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Overload - Barcrest 1.0.0

   (9 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

So here it is my first layout (well technically second as my first was Rich & Famous many many moons ago). Its been great fun to be able to do layouts again especially with the new tools in MFME. Lamping is so much easier nowadays compared to years ago! Decent photos were used for stitching together and the reels were recreated from scratch. 

NAME: Overload


CABINET: Genesis


STAKE: 30p 85% £25 Jackpot

Thanks to the following for help with the layout:

@Wizard For the greatest emulator ever coded. 

@Steveir For the classic layout which I used for the lamp numbers and configuration.

@infection For pointing me in the direction of the artwork

@BL4K For the YouTube video which I used many times for reference

@vectra666 For help with the overlays and testing

@slotsmagic For the reel images

@bungle For Lamping help and general guidance.

Finally thanks to the following for Beta testing and spotting some silly mistakes:

@Reg @Chopaholic @wearecity @vectra666 @slotsmagic


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User Feedback



Ok mon Dieu !!

Travail incroyable, quel talent !!

Je viens d'y jouer, 1 heure de plaisir total


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Woooo!!! Absolutely loved it and beat it! >:D Jackpot, babyyy! I love the... OMG. AT THIS MOMENT, I STOPPED TYPING TO USE UP THAT LAST £1 IN THE MACHINE AND I HIT THE JACKPOT AGAIN! LITERALLY BACK-TO-BACK JACKPOT! LMFAOO! That's crazy, especially when it took me probably £50 to hit the first jackpot. xD



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· Edited by StarsSiren


An excellent machine.  Great fun to play and lose too. haha.


I think this could of done with a reel image next to it to allow you to be able to see where the numbers are.  Not exactly cheating just a way to see what the next few reels would be.  This would simulate the ability to try and see ahead of where the numbers are in real life.


However this does not detract from the game itself and I found it a joy to play.

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I said this in the WIP post, but for a first layout, you've done this machine a great service!

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Multi Retro Man

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Never played this before but just had a go and OMG this is brilliant. The effort that's clearly gone into this deserves 5 stars for definite!

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

totally superb work am 53 years old and hooked on mfme genuis software thank you

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