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Everything posted by davep180

  1. I tried to respond, but I plugged my £1 hopper back in before hand and just got rows and rows of]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] coming up, which is weird because the 10p hopper is set to that, £1 is set to [ . This thing is f*cking with me now. Dammit Jim I'm a green keeper not a feckin' electrician/ person who deals with smaller scale wiring, whatever that is called.
  2. If it's a common ground thing, can anyone see where i can ground the ipac inside my pc please? Picures are in this link..... Thank you!
  3. I don't seem to be getting [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ in diologue boxes now, but if I win, hoppers just keep chucking coins, nothing seems to stop it. Tests ok in led blinky too, so I think it is the common ground thing, but it worked before with the same setup.
  4. Lol. From PM's you'll know I have tried everything I can think of. There is a head shaped dent in my wall now. I thought I'd fixed it about 3 hours ago, but I was wrong.
  5. Thanks Vecs and happy birthday, hope you have a good one!
  6. During the week, one of my hoppers jammed. No biggie. Except. I took the offending hopper out, cleared the coins and put it back. Went to play a machine. No payout. WTF? Opened it up today had a fiddle, and now all works in test mode. Nothing in real play, but, I'm now getting rows of [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ appearing in any dialogue box. Could this be the dreaded common ground issue? I didn't have any problems before, despite using seperate psu. Could it be a dodgy connection from ipac to hopper? I've been messing about all day so far and seem to be going round in circles with it. Any ideas / suggestions will be gratefully received.
  7. This all looks amazing! New machines can be invented? In mfme, some Scorpion 4 layouts have the hoppers set the opposite way round to other techs. ie 10p hopper 1 and £1 hopper 2, instead of hopper 1 being £1 and hopper 2 being 10p. If you try to swap them over in the emulator, it errors. In theory, is it possible to program the hoppers to be swapped over? Hope that makes sense. I know you have plenty on, so just a theoretical yes or no at this stage would be great!
  8. I'm still using it! Not sure bored would be a good word. What have you got up your sleeve Andrew? Show us what it looks like on your cab now!
  9. Back to the crayons mate? You haven't done anything wrong here mate, we just want the same as you do. The more the merrier when it comes to jackpots and price of play etc.
  10. Great work. Thanks Vecs
  11. Thank you for this @kutjebef Do you know what button number 10p would be, I can't seem to get it right?
  12. Nice one, Thanks @woodsygreat job.
  13. Thanks for this MRM, and sorry to hear about your friend.
  14. Thanks for these 3 @woodsyHow do you knock them out so quickly? Great stuff.
  15. Thank you Vecs, and to everyone else who played a part in it too.
  16. davep180

    FORCE 10 DX

    Thanks mate. If only someone did that for me in real life too.
  17. davep180

    FORCE 10 DX

    Thanks Woodsy! £5 in £75 out! I guess you warmed it up for us. Get well soon mate.
  18. Somewhere like this... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/265581922764?hash=item3dd5ea89cc:g:BaMAAOSwxvNiJN3q Some sellers do a fullset from a single machine, but you can make your own inserts if you like. Most people use a pac drive and ipac combination for the flashing lights. Plenty of examples available in the cabinet building section.
  19. Thanks Woodsy. Get well soon mate.
  20. davep180

    Quantum Leap £15 DX

    Nice one. Thanks Woodsy.
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