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Everything posted by wearecity

  1. Thanks for everything, made things much easier for me to see if a machine has been released or if I've been missing layouts etc... It must have been a monotonous and time consuming task as well. I'd have given up after the first 10 layouts, as I hate routine. I like how people seem to be thinking you are going away completely from FME, when you haven't indicated that at all. As we know, no one ever truly leaves FME and several of us of course keep in contact on Facebook as well.
  2. Very nice DX. Any reason why both QPS and BFM did them.
  3. Older members should also retake a look at this option. There's now a draggable limit you can also set, for that authentic you can only see one or two reels above the line experience. I've got mine set for 2.
  4. It's still a very difficult situation to accept has happened, even though we know it has. MFME continues to work, when it just feel like it should have stopped working the day Wizard left us. How can it possibly still be working without the man behind it. You click on the menu, check for updates, it reminds you. Then there are the constant reminders around the site. You go to read a thread that's a month or so old and there's a post from Wizard in it, with advice. You can't help but do a quick double take and pause and think, hold on a second or yeah of course. You open your PM's and there's a message between yourself and Wizard and you think, well I was only messaging him a short while ago or he was taking a look at that for me. It's like the I was only talking to them the other day, they can't be gone. Then there's the if Wizard was here, he'd answer that situation, that seems to be a daily occurence. Also, the posts when Wizard had gone, but we were unaware and speaking about him in the present tense, I'm sure Wizard will fix that, look at that, he's taking a well earned rest etc..... I thought people including myself would move on, but it hits you in the face every time at some point, when you're on the forums, things will never be the same. Of course, the situation, will gradually become more acceptable, but it just seem like he needs to be here to complete his project and he's been robbed of that opportunity.
  5. wearecity

    Creepy Cash

    This is a machine I had forgotten about. I'm pretty sure, there were other similar ones as well.
  6. This site, basically steers the direction of the scene and has done for the past 2-3 years. So the site, it's rules and members behaviour to respect them, will do that job of leading the scene forwards.
  7. A very good warning about the donate. I'd leave things largely up to you Reg and anyone else who has contact with Chris's family as to the rest really. I think you guys will know the best course of action. I would like to appeal to Chris's family who may read this, to give Reg or someone else from the emulation community some details as to the best and most appropriate way to honour Chris's memory. For example with a donation to a charity or a purchase etc. I and many other members I'm sure will wish to partake in this. Also to Chris's Family, consider contact again to at least secure the source code for the emulator or assistance in getting it. You can be assured it wouldn't be treated with disrespect, if past to Reg for instance. It could also I'm sure mean removing the donation link or changing it, to donate to elsewhere. As for updates to MFME, I'm not too sure about that as I'm not sure Chris would have approved that, but again, if someone has the knowledge to do it, the removal or change to the donation link from it would be a good idea at least.
  8. Nice post, very true, I too was asked to beta tester and we had a lot of communication between us from then on in particular. I think, although it took a while to realise, those who were perhaps seen as just troublemaking in the past, were actually amongst the most enthusiastic for the FME scene. The trouble was, we just had different ideas of how things should move forwards and got off on the wrong foot and kept on tripping up. I see many of us now some 18 years + in the scene, a bit like the youngsters now only wanting the £70 or later machines only and impossible machines such as machines driven by their own PC's. Us seen troublemakers, just wanted the latest £10/ £15 machines and just didn't get the bigger picture of patience in a virtue. I'm sure there was regret on both sides (I know I have several), but the main thing is we got there in the end and I think due to Chris working on the emulator privately for a number of years, those years weren't a loss. It was just several years without an emulator update, but when it came, boy was it the best update ever.
  9. I remember your introduction posts, but they do seem to have disappeared.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    The MPU Mecca 25th November 2005 Wizard says "Top Stop in T minus 2 days hopefully" Wearecity says "If you were in front of me I would kiss your feet. " Here's my tribute layout to Wizard. I hope he would have approved. Thanks to everyone involved in FME, for making it all possible.
  11. wearecity


    Don't think I've ever seen one in Emmerdale, not that I watch it.
  12. Very nice tribute. It's been a sad week, that just keeps on and on and on and I can't keep telling people, no I've been sneezing.
  13. wearecity


    This is currently in The Rovers in Coronation Street.
  14. Let's just say inappropriate remarks that were not about the layout.
  15. I'm not going to quote you Brendo, because I don't want your PS seen after your post is possibly deleted, but you should have just written the first paragraph. There was no need for your P.S
  16. This is so true, Top Stop and others had roms released by him, despite our difference of opinions in the early days and he knew I was desperate to see it emulated as I used to keep going on about the machine.
  17. Yes some great posts from members yesterday and I think over the past 72 hours or so, it's been a very respectful send off for Wizard, with the whole FME community coming together like never before. It is time to move on, but I'm sure we will have constant reminders over the years, as well as a few moments where some members out of the loop, will find out the shocking news. I've already had a I'll ask Wizard that moment and it does bring home, that a huge void now exists that will never be filled. I hope one day we will get some more insight to the man behind the Wizard username, so we know how to honour his memory in the way he would have liked.
  18. Hi Chris, So sorry you have left us in body. But you will always be with us in spirit and your legacy will live on forever. Thanks for the thousands of memories you made possible and heres to the thousands yet to come. Safe journey Steve
  19. I've been working a lot including the fateful Sunday, but it never leaves my head for more than a few minutes. I shall be on the site at 1500 and doing a 2 minutes silence, for when Chris's service is starting. Would be nice to see many of you also in the online user list at this time. I do think after today though we do need to get on with things, it's what he would definitely have wanted, as he didn't do the sloppy stuff. I'm sure many of us will decicate layouts to Chris and also get involved in any donations and maybe even a get together. But we need to move forward,he didn't work hard on the emulator for us to sit here mauldlng for weeks.
  20. Just watched your video @Fishsta, very touching and so true. Like with Chase Invaders, I remember when I did the first Mazooma flip card machine in the emulator, Stir Crazy. Wizard messaged me to say thanks for taking on one of these machines, as he thought with 72 cards needing to be made from scratch and the machines manual, needed in some cases, no one would do one. It truly made me want to do another one, despite the time it took and me having no artistic skills. And then made me want to do several more and improve the ones I'd already done, with a new style, I adopt today.
  21. A dark day not just for FME, but for the whole of emulation. Chris produced a unique emulator, that had never been seen before and many people, who would haven't of even dared to think, such a great piece of software could ever exist, had their dream come true. An emulator, that continue to delight fruit machine players over the past 19 years and will continue to do so for the years to come. My own dream emulation, in the form of Top Stop, made possible by you donating the roms to the scene, as you had great taste and owned the machine. Like life, we all haven't agreed on everything over the years, but one thing no one could ever dispute, was that you were a great coder with so much talent. So glad we all ended up on the same side and had these glorious past 4 years of FME and on first name terms, something I could never have imagined would happen. My only regret is I never managed to meet you in person to tell you how much joy you had bought into our lives. But I always understood you were a very private individual and respected that. RIP Chris, until we finally meet in the great arcade in the sky and we'll see who can get the most out of a tenner through Top Stop. Steve
  22. If you have renamed or moved any files or folders connected to MFME, that would be the probable cause. Put them back. Try rescanning the database, making sure where your layouts are, is where you point the emulator and do a scan. Next make sure the emulator is upto date. If it is or doesn't solve it, then I would re-download the emulator and install it again. If none of that solves it, then you'll probably need Wizard to assist. But I think he is taking a well earned break and hopefully enjoying the wine.
  23. The biggest pain with tokens, was if you were somewhere where only one or two machines would accept them. I'd save them up sometimes for another session on the machines a day or two later. A couple of times when I was at the seaside for the day and got loads near going home, I'd just give them away to someone. It was usually a token streak off an Ace what for my hidden treasures machine so you basically had to accept the streak, with someone telling you, you've got to come now in your ear hole. You got to know your tokens, so just knew you couldn't get rid of them in a machine back home at your usual haunts.
  24. 3D Monster Maze could well be the best use of a computers hardware of all time. Nightmare Park my favourite ZX81 game. With Football Manager a close second. Ultimate on the Spectrum was a must. On the C64 no no and no again. CRL was another who produced great Spectrum games. I like Rainbow Arts on the Amiga and Microprose.
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