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Orlando Magic £8 - 5p/20p Dx's 1.0.0

   (1 review)

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About This File

 Time to jet off to Florida to enjoy the sunset in Orlando, its Magic!!! with two layouts to choose from. A 20p version and a 5p version (different paytable) both use different rom sets (do we have the roms for the original £6 token machine?

 Thanks goto

@andy-1 - for the classic layout and reel bands etc

@infection - images

@wizard for mfme's past and present and also fixed a bug to allow this game to run many moons back

 Not sure how the top numbers 1 - 12 lamp as whilst designing the layout there is two sets of lamps for those numbers and on the original classic layout andy-1 only used one so the feature which used those the numbers went out, so to use both sets i've made the 2nd set masked yellow, can anyone confirm if the machine actually used both lots of lamps or were they a different colour etc

 Shortcuts written within the notes

  Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!


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