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Road Hog by Barcrest. 1.0.0

   (2 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

Road trip back to the 90's...if only.

There's a perfectly good example from @Ploggy, but this might be a little clearer on big screens just because the advances in image software and emulator since then.

Massive thanks to;

@vectra666 for his assistance in fixing a few snags regarding the hi lo reel and his pointers along the way when needed.

@steve phipps for the classic.

@Ploggy for the reels and original layout.

@slotsmagic and @dad for extra image resources.

And anyone in the thread pointing out things which were incorrect such as top glass sizing.

Controls are;

SPACE = Start.

` = Collect/Cancel.

1,2,3 = corresponding reel.

E = Exchange.

0 = £1

9 = 50p

8 = 20p

7 = 10p

6 = token.

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