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Open the Box £15 Dx 1.0.0

   (3 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

     Not made anything for a Long while, due to not much about resource-wise so keeping my hand in creation with this machine Open the Box.

 Tried to get or find the £25 roms for this but nowt seams to be about ir i can't get any life out of the roms we have. (if anybody can find the £25 set load them into this layout and Pm me it back for a decal change!!!) so in the meantime its on its original £15 Jackpot.

Thanks goto the original creators of the first £15 dx this is based on

and to the flyer uploader

  Shortcuts are as standard

    Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!

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User Feedback


· Edited by reggert48

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member


Thanks for the layout. Looks/plays very good.

I do have another layout for this with another rom, but it is for a 35 pound one.

I'll attach it to this post, maybe they can be set to 25 pound, i don't know.

Hope it is of any use.



Open The Box £35 - Barcrest.zip


Reason for edit : I checked my archives and, i don't know if it is what you are looking for, but i found a Open the Box 25 Pound romset. I'll attach it to this post also. I hope it is the correct one.

OPEN THE BOX £25 Barcrest RIO Gold.zip

Response from the author:

I’ll check these out Saturday, if anyone else is reading this can they test em out

workee a treat thanks

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Many thanks - I nice Friday morning break with a game I've not played before - Great layout thank you.

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