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Tommy c

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Everything posted by Tommy c

  1. God that looks terrible,sure that's one of my old layouts from donkeys ago.
  2. Excellent,have fond memories of this git robbing me in nobles until i worked out how to use the nudges properly Thanks for this release.
    Excellent,have fond memories of this git robbing me in nobles until i worked out how to use the nudges properly Thanks for this release.
  3. I will update the layout with the sound Rom added later.
  4. Thats not 100% accurate about the magic 7 games,the sec chip as you say makes no odds what the pop is it can be any option the dips allow on that game,the sec chips change if the software code changes........ the green and white chip will work with any magic 7 game beginning with A ... I think the first revision was A038 which was £15 jackpot and couldn't be changed any higher. the last revision A998 that sec chip will work for every magic 7,Bar X Big 7 red bar etc game that has A at the start of the rom revision. Now try putting a £35 version in with the green chip and you will just get the PP security alarm Thats because the software revision on the £35 ones starts with C and not A. Edited to add,those colours you see on the chip represent the number in the refill menu if you press and hold down hold 3,every colour chip has a different number code.
  5. Was this just a random member just asking for roms for a game or were they trying to run them in mfme. I'm guessing it's not a new member with that many posts?
  6. Try these. ocn7 v18 non protocol.zip or25 v4.2 dereg non protocol.zip srv11.zip
  7. I'm sure there is some for oxo super reels in the Rom dat has anyone looked. Could be oxo club,same thing though.
  8. Mine works in the latest build of mfme but it doesn't in v6,that's what i was originally updating it in.
  9. I'm having issues updating my cash is king layout,it just keeps giving a stake key alarm and wont go past it.Tried all sorts but still wont work.
  10. I'm on phone but if there scorpion 4 games just make sure only hopper 1 is ticked mate.
  11. Looks like lisa simpsons head,so ill say the simpsons even though i don't think you have a done a simpsons machine.
  12. Can't be a blank layout as that pic shows the layout running ,tick shrink to fit and it should be fine. Be good if the guy gets back with an answer to wether he has sorted it or not.
  13. The treasure hunt layout now has sound I'm sure I updated the release at fruit emu.
  14. Version 1.0.1


    Here's another empire machine this time using mpu 5 tech,the flyer wasn't great no reel symbols available apart from the ones in the mpu dx,so i've used images from the flyer etc to make some clear-ish images,Not sure what it plays like etc as never played it before. Thanks to who ever created the mpu 4 version,wizard for sending me a copy so i could see what was going on etc,also for the new mfme v6x.All short cuts are the usual. USE MFME V6.1 ONLY,THANKS.
  15. Juat clear the rams on the machine you want to clear and that will reset the games played too,be warned though doing this will result in some machines losing there sound or it being very low.
  16. P1 and p2 are program/game roms.
  17. Can't beat a bit of mpu 4 classic game play.
  18. Ah the good old viva espana d. x. s I played when I first joined.
  19. Must be a pook dx looking at that image
  20. Stopped for tonight currently paying at 92% machine is set to 88% will see how it goes.
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