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a little idea of mine for hybrid dx's and video fme etc. 13 sec vid example


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i can't work out how to embed the video. sorry.

but the idea is for dx's with smaller wording perhaps to have them large and attributed to the lamps as in game, this can't work due to attract mode issues would mean it's on too often

BUT perhaps as side art? 

I'm just playing with a idea and didn;t do all the bonus words in case you noticed that. 

bit of a slowdown in performance noted

but i think it looked cool!! any fml artists with better skills up for messing around with this?

@vectra666 @dad @slotsmagic @Tommy c @serene02 @Reg  and many many many others of course 

all feedback appreciated> it's never likely to happen but i found the idea worth presenting to the artistic souls who might see its possible over not :) 

It's a CRACKER [Edited] 2022-03-15 18-32-17.zip

living the dream


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As said above there's no reason it can't be done. Something that I kept forgetting is that when I was trying to get my late father into MFME, he struggled with his vision. Going through something similar with mum now (macular degeneration, and thanks to the current hospital backlog, she's currently been waiting 4 months for a 4 weekly appt for eye injection). There's absolutely no reason why layouts can't be tweaked like that, it would make things easier to people who possibly have vision issues.

If you don't mind me asking, is that the reason you are doing this? Vision issues? I only ask as despite feeling old (36) and having terrible vision (thankfully corrected with lenses and specs) I don't struggle with any layouts on my devices really, including my teeny laptop / tablet combo.

Sure others will chime in with suggestions :)

Currently disposing of my fruit machine collection 😮

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1 hour ago, serene02 said:

You can use the same lamp number on another entitythey will both activate as usual ;) 


was trying to avoid it on the attract modes though as it's not desirable then.. but thanks.


22 minutes ago, slotsmagic said:

As said above there's no reason it can't be done. Something that I kept forgetting is that when I was trying to get my late father into MFME, he struggled with his vision. Going through something similar with mum now (macular degeneration, and thanks to the current hospital backlog, she's currently been waiting 4 months for a 4 weekly appt for eye injection). There's absolutely no reason why layouts can't be tweaked like that, it would make things easier to people who possibly have vision issues.

If you don't mind me asking, is that the reason you are doing this? Vision issues? I only ask as despite feeling old (36) and having terrible vision (thankfully corrected with lenses and specs) I don't struggle with any layouts on my devices really, including my teeny laptop / tablet combo.

Sure others will chime in with suggestions :)

no not yet but i did have it in mind a little but felt a little megalomaniacal suggesting it haha

but it was actually because on the last few layouts i've encountered lots of difficulties with the contrast area where shadows were not allowing for details to be reaad clearly, that has led to me brushing in the black areas and it's time consuming and annoying tbh.. so i thought if the areas that are harder to distinguish could be brought to the fore in the same way virtuals would 

take party games for example on a ? the box comes into the main and does it's thing, my idea was to have the bonus words on this example to pop up in the same way as that, then of course they'd be out of sight until needed..

tbh ithought it looked really cool as a thought, but the actual design and workings would be far better of course, however i hoped it would be enough of an example to maybe spark a fire in a better skilled designer 

i might try it on a layout as an example, it won't be perfect but it will enable public opinon? 

living the dream


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53 minutes ago, serene02 said:

It would only be possible by using same lamp numbers for multiple entities.  There is no way of disabling those lamps in attract mode.  This has been done in the past I believe.  I wouldn’t look pretty to be fair.  May as well just have a large font classic.


in fairness i never did work for barcrest's art department and maybe they'd of done it already hahah

living the dream


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