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Astra machines randomness


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I have noticed before on a Double Cash layout that on a particularly RAM I had (and I would keep reverting to), that on the 4th spin it would always nudge for Bars with the Double Cash. I thought it might be a one off and never thought about it again.

However, I now have a RAM for the new Twin Pot layout by DAD (thanks for that, love this era of Astra machines) that will always offer 4 nudges (next spin) and a hold on the first go. Hold reels 1 and 3 and it will nudge for the Twin Pot feature which will then go for £5 with a repeat of £3 and a further repeat of £6. Every time! It's as though it has preplanned the next 4 spins.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Maybe it is just the nature of compensated machines that something is triggered in the code and will therefore always be triggered?

I've attached the GAM and RAM files if you'd like to try it for yourself.

Twin Pot DX.gam Twin Pot DX.ram

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The first thing that comes to mind (and I think we are all over it now) is the old Fairplay video by Stuart Campbell. He shows the interviewer a machine, I think it was Maygay Monopoly Club, and how from loading the RAM the same sequence happens - same small win is awarded, same gamble ladder, e.t.c. up to the point it becomes unwinnable.

I'd never really thought about it with lo-techs - I've got 'streak happy' RAMs but I don't recall any giving the exact same result (same exact win) after the same amount of spins. They probably do it all the time though :)

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Currently owned digitals : T7 Encore, T7 Original, Astra iPub and Storm Street Casino.

MFME cabinets : Genesis cab DIY by No1Stoney, Interplay conversion and Vegas Strip conversion (both are works in progress!)

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1 hour ago, dondplayer said:

It was quite common a long time back that AWPs would do the exact same thing from a particular RAM position, reset position  being an example @Chopaholic did a video for (or mentioned in another video).

There's always a video, and a story :) 

Very much what's being described by BarXQueen, a near 'scripted' series of events from the same RAM reset position, that happened to me, (profitably!), on a real machine :) (Spoiler alert, the battery for the battery backed RAM had gone flat, so if you were the first person to play it every day, you got it from a RAM reset, when it had a few quid profit in it on a repeatable cycle.)



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Fruit machine emulation content from the artist previously known as Degsy Degworth and the odd new thing here and there too - https://www.youtube.com/c/DegsyDegworth

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On Red Hot Poker - £6.00 JP  - the cards are pre scripted - even if you change your holds at certain points....

You can exit with no RAM save and reload - the next ten or so cards will  be the same at certain times when it wants to give a win. The fun thing here though, is that cos its a poker game - if you hold different things - you can get different wins! So 2 pair instead of a straight for example,

AWP's were just Donald Ducked back in the day.

This trend even continued to the £35 era - I have the video screen lo-tech Bullseye dart game saved at a point where it will give a streak of between £95 and £140 within the next 10 credits. It can pay it in very slightly different ways - but its always there.

I also like getting a game close to streak - and seeing the different ways it will play out. 

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