
The Woolpack £8token Dx
Following on from the recent sound rom upload by @fruitsnappa/ @slotsmagic i decided to redo the decals to match the £8token rom
thanks also goto @Clo06 for her amazing classic version
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
The Woolpack £10 Dx
Ey up Lad!!! can you find seth and Amos or cash your lottery ticket in and maybe Off up t' woolly for a pint or three with big Alan T
its Ace's The Woolpack on £10 / 25p 82%
Thanks goto
@hitthesix for the original classic used, @Clo06 for identifying a few more lamps etc
@infection for the images used i think he said he got em from kevin via bongor, so maybe Mr P's??
@stevedude2 for the flyer
and to @serene02 for the Ace symbols from Play it Again.
now the layout itself, unfortunately there appears to be no sound roms for this machine so like the classic beforehand its using Emmerdale sounds instead.
a few minor things with the gameplay, which doesn't affect playabilty
the police bonuses - may not be lamped in their correct places and for some reason a few don't state what they're saying, take numbers in view, the reels will flash the numbers even though there's none on there
Dog trails you'll here chickens instead of dogs lol Woof, cluck, woof.
but it seams very generous paying over 100% Atm machine should be set to 82%
Club Alice Queen of Hearts £400-multi stake Dx
Following on from the Awp is the big brother clubber at £400/max £2 a pop the usual force £500 in for £400 out affair and i expect it'll take a ages to max the cashpots out, although you can reset them via the test mode 10.4-10.6?
Thanks goto
@Clo06 for adding the eBay link from which i gained the various images used
@fruitsnappa for the roms
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!
Alice Queen of Hearts £100 Dx
Time to return to Wonderland with Alice Queen of Hearts by Reflex
Thanks goto
@fruitsnappa for the initial game roms then the recent purchase of the sound roms to complete the set, (still on the look out for lady luck double take sounds!)
@slotsmagic for dumping and uploading the sound roms
@infection for the images used
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Pcp's StarStruck Dx's
Was going to wait till Easter but its almost here
Here's Starstruck, incidentally i actually started making this whilst "Starstruck" was showing on itv
anyways this is a cracking little Lo-Tech from Pcp which will have you hooked from the start
Thanks goto
@hitthesix for the classic where i gained the lamping and reel band references
@infection for getting the machine images from Fruityloopy (member via the mecca)
the reel symbols i homemade but look as near a match as poss
Now onto the layouts,
there's Three to choose from the
2p £1 set where a pound or two will last a while
£4.80 Tokens on 20p
5p/£2.40 now added thankyou to @ginge for the re-decal
And a Irish rom set where the jackpot is £4 cash @10p play or 5p/£2.40 (select dips 4-5 bank2)
the percentages are set to their recommended levels 2p = 78%, 20p = 91% and 10p = 84%
all the percentages and price of play can be changed via the dip settings, there a image of the settings within each file and are written on the dip labels within configuration
shortcuts are as standard
£1 = 0
20p-token or 20p cash or 2p = 9 (lefttoken/ coin slot)
10p = 8 or click to the right side of £1 slot
Enjoy and Happy Easter Gaming!!!!!
Step it Up £5/£25 Dx's
Will you step up the cash ladder and take the bank to the max, or 'keep on movin' on the dance floor
Here is Step it Up by Astra, similar to Slot idol with its "Step" cash advance reel in £5/10p and £25/25p modes
Thanks goto
@dad for his mostly complete layout from which i gained 95% of the lamps
@infection for the images given (cut the reel symbols from image used)
like dad's wip this uses 2.03 roms i have added the 2.02 roms within the download whether they're better or not i don't know.
the cash reel not sure if its entirely correct but copied the same reel from slot idol so maybe, maybe not!!
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Twice As Nice £4.80/20p Dx / 2p and 10p dx's
Next up is a Dx (sort off) of the classic i did of this in 2019
the layout's Art is made up of various elements
firstly the flyer is a poor one so ive used only a few bits from it mainly the Logo parts you'll see these are far rougher than the rest of the Art
the outer cab was from @Ploggy's Lynx layout as this was the correct one used, although the buttons are still from Lynx and not white
the reel windows, the closest i could find was from jokers wild
Seven segs from Add-A-note
Everything else has been re-written and added including the background glass colours and nudge circles etc
So not perfect but i think its as near as i could get it Atm (see flyer within the layout for what the machine should look like)
Notes from the classic --
(Next up is a machine i've wanted to do for an age, its a machine i remember playing back in '92' down @ Burnham on sea holiday park i worked at for a short time
it was on 10p play with a £4.80 repeater which repeated 9 more times for £48 in tokens happy days i thought till i lost it all in cash wise/chain reaction lol
It's Twice as Nice a previously un-runnable machine but thanks to Wizards advancements in Mfme we can now experience this classic machine from the nineties
It looks similar to Blue Chip but this has loads going on, unlimited nudges , hold one reel, hold all three, hold two for reel match the list goes on, then there's the 7's repeat for the £4.80 repeat chance.
A BIG Thanks goto to Wizard for setting up this layout from getting the thing to run to putting it on its 20p setting and maybe more...)
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Fast Forward 5p-£3/ 10p-£6 Dx's (BwB/Barcrest)
Following on from the "Barcrest" 20p version of this, we had the roms for the 5p-£3 and 10p/£6 token variants so with @Ginge's help in redrawing the decals here we have them on these settings.
I've placed these in the BwB section as i suspect as these are a lower stake option they'll probably bwb remakes, i may be wrong who knows? also i think the lose sound is slightly different to the 20p standard version
so once again thanks to
netdent via the mecca for images used
the original creator for the original dx
and to @Ginge for decal changes
not sure what percentage these are on, or even if you can change the percentage on these. answers on a postcard
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Fast Forward £6 Dx
Been a while from my last release but here's a firm favourite of mine, one i've been wanting to re-dx for many years
Its Fast Forward by Barcrest a "Sudden Impact" type of clone with its four hidden features and a £3 repeat chance.
thanks goto
the original dx creator from where i gained the majority of lamps from.
And a BIG thankyou to netdent from the mecca (fruitemu.co.uk), for the images from the machine he just bought and the pink,blue bar and red seven symbols used from his image uploads
Shortcuts are as standard..
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Twenty-Five £25 Dx
Next up is Twenty Five from Extreme Gaming
Thanks goto
@Matty.n - classic used for lamping and base reels
@infection - Images used
and to wizard for Mfme's past and Present
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Andy Loves Flo £6T/£6All Cash - £8T/£10-20/25p Dx's
Aahway to go Lads!! of to the Pub but get err in doors some flowers, that'll keep her sweet!!! He may be down the pub loads but he still loves Flo in this similar cloned machine to red hot roll, maybe this came out first who knows. but it does have a few different features that makes it stand out compared to the latter like one nudge next, super hold, nudge wink for the win and more.
Thanks goto
@dad for his £6 dx and the other creator of the £10 mini version
also to @dad for the flyer used and to @johnparker007 for the upscale
Shortcuts are as standard, the "Heart" streak Feature = F
I've uploaded Five separate files IF you only want a couple of versions download them if you want ALL the versions download the All in One File as that contains all five versions!!!
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Andy's Great Escape £6 cash/token - £10 20p Larger Dx's - £8 dx
Following on from the earlier releases of this a few days back
@johnparker007 recently upscaled the original dx images and enlarged the artwork so Big Thanks to him for this these are crystal clear
So what you've got in this upload
£6 All Cash
£6 Token
£10 All Cash All with Sideart removed
Thankyou to the original layouts from @Pook and @guitar and to @Tommy c for images from his £4 bwb version
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Does anybody have any A. roms and B. images for the £10 original Andy Capp in the blue cabinet as that still needs a decent dx made??
Andy's Great Escape £6 cash/token 20p dx's re-release
I originally made this layout as a £10 version pre mfme5.0 (06/2016) but really wanted a £6 token version and a brighter version than what we already have so finally remade the decals for it
so not a totally new release and still on its mini 1024wdx format (it does go full scale on laptop ok), if decent images arise for this £6 20p version then i'd certainly like to re-re-release it in a full large dx. don't think the artwork within the dx will upscale well @johnparker007
Stuck on what to make atm so answers on a postcard please
Orlando Magic £8 - 5p/20p Dx's
Time to jet off to Florida to enjoy the sunset in Orlando, its Magic!!! with two layouts to choose from. A 20p version and a 5p version (different paytable) both use different rom sets (do we have the roms for the original £6 token machine?
Thanks goto
@andy-1 - for the classic layout and reel bands etc
@infection - images
@wizard for mfme's past and present and also fixed a bug to allow this game to run many moons back
Not sure how the top numbers 1 - 12 lamp as whilst designing the layout there is two sets of lamps for those numbers and on the original classic layout andy-1 only used one so the feature which used those the numbers went out, so to use both sets i've made the 2nd set masked yellow, can anyone confirm if the machine actually used both lots of lamps or were they a different colour etc
Shortcuts written within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!
Jokers Wild 20p/£4.80 (hacked rom) Dx
@hitthesix hacked a rom to make it £4.80/20p so rearranged the original art i had to accommodate the "newer" winplan
single joker on the winline acts as a wild, two jokers on the winline doubles the win to a max £4.80 ALL CASH
whether the winplan is correct or not it plays ok, the token input doesn't work for some reason so op'ped for 20p cash input
the jackpot tune also doesn't play apart from that all fine
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Darts Marathon £70 Dx
By vectra666 in Electrocoin
Step up to the Oche and score a 180' in this darts themed slot from Electrocoin
Thanks goto
@spa - for the classic this is based on, the machine images and hi res images of the reel symbols from his machine.
@johnparker007 - for upscaling the reel bands.
Shortcuts written within the notes, the roms do goto £5/10p but i ain't making that version.
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Cash Zone £4.80 / £6.00 Dx's
Next up is some more old skool barcrest classic fun in the name of CashZone
Thankyou to
@rb maybe @razors_back for the dx i used for the majority of lamps etc
eBay for the Image used and a special thanks to @johnparker007 for upscaling the image, also to Hacking the £6 roms to make them runnable in Mfme
@boozenet from the mecca for uploading the v1.0 roms for the £4.80 layout so these are earlier than what we had emulated.
@stevelancette aka steve's fruities for the youtube vids of this of which i nabbed a few bits n bobs via screenshots
Shortcuts are as Standard
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Secrets of the Golden Nile £6 Dx
Float down the Nile and search the pyramids, Will you raid the tomb for its treasure or be cursed and lose the lot!!
Thanks goto
@hitthesix for the previous classic layout
@infection - images
Now onto the layout itself, this layout has a few minor problems.
Firstly like the Classic layout beforehand, the Main LCD screen in the centre isn't Emulatable Atm so a fair bit of info won't show as in Let Em spin, hi lo reel is lit, and find my treasures!! also some features rely on the text so its guess work on our part!! For the main "find my treasures" the logo will flash.
Finally the Start / Collect button should spin the reels and collect the bank, but couldn't workout how to make a dual functioning button, so to get around this the Collect button is underneath. you can drag the button off-screen and press "C" to collect winnings.. if anybody knows how to make it dual buttons let us know via a topic?
Shortcuts are as standard
Start = Spacebar
Collect = Cancel = `
Holds = 1,2,3
Exchange = E
£1 = 0, 20p token = 9
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Deal or no Deal - Road to Riches £70 Dx
By vectra666 in Bell-Fruit
Another Dond this time a rarer one - Road to Riches. Will you stay on the right side of the road and reach the pot of cash at the end. Or will you fall off the edge and go crashing out.
Thanks goto
@Clo06 for the Classic layout she made a while back
@infection for the images used
Shortcuts written within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming
Deal or No Deal - Live the Dream £5/£70/£100 Dx's
By vectra666 in Bell-Fruit
Will you live your dream or turn it into a perpetual Nightmare, with this dond a clone of desert island deal
there's three to choose from, the £70 original rom set, £100 uses different later roms and the seaside £5 variant all set on 84%
Thanks goto
@Clo06 - for the £70 classic used as a abase for lamps/reels etc
@infection - images of the £5/£100 used
the £70 version the jackpot decal isn't the best this is due to nabbing it from a lower res flyer @fruit-emu.
Shortcuts written within the notes (£5 layout, notey only gives change!!)
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Casino Deal or no Deal £25 Dx
By vectra666 in Bell-Fruit
Before members thank me personally, this layout was originally released by @SocialDragon368 i've just tarted the artwork/lighting up and added a jackpot symbol and the like
so the thanks should be for him and him alone!!!
i was going to release in his wip topic but i feel this should go into the main downloads
So A big thankyou must goto @SocialDragon368 for this original layout and personally i think he should get the fml/badge back again although he still needs to improve in certain area's the 'will' to do layouts and release them is there, just ask for help and take it social d!!
Also thankyou to
@infection - images used
@logopolis for sound rom help
@fruitsnappa - for volume advice it apeared by pressing the "FN" and the "+" key changes the internal volume, never knew that
and to anyone else that help @SocialDragon368 make this
shortcuts written within the notes
A Mod i.e @spa Etc when released is it possible to change the Authors name from myself to social dragon please
Apollo 9 £5 Dx
Next up is this space themed slot from Maygay Apollo 9 @ £5 jackpot
As far as i know the roms didn't run as there was security on them like a few maygay roms of this age, but i think @hitthesix cracked the code and hacked a bit of info about to make em run, or to bypass the security..
Also thanks in no particular order
@spa for obtaining the images
@johnparker007 for upscaling the image
the original classic layout creator for the classic i used for lamping references and base reel bands
@WonkySausage for checkbox help etc
and to anyone else who may of gave a input into the making of this game
Shortcuts written within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Club Crazy Fruits Gold £250 Dx
By vectra666 in Bell-Fruit
Time for some Crazy Fruits to Join the Club, VIP Gold ones!!!
Thanks goto
@SocialDragon368 for the classic used for lamping references etc
@johnparker007 / @infection for both gaining the images from eBay
notey does work on this edition, can't seam to find the £500 roms, do they exist?
Shortcuts written within the notes
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!