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Geddy last won the day on November 28 2024

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  1. I used to have an R4 years ago for the DS etc, great piece of kit for backing up your DS games haha. I've been watching some YouTube and apparently there is a similar thing for the Switch. I'm not bothered about getting banned as I never plan online anyway but does anyone have any definite information about these gadgets? The info out there seems sketchy to say the least. Do you need to mod your Switch? Will 'downloaded' roms work or will you need to dump the games you have? Do they save game progress? (pointless otherwise) Cheers... and a Happy New Year!
  2. That's bullshit you have no mates...
  3. It does rather. Yes had Kodi, IPTV etc and they are all crap. No matter what you do, what settings you change they lag like hell, buffering if too many folks are on the same stream etc etc. I mean even genuine Netflix struggled with the Tyson fight so I can't see how dodgy IPTV streams are going to be better.
  4. Geddy

    Rack and Slay

    Very interesting game, thanks for the video. I must be honest and say I've not seen this one before... will have to try and get a hold of it. Thanks.
  5. Any place I spot a fix file, if it's here then I'll post the fills here, likewise as Alth states over at DADs..
  6. Might bring another one out now haha... MAME was a bastard for it... take a week or so scratting about on a dial up to get the fills then they would bring a new one out.. 100% for a few hours haha.
  7. Did you get the new rom dat from last night?
  8. Is it not already there in the Hybrids section?
  9. Sorry I think I'll have to delete this post because word has got to the great Zippy who can't understand humour and I've had a tongue lashing at Freedom Fruits... dear me...
  10. I think Johnparker has managed to get an admin slot at another forum and is just updating there exclusively
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