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31 files

  1. Pcp's StarStruck Dx's

    Was going to wait till Easter but its almost here
    Here's Starstruck, incidentally i actually started making this whilst "Starstruck" was showing on itv
    anyways this is a cracking little Lo-Tech from Pcp which will have you hooked from the start
         Thanks goto
    @hitthesix for the classic where i gained the lamping and reel band references
    @infection for getting the machine images from Fruityloopy (member via the mecca)
    the reel symbols i homemade but look as near a match as poss
         Now onto the layouts,
    there's Three to choose from the
    2p £1 set where a pound or two will last a while 
    £4.80 Tokens on 20p 
    5p/£2.40 now added thankyou to @ginge for the re-decal
    And a Irish rom set where the jackpot is £4 cash @10p play or 5p/£2.40 (select dips 4-5 bank2)
    the percentages are set to their recommended levels 2p = 78%, 20p = 91% and 10p = 84%
    all the percentages and price of play can be changed via the dip settings, there a image of the settings within each file and are written on the dip labels within configuration
    shortcuts are as standard
    £1 = 0
    20p-token or 20p cash or 2p = 9 (lefttoken/ coin slot)
    10p = 8 or click to the right side of £1 slot
                                               Enjoy and Happy Easter Gaming!!!!!


       (3 reviews)



  2. Maxima (PCP) - 2p Version - By Jamie28J.

    Maxima (PCP) - 2p Version - By Jamie28J.
    Thanks to: Bugs Bunny,Ploggy,Troutman & alex74 for the brilliant classics upon which this is based (they did all the hard work).
    Thanks to Infection for the images.
    Special thanks to: Ze Frog for the lamping help (I really need to start creating a few classics from scratch to work on this side).
    Thanks to the ROM uploader whoever you are.
    Sorry if I missed anyone.
    8 - 2p in;
    0 - £1 in;
    W - Collect Winnings;
    C - Cancel;
    ` - Nudge up;
    1 - hold/nudge R1;
    2 - hold/nudge R2;
    3 - hold/nudge R3;
    A - Auto Start;
    R - Reverse Start;
    Space - Start.


       (0 reviews)



  3. Twice As Nice £4.80/20p Dx / 2p and 10p dx's

    Next up is a Dx (sort off) of the classic i did of this in 2019
    the layout's Art is made up of various elements
    firstly the flyer is a poor one so ive used only a few bits from it mainly the Logo parts you'll see these are far rougher than the rest of the Art
    the outer cab was from @Ploggy's Lynx layout as this was the correct one used, although the buttons are still from Lynx and not white
    the reel windows, the closest i could find was from jokers wild
    Seven segs from Add-A-note
    Everything else has been re-written and added including the background glass colours and nudge circles etc
    So not perfect but i think its as near as i could get it Atm (see flyer within the layout for what the machine should look like) 
     Notes from the classic --
    (Next up is a machine i've wanted to do for an age, its a machine i remember playing back in '92' down @ Burnham on sea holiday park i worked at for a short time
    it was on 10p play with a £4.80 repeater which repeated 9 more times for £48 in tokens happy days i thought till i lost it all in cash wise/chain reaction lol
     It's Twice as Nice a previously un-runnable machine but thanks to Wizards advancements in Mfme we can now experience this classic machine from the nineties 
    It looks similar to Blue Chip but this has loads going on,  unlimited nudges , hold one reel, hold all three, hold two for reel match the list goes on, then there's the 7's repeat for the £4.80 repeat chance. 
     A BIG Thanks goto to Wizard for setting up this layout from getting the thing to run to putting it on its 20p setting and maybe more...)
      Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!


       (0 reviews)



  4. Bars of Gold (PCP) DX - By Jamie 28J

    PCP Bars of Gold - £4 Version - By Jamie28J.
    This is another Youtube 'dice and slice' release.
    Thanks to:
    Stevedude2 for the classic (which this was made using);
    Steve Lancett for the Youtube vid;
    Vectra666 and Ginge - for help with the meters, coin inserts/effects and the Seven Segments.
    S and U = Spin/Nudge up;
    1 = R1 Hold/Nudge;
    2 = R2 Hold/Nudge;
    3 = R3 Hold/Nudge;
    B = Bank it;
    G and F = Gamble/Feature stop;
    Space = Start/Collect.
    A = Auto Nudge;
    ` = Cancel.
    0 = 50p in;
    9 = 20p in;
    8 = 10p in.


       (1 review)



  5. PCP Smash Cash

    PCP Smash Cash by Jamie28J.
    Thanks to Steveir for the classic and Marie2003 for the Wdx.
    Thanks to MAGIK and Infection for the Images.
    0 = £1 in;
    9 = 2p in;
    ` / E = Cancel/Exchange;
    1 = R1 Hold;
    2 = R2 Hold;
    3 = R3 Hold;
    S / F = Feature stop / Shuffle;
    C = Collect;
    Space = Start/Gamble.


       (1 review)



  6. Secrets of the Golden Nile £6 Dx

    Float down the Nile and search the pyramids, Will you raid the tomb for its treasure or be cursed and lose the lot!!
    Thanks goto
    @hitthesix for the previous classic layout
    @infection - images
       Now onto the layout itself, this layout has a few minor problems.
      Firstly like the Classic layout beforehand, the Main LCD screen in the centre isn't Emulatable Atm so a fair bit of info won't show as in Let Em spin, hi lo reel is lit, and find my treasures!! also some features rely on the text so its guess work on our part!! For the main "find my treasures" the logo will flash.
      Finally the Start / Collect button should spin the reels and collect the bank, but couldn't workout how to make a dual functioning button, so to get around this the Collect button is underneath. you can drag the button off-screen and press "C" to collect winnings.. if anybody knows how to make it dual buttons let us know via a topic?
      Shortcuts are as standard
          Start = Spacebar 
          Collect =  Cancel = `
         Holds = 1,2,3
         Exchange = E
         £1 = 0, 20p token = 9
                Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!


       (2 reviews)



  7. Master Spy (PCP)

    Master Spy (PCP) by Jamie28J.
    Thanks to Clo06 for the fantastic classic, which she kindly allowed me to use to make this.
    This is another Youtube 'slice and dice' so apologies that the images are not up to the usual high standards being released at the moment.
    Thanks to:
    Steve Lancett (Steve's Fruity's) for the Youtube vids;
    Ginge for the cab (and whoever provided it to him) and advice;
    Infection for some of the images;
    and of course Wizard (who gave us MFME) and is greatly missed.
    0 = 50p in;
    9 = 10p in;
    8 = 2p in;
    ` = Search/Nudge up;
    2 = R1 Hold/Nudge;
    3 =  = R2 Hold/Nudge;
    4 =  = R3 Hold/Nudge;
    B = Bank it;
    F & G = Feature stop / Gamble;
    Space = Start.
    C = Cancel;
    N & A - Nudge matic.


       (2 reviews)



  8. PCP Mirracles

    PCP Mirracles by Jamie28J.
    Thanks to Clo06 for the amazing classic (and for kindly allowing me to use it to make this). 
    Thanks to Infection and JohnParker007 for some additional resources (they will be used in v.2 - watch this space!).
    This layout was put together by chopping together bits of youtube videos so althogh it isn't an HD marvel at least some of the original lamps give it a bit of character.
    Thanks to the Youtube uploaders who I think were: Steve's Fruity's and Chris217.
    Shortcuts are:
    0 = £1 in;
    9 = 2p in;
    ` = Cancel/Change;
    1 = R1 hold / Lo;
    2 = R2 hold;
    3 = R3 hold / Hi;
    T/S = Take/stop;
    Space = Start.


       (0 reviews)



  9. Jumping Jack Cash £2.40/2p Dx

    Time for some good old 2p goodness from Jumping Jack Cash, a mid-tech game from Pcp on Mpu4 tech
     Don't let the 2p per game put you off this machine has plenty going on which will keep you entertained for hours, infact a £1 pound will last approx five minutes unlike todays £1 per play shite
       Thanks goto
    @TTX for the classic layout of this from which i gained 3/4 of the lamps and reel positions etc
    to whoever i got the images from, it was a while ago so forgot who??
    the machine's images were from a guy called @chris217 via the mecca of which i looked as the various YouTube videos uploaded by him  to get the lamping sequences right
    the original images were for £4.80/20p but Afaik there's no roms out there for this setting if they ever surface i have that art already prepped to go...
    Shortcuts written within the notes!!
      Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!


       (1 review)



  10. Super Jester (pcp) 2p/£1 & 5p/£2.40 & 10p £4cash and Token and 10p £4.80 Token now added also added 20p £4.80 Token version

    This is a late Bank holiday evening special buy one get three free, there`s four layouts in total 2p £1/5p £2.40  and 10p £4 cash and token.Hope you all enjoy.(10p £4.80 Token now added)
    Thanks go to @Pook for providing some images and also letting me use bits from his 20p £4.80 version I did try not to use to much as I wanted this to be my own work rather than a copy of someone else`s , also thanks to The Wizard (Chris J Wren) for  MFME without his dedicated work to this project I wouldn`t have a hobby.


       (0 reviews)



  11. Blue 'Double' Chip £1/2p & £2.40/5p dx's

    Another re-decal, this is due to a topic from @Chopaholic about the 20p variant and a request from @spa for the 2p version
    we have two versions here
    1, 2p play £1 jackpot set on 90%
    2, 5p play £2,40 cash jackpot set on its recommended measly 78% payout
    you choose which suits you best
    not sure if the meters are set correctly but they do register the correct units when entering/collecting £££'s, @spa you may need to download the version(s) from this topic
    thanks to the various members whom helped put the original £4.80 layout together
    enjoy and happy gaming!!! 


       (1 review)



  12. Blankity Bank Dx (pcp)

    This is a machine I used to play as a kid and I spent many hrs putting 2ps in after Kicking the shit out of them old 2p pushers 🤣. Been Working on this for a while now and finished it graphically the other day, most of it has been done from you tube screenshots not the best but think it`s turned out not to bad. Thanks to @Clo06 for giving me permission to use her Classic for lamping etc. Thanks to @serene02 who provided me with the blank cabinet which I also used for my previous layout Bank raid. Also, thanks to Wizard, without his hard work and dedication to MFME none of this would be possible R.I.P Christopher J Wren.


       (3 reviews)



  13. PCP - Master Spy

    PCP - Master Spy
    Tech: System 80
    Can you spy the jackpot in this fun game? Will you finish up becoming a Master Spy?
    Keyboard shortcuts in the notes
    Thanks to:
    Wizard (RIP) for MFME
    @stevedude2for the reels
    The rom & image providers.
    MFME V20.1 only


       (0 reviews)



  14. Secrets Of The Golden Nile Classic

    Saw these roms and had a search and couldn't see it done.
    The LCD is not emulated, but is still very playable without it.


       (0 reviews)



  15. PCP - Cashino Deluxe

    PCP - Cashino Deluxe
    Tech: MPU4
    Fancy a trip to the cashino, and maybe have a game of roulette or have a go on the slots? then try this game out.
    It's a little confusing at first, being dual stake at 2.5p or 5p play and a jackpot of either £1 or £6.
    Keyboard shortcuts in the notes.
    Thanks to:
    Wizard (RIP) for MFME
    @riche100for the flyer
    The rom provider.
    Use MFME V20.1 only.


       (1 review)



  16. PCP - Moneyline & Loony Bin

    PCP - Moneyline & Loony Bin
    Tech: MPU3
    Here's 2 identical machines with 1 slight difference, the reel feature on Loony bin you stop the centre reel for a chance of a 2 or 3 of a kind win, and on Moneyline it's the left reel for a 2 of a kind win or sometimes a 3 of a kind win.
    Keyboard shortcuts in the notes.
    Thanks to
    Wizard (RIP) for MFME
    @Amotfor the Moneyline Roms & Images
    The Loony Bin rom provider
    @riche100for the Loony Bin flyer
    @AK45for testing.
    Plays in MFME V20.1 only.


       (0 reviews)



  17. PCP - Fruit Connexion

    PCP Fruit Connextion - 2p play £2.40jp / 5p play £2.40jp / 10p play £4.80 jp
    Tech: MPS
    Can you connect your fruits together? if not then try connecting them on this machine.
    It comes in 3 flavours:-
    2p Play - £2.40 Jackpot
    5p Play - £2.40 Jackpot
    10p Play - £4.80 Jackpot.
    Please Note
    The 2 ‘Wild skillstop’ bonuses and also ‘Wild money’ features
    do not work as intended due to a problem with the emulator.
    Wizard was aware of this, but sadly did not get to fix the issue.
    Keyboard shortcuts in the notes
    Thanks to
    Wizard (RIP) for MFME
    @riche100for the flyer
    The rom provider.
    Play using MFME  V20.1 only


       (0 reviews)



  18. PCP - RunnaRound

    PCP - RunnaRound
    Tech: System 1
    Fancy going for a run, then give this 2p game a run for it's money.
    Keyboard shortcuts in the notes.
    Thanks to:
    Wizard (RIP) for MFME
    The rom provider
    @infectionfor the image used
    @AK45for testing.
    Play using MFME V20.1 only 


       (1 review)



  19. Bank Raid (pcp)

    Here is another favourite machine of mine called Bank Raid by PCP 5p play £2 jackpot. I used to play this machine with my pocket money or my wages from working on the donkeys for 50p an Hr and free cups of tea 🤣. The Arcade was called the Oasis a small arcade in comparison to some of them in the town of Rhyl but it did have some of the best machines  hope you all enjoy.
    Thanks go to the following @serene02 for the cabinet, @alex74 for the use of his Classic, @infection for some images and a massive thank you to the great man who created MFME @Wizard . 


       (2 reviews)



  20. PCP - Blankity Bank

    PCP - Blankity Bank
    Tech: System 80
    Time to get your 2p's at the ready for this bank holiday release from me.
    Keyboard shortcuts in the notes.
    Thanks to:
    Wizard (RIP) for MFME
    The Mecca for a group buy for the machine
    @AK45for testing.
    Plays in MFME V20.1 only


       (0 reviews)



  21. PCP - Club Replay

    PCP - Club Replay
    Tech: MPU4
    Here we have a PCP clubber from 1990, a simple enough machine to play.
    Keyboard shortcuts in the notes.
    Thanks to:
    Wizard (RIP) for MFME.
    Phil Doncaster for the youtube video.
    @Big J for testing.
    The rom provider.
    Plays in MFME V20.1 only


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  22. Little Devil - PCP - DX

    Okay, after thinking this was going to be an easy one, I looked at another machine then got excited about doing a better version of my previous release of Mario Karts and then remembered this one and lost interest in this and wanted to just enjoy playing some games on my laptop and doing various designs for T-Shirts, Mugs etc and also putting some photos I've taken for competitions and won one.
    Anyhow, enough of that waffle, I am pleased to release this one, even though the lit face has a bit too much light on it.
    I will always give thanks first to @Wizard for his fantastic emulator and the help he gave me whilst I was learning how to create these DX's and hope he's looking down on us all with great fondness and warmth in his heart.
    Secondly, thanks to @Mavroz for agreeing to let me release my version and I think @infection provided images for this (it's been that long and I can't find the messages, but think he deserves thanks for the new images provided for all the other machines and forthcoming ones I will be releasing).
    I did my best to make it better but got to the point that I just wanted to release it and as @Mavroz is going to release a version with better graphics when they get better images, I thought I'd release this as it is and hopefully you will enjoy it
    I did have thoughts of doing T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs etc. based on some fruit machine layouts or whatever and wondered what you think and what you might like to see?
    I do have a Facebook page that I can upload these to so if you'd like to see them or anything else retro related, it's at Multi Retro Mania (I hope that I'm allowed to mention it on here).
    Anyhow, I'd like to finish by saying I hope that everyone is keeping well and safe and I am so proud to be part of this fantastic MFMEF (Multiple Fruit Machine Emulator Family)


       (1 review)



  23. PCP - Little Devil - 25p - £4.80 - Sc1

    PCP - Little Devil - 25p - £4.80 - Scorpion 1
    Thanks to @hitthesix for all the help in setting this machine up and getting it running.
    Thanks to @Reg for Playtesting.


       (0 reviews)



  24. Cash Cards PCP (DX)

    Back in the good old days, when £2 was a jackpot rather than a price of play, PCP made a rather charming 2p fruit machine called Cash Cards.
    Today, thanks to emulation you can travel back to the late 80s and immerse yourself in the great gameplay synonymous with PCP games at that time.
    Here at 'stevedude2 Amusements' we want our players to experience great gameplay and value for money, which is why this layout is set to 90%.
    But remember kids - always stick to your limits and gamble responsibly!
    Play in MFME v20.1
    2p play - £2 Jackpot
    Button shortcuts are in the layout notes
    RIP Wizard - thanks for making this and so much more possible 🧙‍♂️


       (0 reviews)



  25. Aladdins Cave Dx

    Loved playing this machine in my youth at a local arcade called the Oasis on the north wales coast in a town called Rhyl unfortunately it is no longer there the arcade that is, only 3 arcades left in the town now its a dying industry in the town 😢 and things are only going to get worse in the current situation we find ourselves in, hope you all enjoy not the best looking dx out there but I am still learning so go easy on me only joking any comments good or bad are all welcome.
    Thanks to Stevedude2 for his classic version, Big J and Amusement for help and advice, and wizard for MFME.


       (1 review)



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