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  1. They really didn't need the 4 Dracs on the left of the feature board to take up all that space. Could have compressed that down and put a logo in, or compressed it down, moved the 'super game' above down, and gone with the logo in the top left. I think they just designed the machine, realised there wasn't any room, and thought 'eff it'
  2. Looks great! I was thinking of stripping out my bartop Raspberry Pi 4 based arcade cab I made a few years back, removing the marquee section and putting in a portrait mode screen to make a compact little cabinet for the bedroom. Although coin in and out would be very difficult in the cabinet (could be mounted externally?), it would be nice to have a compact little MFME machine to go with my full size cabinets
  3. It's not hard to do, but the issues would be more complex layouts. Every (or almost every layout) will use 1,2 and 3 for the 3 hold buttons (and 4 if a 4 reel machine). Also the Start / Gamble button will normally be spacebar, and cancel will normally be tilde (to the left of 1 on Qwerty keyboards). Collect will normally be c if it's not shared with cancel. The issue would be machines with additional buttons elsewhere. Exchange can be E or X being an example. On a hi-tech machine with multiple buttons on the top glass machines could use any combination of keyboard inputs. You could edit the keyboard shortcuts in MFME edit mode to try and standardise for your controller?
  4. The first thing that comes to mind (and I think we are all over it now) is the old Fairplay video by Stuart Campbell. He shows the interviewer a machine, I think it was Maygay Monopoly Club, and how from loading the RAM the same sequence happens - same small win is awarded, same gamble ladder, e.t.c. up to the point it becomes unwinnable. I'd never really thought about it with lo-techs - I've got 'streak happy' RAMs but I don't recall any giving the exact same result (same exact win) after the same amount of spins. They probably do it all the time though
  5. I think they are called classic layouts because in the original emulators there was no ability to have graphics, other than reels. So when the ability came to implement graphics, the term 'DX' (I assume shorthand for Deluxe?) came about, and the older looking, non graphical layouts became 'Classic'. But simply, a classic layouts is any layout which doesn't have graphical lamps, normally doesn't have the actual machine artwork. But it has all the bits working - and that's part of the challenge. I've made classic layouts, I've made DX layouts from scratch, and I've made DX layouts using an existing classic. The hardest in terms of logic is a classic layout, or a 'from scratch' DX. You are starting with a complete blank canvas, and need to work out the machine inputs (switches, opto sensors, coin validation) and outputs (reel positions, lamps, and probably hoppers, tubes, and meters too). On some machines it's almost like 'layout by numbers', especially if the machine has a test mode - once you've found your way into it - that gives you reel symbol positions and lamp positions. On some it's genuinely a massive game of trial and error until you find the right numbers. DX layouts based on classics, while they have a graphical challenge, have the machine's inner workings mapped out. So basically you start with an already working layout, and you then work with graphics to put on top of it. I'd hope people who create classics would be recognised as equally but I'd expect that to most people who come across as a site like this, the classics look 'basic', so probably don't get appreciated as much.
  6. 99% of the time they are of no use once a layout is released. The settings (apart from possible stake, prize and percentage) combinations are of little use. Things like less flashy attract mode for venues that don't want the machine to be too distracting, odd percentage (so adding 1% to percentage payout), and stuff like that. On some machines it'll switch between different profiles (softer for pub, harder for arcade), again the options are pretty much limitless. By all means tinker, you can't really break a machine (worst comes to worse you can re-extract the layout). Best to make changes with the machine's virtual doors open, then closing the doors should reboot with new settings.
  7. The app on Google Play is not an emulator, it's a simulator. Only MFME has the ability to emulate the machine using the original program ROMs. The app will actually teach you the secret / magic nudge setups - it plays a small guitar sample from 'Its a Kind Of Magic' by Queen when there is a magic nudge setup on screen (even if you don't have nudges that spin). There's a few of them! When you get nudges with that sound, see what the best win would be from say 4 to 6 nudges, use the first two nudges and then leave the machine and let the nudges time out. Don't be surprised if you get a few wrong and the machine just seems to nudge for ages towards nothing That way you get to learn them, rather than someone sharing a list (even if there is such a thing!) I'll also note that despite being a lo-tech player, I didn't even know the proper setups until pretty recently, and still managed some amazing results. I don't think the magic nudges are massively important - they are a 'quick win', but if the machine wants to go bonkers it'll still go bonkers, magic nudges or not. Conversely a dead machine will still be dead even If you know all the setups. It's not some magic way to make money
  8. Wow, that's on Speecy 128? Where's the colour / attribute clash? It's almost hard to believe it's a Speccy if the player character doesn't change to the colour of the whatever it passes over
  9. This was discussed recently here : A fix is discussed at the end of that thread. Hope that helps
  10. Suggests an issue with naming of the ROMs. Possibly a mismatch between layout versions or could be renaming or similar of the ROMs and layout from the legacy section as an example.
  11. I didn't realise that following a file was even a thing, but I've now turned it on Yes I had versions of the layout called 'FINAL', but made some other alterations and ended up with FINAL1, FINAL2 e.t.c, same with the artwork, some of it in folders called 'FINAL' or 'RELEASE' but then with some subfolders within them. It's no surprise my garage and indeed most of my life is cluttered and disorganised despite my best efforts and intentions
  12. Cheers for the heads up - I did fix that before release but uploaded the wrong version! I'll sort it out once back home, won't be long (edit - 22/03/24 17:24) Version 1.1 uploaded. Genuinely a bit gutted about that, to be honest I'm very messy when I make layouts - multiple folders with multiple versions and then multiple versions within those folders. Zipped the wrong damn one up One issue it does raise is that I had no idea of the comments regarding the issue until a moment ago when I went to download the layout on my MFME cab downstairs, and noticed the 8 comments. I didn't realise I didn't get any kind of notifications for those? Perhaps it's because I wasn't tagged? But I get plenty of notifications for the 'release area' forum thread, just not for the replies under the file in the download section Many thanks to @Multi Retro Man and @BarXQueen for your efforts in solving it for people on the thread while I was oblivious to the issue
  13. You and me both lol
  14. Most forum ranks are garbage anyway, you can be a prolific poster of absolute garbage / human spambot and climb to the top rank, giving a false impression to newbies that you are actually a competent / knowledgeable member. I do wonder if that's part of the reason the original admin went with Greek like that, because people's value isn't just in the number of posts they make?
  15. It is a bit of a pain, especially for non-donors, but also I feel it encourages people to actually play each game and appreciate the work that goes into them. I used to download complete sets when I was into console and arcade emulation. Then actually play 0.01% or less of the sets I'd downloaded. I'd feel overwhelmed by the amount of content, have too much choice, and either stuck to what few games I knew, or just leave the lot. These days I'm way more disciplined, and find I actually play what I download rather than just grabbing everything because I can and then not using it.
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