17 files
Electrocoin's Pyramid Wdx's
By Tommy c
Here's two layouts of electrocoin's pyramid, both 5p play but one is £3 Jp the other is £6, plays a really fair game for the stakes they're on. Thanks to the roms provider images supplier and to the late wizard for the new mfme.
Darts Marathon £70 Dx
By vectra666
Step up to the Oche and score a 180' in this darts themed slot from Electrocoin
Thanks goto
@spa - for the classic this is based on, the machine images and hi res images of the reel symbols from his machine.
@johnparker007 - for upscaling the reel bands.
Shortcuts written within the notes, the roms do goto £5/10p but i ain't making that version.
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Crown Jester 2p/5p £2.40 (Electrocoin/Famous Games)
By Ginge
This Project started with me browsing through Facebook where I found a video of this machine by a guy called Curtis Glover who when asked if he could send some pictures of his machine he kindly did and this is the outcome.
There`s two versions 2p and 5p was going to wait till Xmas eve to release but decided to get pissed and play some fruits tomorrow instead 🤪.
Massive Thanks to @thealteredemu for letting me use his reels and some hidden text which Imo without them would not make this layout what it is.
Thanks also to @Ze Frog for enlarging the image for me ,boy does enlarging the image make life so much easier when working with and cleaning the image up it`s been a real learning curve.
Thanks to Curtis Glover for all the images provided.
Thanks to WIZARD Chris J Wren for MFME.
Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy new year
Enjoy !
Lucky Leprechaun
By spa
Another skill feature game.
Saw someone stripping the machine and selling the parts on facebook, so bought the roms. Hoping they will be sending some nice photos of it.
I actually just loaded the roms into Gold Streak and it was pretty much like for like! How lazy! Just had to add a £1 stake lamp and change some gfx.
Pure Genius and Lucky Charms are what you want Dual stakes 25p and 50p/£1, hoping for those icons for full pockets.
I have also dumped Casino Crazy, will see if they load straight in. The pic chips are not the same as I tried LL roms in the actual Casino Crazy machine, but get security error 41. I did have a read up, this could be stake/prize error, but setting that did not work.
Still........ enjoy!
Card Sharp
By spa
Here's a totally new one on me. Cracking game though, loads of classic Electrocoin High Tech game samples.
Thanks to @niallquinn for a testing, I knew he'd love it
I don't think this is exactly how the mahcine is set out, the 3 of a kind must be the text panel below the pontoon feature on the only picture I could find. I think having proper GFX like the win plan is better (for at least a classic layout). Having never seen or played before, it was a bit of a guessing game.
Super Red Bar £1/£2-2p Dx's
By vectra666
Wasn't going to release these but as @Ginge has been helping me out with the set up etc why not,
thanks to @loo for the mab roms used
@Ginge for help as stated and to the £2/2p layout of which he remade those decals to suit the layout
thats the last time i shall be visiting red bar, i shall leave it upto @slotsmagic for his superb looking layouts and when he remakes red bar on its higher jackpot levels
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
(MAB) Super Red Bar £5 Dx
By vectra666
Again another quick decal change for the seaside crew out here, set on 10p/90%
the roms will go as low as £1/2p but the machine errors on collecting 10p's atm
thanks goto @loo for the roms
Time i made something un-dxed again whatever that may be
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
(Mab) Super Red Bar £15 Dx
By vectra666
Here we have another milestone in Mfme's history a first Mab rom
not actually sure what the Mab roms do compared to the standard ones, please enlighten us if you know??
BIG Thanks goto @loo for obtaining the roms and placing them within a starter layout, of which i copied the various settings already set
Not sure if the lamps are where they should be but it seams to go ok in attract
also not sure if the tube sensors are right for the £1 tube, i did have a coins low error on first loading up but haven't had one since!!
used the same art/reels as the £25 one did earlier and the reel symbols may go out of line slightly now and again
not had a jackpot yet but it states 15.00 on the test mode, also you can change the percentage via test mode 9 and the two hold buttons
this layout is unlocked as i hope better resources will be found and a newer shinnier layout will be produced, also if anyone can put the lamps in their correct orders let me know and i'll adjust the layout accordingly
hopefully everything runs ok
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Super Red Bar (concept roms) £25 Dx
By vectra666
Next up this slot is still found up n down the country but was very popular back in the day, its Super Red Bar this is using concept roms as the originals aren't emulatable due to certain security on then, but appears to play a good game.
like the £70 version dx'ed by @Multi Retro Man the lamps aren't totally correct but seam to light ok.
thanks goto
@hitthesix for the classic i used in making this
to @Mazza500 for font id for the re-written cash decals
to @Wizard without this man's genius we'd be twiddling our thumbs wondering what to do on a wet afternoon. God bless you!!! i hope you're looking down on us knowing you're legacy is still going strong!
Shortcuts are as standard,
Plays in MFME V20.1
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Electrocoin - Dart Marathon
By spa
Another true skill Electrocoin. No number runner on this one.... sorts the men from the boys Lots say this was tight, I found it decent, just because it couldn't be number runnered.
McQuiggins Gold is your feature.
Bought this a while back, just not had time to do much with it.
Electrocoins Red White & Blue 7's Wdx
By Tommy c
Here's my dx of red white and blue by electrocoin, this was an old fav of mine and didn't run in mfme when i loaded the roms,a message to chris and the tech was emulated and added within a day what a legend. Massive thank to @Amot for the roms and the image he had of the machine and to the late wizard for the new mfme.
Mfme 20.1 only.
Super Red Bar DX
After doing Volcano, I saw this game and whilst not being a big fan of it, I wanted to do another layout.
I hope that if you like the game, you enjoy my version.
NB - It has the original notes on it (I couldn't change them) and I have seen there should be more individual lights on the Red Bar (and possibly others) but I'm waiting for some information on the bulb numbers for them.
Hope you enjoy
Electrocoins Labyrinth Wdx
By Tommy c
Here's a large photo based wdx of labyrinth by electrocoin,using multiple photo's stitched together which were uploaded by richie 100 some time ago,This is another from the pyramid series,this probably being the first one.Thanks to richie for uploading the pictures to the mecca,spa,hitthesix for the classic,NQ for testing checking over it and to wizard for mfme v19.all short cuts are the normal. Would love to see an earlier rom revision show up for this as this version has had the jackpots tightened right up.
Bar-X £5 & £10 Dx's
By vectra666
Made the other two versions i had while back but due to the reel spin speed i thought i'd wait till mfme v19 was released, and now it is. you'll notice these will run better than the £10 version i did for v6,
I've included the £10 version as i've brightened the buttons up on this one, plus its including coin effects
Thanks goto
richy1976 for image used, and adding coin effects etc
hitthesix for the original £5/£10 layout for lamping purposes
not had the jackpot hold after its first win yet, so let me know if it does, cheers.
If anyone can get hold of the £6 tokens set please upload as i've the artwork prepped for this version too.
Enjoy and Happy gaming!!!
Bar-X £4 all Cash & £8 Token Dx's
By vectra666
Made these a while back but due to the reel spin speed i thought i'd wait till mfme v19 was released, and now it is. you'll notice these will run better than the £10 version i did for v6,
Thanks goto
richy1976 for image used, and adding coin effects etc
hitthesix for the original £8 layout for lamping purposes
not had the jackpot hold after its first win yet, so let me know if it does, cheers.
if anyone can get a working £6 token set can you please upload as i've the artwork prepped for that version.
Enjoy and Happy gaming!!!
Electrocoins Let's Play Darts £35 & £70 Wdx's
By Tommy c
Here's a couple of wdx's of electrocoins lets play darts,not a machine i've played in the wild so not got a clue how to play it right,i forced it and it took ages Had to do some redrawing to the feature panel as the lines were wuite thick which were running through the feature stack,Thanks to Who ever upped the flyer,spa for the reel images from his drive matty n for the classic and as ever wizard for mfme. Short cuts are normal apart from the hi/lo's which are num pad 4 and 1 and 6 and 3.
Big 7 £4 Cash & Token DX's
By Richy1976
Not a new release but i have improved them.
This was my first attempt of a DX
7 segs altered, borders gone, old hoover and wallpaper background gone to black, token mech put on the token one, in out noises (i put a silent tiny wav file in for the token effect one to work in the current emulator).