About This File
Monopoly Money Spinner
A Mazooma Games machine on Scorpion 5 tech
£70 Jackpot, 30p/50p Play, 82% Payout
'=Cancel, 1=Hold 1, 2=Hold 2/Hi, 3=Hold 3/Lo, 4=Hold, C=Collect, S=Change Stake, T=Transfer, Space=Start, W=Make A Win Button, B=Cash Or Bust button
0=Insert £1, 7=Insert £5, 8=Insert £10, 9=Insert £10 (inserting notes available, providing enough coins available in machine)
THANKS TO: (A real team effort here, so hope I cover everything)
Wizard (RIP) for the Masterful MFME
Ross for uploading a base wheel
Infection for some images to go by
Socialdragon, for useful info, about what we have roms for and what needs a layout doing.
The Rom Provider/s, also Logopolis for separating/sorting the roms and anyone else, who was responsible for the roms being available, as there seems to have been a real trail of things, getting them out there.
Mazooma Games and whoever owns them now for leaving FME alone.