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15 files

  1. MDM Snakes N Ladders.

    Released way back in 1993 by MDM. Font for decals isn't exact, but was nearest I could find. A simple machine but actually a really good game thats not shy of repeating.
    Massive thanks to ,
    @Clo06 for the classic.
    @troutman @bugsbunny for the original DX and reels.
    @vectra666 for fixing the token input and sounds.
    @infection for his dedication to finding images.
    And lastly thanks again to the community here that makes it all worthwhile.
    ` = collect/cancel
    1,2,3 corresponding reels
    g = game button
    SPACE = start
    0 = £1 input
    9 = 20p token.


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  2. Tuppeny Nudger £2/£3/£4/£5

    I know this machine has been done previously but don`t think anyone has ever done all 4 jackpot prizes, have been thinking about doing this machine for a couple of years but then @SocialDragon368beat me to it in march so decided to hold off for a while. 
    Most people who a familiar with this machine will notice that the £2/£3/£4/£5 decals on the gamble ladder aren`t exact but look ok imo. Each of the jackpots are set on different percentages but when you go to edit mode a box will pop up with percentage  information for anyone wishing to change percentage. I recommend trying on 98% gives a lot of random nudges and is a bit more fun to play.
    Thanks to @SocialDragon368 and Uncle Chicken who`s layouts I all ready had which helped me with lamping and reels. Thanks to @Wizardfor MFME.


       (1 review)



  3. Mdm Fire Ball Wdx

    Can't believe i forgot upload this when it was the first game i completed last week. Anyway here's my dx's of a pretty decent game by mdm, it followed the colossus series of game play, could play a pretty decent game when on the right stake settings etc. Many thanks to @loo for uploading the sound roms we have been missing for years, @stevedude2 for supplying such a great flyer to work with and to @Pook for the upscaled reel images he made ages ago and sent them to me. As always to the late wizard for the new mfme. I have uploaded as one file because by the looks of it you get a number of downloads a day now in for none donators so to be fair I've zipped all 3 in one file just in case people want to play a different version. 


       (2 reviews)



  4. Star Trekking by MDM.

    Massive thankyou to;
    @vectra666 for his assistance in helping to solve a few issues with lamps and excellent tutorage as usual.
    @dad @WonkySausage @Tommy c @spa @serene02 @MPU_FIVE for contributing to questions regarding various parts of this machine that needed working out for a DX. Also @Wizard who without we would never have the joy we have here.
    Controls are standard fare.
    It's not 100% perfect, couple of lamps may be a bit off, also exchange points, no idea of how they light on original so omitted these as it's easy enough to use the alpha and didn't want to add in any more artificial bits than needed.


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  5. Colossus £15/25p Dx

    Just to Knock @woodsy of the top spot lol
    Nah @Ginge came forward with a amended art for the £15 version so i've tidied up and decided to release this version, now onto sometime else lol
    my 499th-500th what can that be i ask??
    answers on a postcard for mid june time!!
    enjoy and happy gaming!!!!
    bye for now!!!


       (1 review)



  6. Colossus £10/25p Dx

    Thanks to @Ginge for the cash ladder decals added
    @infection - for the £10 photo image used for the top £10 all cash logo
    thanks to Anon whom helped  to remove camara flash from images and tarted things up so look better, add blended lamps
    added the stake prize info up top, plus a few other bits n bobs
    the percentage will goto 99% via bank2 dips 5,6,7,8 all on
    not doing it but did they make this as £15Jp


       (1 review)



  7. Colossus £5 & £8Token Dx's

    Next up and a favourite Mdm machine of mine is Colossus a similar machine if not a clone of Big Apple
     Thanks goto
      @£6intokens - The Smaller Dx used for lamping/reel refences
    @Liverpool2008 - Hi res images of this machine
    @infection - images of the £8token glass and reel deck for symbols to be remade
    @WonkySausage - Dip switch setting configuration help
    @serene02 - Massive thankyou to you for making the HI LO reel and symbol overlays, they now look spot on fantastic work as usual!!!
     Anon - for new Mpu4 coin out effects which are used for games in the same cab as andy capp and the like..
    And of course @Wizard for Mfme's past and Present.
    Now the Machine decals.
     You'll notice when you collect winnings from the fruit cash ladder, they're wrong. this is because they're set for 5p play and was like this when @Liverpool2008 uploaded them
    it doesn't really matter as it states what you've won in the alpha display i.e 20p cherries = 40p and so on
    You can play these at a lower/ higher stake  if needed (5p,decals correct/20p) bank2 dips 1,2,3 also you can change the percentage by changing the last four dips on bank two,
    the dips on bank2 are all labelled, just hover over the dip and it will show you what's what..
    shortcuts are as standard
    £5-20p cash = 9, £8tokens 20p token = 9, £1 = 0
           Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!


       (3 reviews)



  8. MDM - Excalibur 1440p WDX £5, £8 and £15 (5p, 10p, 20p and 30p)

    With thanks to Chris a.k.a Wizard.


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  9. Pink Pussy DX - by MRM

    Hi everyone, hope you're all keeping well and safe.
    I was asked by @CAshman_eq to do this layout and have obtained permission from @vectra666 to release this one, even though he did the bigger jackpot version.
    Duplu who did the previous £5 DX version isn't on here so I can't contact him about it and hope that this is okay. If it's not, please let me know and I will remove it as soon as I can.
    I am particulary pleased with this one as I have done a few bits of editing with some lit amounts etc. and used a graphic for the unlit graphic, so please enjoy
    As always, many thanks to Wizard (R.I.P.) for his awesome emulator and Vectra666 for allowing me to release this awesome game


       (2 reviews)



  10. 2p Cash Nudger Wdx

    Been meaning to revisit this at some point,come acroos the couple of pics i had this afternoon so decided to remake it,great game just likt tuppenny nudger,thanks to cyber bob for the images back in 2013 and wizard for the new mfme.
    USE MFME V 19.6 ONLY.


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  11. MDM - Snowball Bingo

    Here's another oldie clubber from me, this time with a bingo theme.
    Produced by MDM, it's called Snowball bingo.
    Light the BINGO letters to play the feature game by getting the letters on the reels
    then play bingo on upto 4 cards.
    Keyboard shortcuts in the notes section of the emulator
    Thanks to Wizard for the emulator
    The Rom and image providers.
    Requires MFME V19.8 or later to play.
    Have fun.


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  12. The Crazy Crocs Wdx

    Here's my phto based dx of a classic game called crazy cros,not the best machine to work on artwork wise as the art was awkward in places,thanks to zeus for the images,andy1 for the classic this is based on and wizard for the new mfme,i couldn't rip the bar images from the pics i had so i've redrawn them to kind of match the originals,thanks to all contributors.
    USE MFME V 19.6 ONLY.


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  13. Crazy Crocs

    Here is Crazy Crocs by MDM, This has been requested many times over the years especially by me.

    This is set on £6 tokens and 20 play.

    This is one of my most wanted games to see emulated.

    Thanks go to
    Ploggy for the started layout
    Wizard for his amazing emulator.

    Shortcuts are in the notes.

    Hope you enjoy.

    Please use the current version of the emulator 19.5 at time of release.


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    1 comment


  14. Nudge Gems Wdx

    Here's an update for mfme 6.1 of mdm's nudge gems,I've had to alter the flyer to make it 20p play £5 as the only other settings were 2p and 5p play,Plays a good game once you get it going,thanks to compost corner for the classic,spa for the £5 decal i used from a small pic he had on his google drive and to wizard for mfme.
    MFME V6.1 ONLY.


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  15. Club Safari

    Finally this layout has been completed after 15 YEARS...

    ...before you rush to download this, please read the WHOLE thread here.
    Firstly, huge thanks to @Matty.n who made this possible.  I paid considerable cash for these roms and bands, but if it was not for him going to collect them - it would not have been possible. 
    Then we have MFME.  A huge thanks to @Wizard for this emulator.  Wizard is the unsung hero who made all of this possible with MFME.  Without the hours and hours he puts into this, we'd not be here and have nothing.  The designers are sometimes thanked in threads, but you know what, it does no harm to pop over to the MFME release thread and thank the man himself.
    Thank you both to @Matty.n and @Wizard.
    Oh and while we are here, I need to get firstly a complaint out the way, so I am doing it in this quote box - but I want people to see and know...
    Moving on, my next messages is...
    ...back to this layout, this has been an absolute dream to do and I was never happier from an MFME point of view to get these sound roms.  Dumping them was a nightmare - you were just praying they were going to work.
    Point to note as well, this has an older romset - this is version 4.0 rather than the game roms of 4.1 that we had before.
    The release video is here...
    ...next week's release is supported by a poll, please pop here to vote...
    ...and finally, if you can't see the animals or natives on this classic layout, you need to download the latest MFME font and install it.


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