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Zippy last won the day on August 17 2021

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About Zippy


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  • Feeling Fucking Awesome. FREEDOM OPENS!!!
  • Currently Feeling Feeling Fucking Awesome. FREEDOM OPENS!!!

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Community Answers

  1. Wonder if switching to Linux would be a better option even if it is one?
  2. A break sounds good, you've been on it from the getgo.
  3. I'll pass the thanks on to you know who Will be a good Xmas this year eh John
  4. That is because he is transparent, open-minded and very informative plus it is open source. What more could one want.
  5. Got Mr S1300i working its bollocks off, there is nothing like having two to three hundred reel bands offloaded on you to scan. What a fantastic machine and well worth the price I paid (brand new)
  6. 11 posts in near 5 years and you are wondering why it has gone like this. Members here call that leeching!
  7. There is no intention to re-upload, they have all been deleted some time ago, I do not supply content here anymore. Zips
  8. Got 48mp on and off images for this plus attract video and photo mode images which had already been Dxed along with Viva Espana. Life is good!!!
  9. I agree, forget questioning of reality, just get on with, digging up old posts seems to be a common issue with some!!
  10. John me old mucker you're the fucking man dude, brilliant thread and a good read, constructive argument and positive vibes. Now back to what I do best
  11. I take it that will go for John's Simulator too?
  12. You sure it wasn't one of those four, the one on the left is acting very suspiciously.
  13. Sounds like me and Tony after a few beers and some chasers
  14. I fail to see what excitement you can get from this, reminds me of a fruit machine with no hold/nudge buttons. If this is pure skill and you are skilled enough you could empty it but what happens % wise? If you pressed the button all they way every time for a £100 of credits would it still pay (in other words if a complete plank played it and lost would it force itself to pay)? If it is a true skill machine then it wouldn't. Also if this could play in MFME you'd need a cab, a space bar ain't gonna cut it.
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