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Trail Blazer (bwb) 2p/5p 1.0.0

   (1 review)

2 Screenshots

About This File

Here`s a machine I remember playing as a kid in an arcade called the Bright Spot in the seaside town of Rhyl, they had this one and an always eight side by side, when I was feeling flush I would play both at the time so sometimes I actually link the two together and play them side by side in mfme.

There`s two versions 2p and 5p never saw the £4 token version in the wild would love to get my hands on the roms if anyone has a set. This layout is the first time I have done animated buttons, imo they do add a little bit more authenticity ,enough waffle hope you all enjoy.

Thanks to @johnparker007 for finding the font for the cash/nudge trail and also explaining how the animated buttons work.

Thanks to @Pook for advice and a quick video he posted on how to create the animated buttons. Below is the link to the thread if anyone is interested in creating more layouts with animated buttons.


Massive Thanks to @Wizard for MFME.

Thanks to everyone for the kind words in the wip thread regarding my health :).

Edited by Ginge

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Thanks for these matey, loved the old BWB's. Hopefully one day we can get the 5p and 10p play ALWAYSEIGHT and the rarer £2.40 SUPERNUDGER.


Edited by always_eight
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